Oh yeah, forgot to mention: he was the only one running.Adams_BJ wrote:
..but he wonLai wrote:
You know the guy that ran the original marathon? He finished first, then dropped dead.Cybargs wrote:
nice guys finish last.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Seriously though I am not getting your point here. You are repeating yourself. I am trying to explain that the concept of nice guy does not have to refer to the classic shy "nice" guy who is simply passive. There is a lot better than and inbetween Alan and Charlie Harper
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I had several odd dreams lately, some more interesting than other to recap.
dream 1 wrote:
It was my brother's birthday, but not many people were there, not even our parents. It was just him, me, and friend of mine (can't remember which at all, but if it matter I think it was a female one), and Catherine the Great. We had an elaborate diner inside then decided to go to bed early, which for some reason was outside in tents in the garden. My little brother was still in elementary school and had to get up quite early the next day. Then the doorbell rang. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snowhite had baked a huge Michelin star quality quiche, so we decided my brother would skip school the next day. However, his teacher was also our neighbour and caught us partying and eating quiche at 3:00. Naturally we bribed the teacher with quiche. I never actually got to taste it myself as that is when I woke up.
dream 2 wrote:
I woke up one morning late and went upstairs. I was looking out of the window when my mother called. She was going on about something, but I didn't catch a word as I just wasn't paying attention. Then I shouted through the phone: "Mom,.. monkeys!". From the window I could see in our neighbours garden several baby Gorilla's and some other young apes. My mother suggested our neighbours might be involved in smuggling the animals, but I dismissed that as I could see my neighbours in safarisuits. "They're probably rangers", I told my mother. Then I woke up again, this time quite early.
dream 3 wrote:
Apparently I was in university again, this time in France. It was summer, noon and at least 28 degrees celsius or so and the sun stung my back as I walked the 28 kilometers from the university city to my house in the village. I was the only one living there. I had to go back to college later during the day, but I walked that bit everyday and wanted to go back in between for lunch. With at least 12 kilo of books on my back and the present weather conditions I should have known better. Halfway home, I was struggling and also feeling rather melancholic. My family called from Holland, just casual to see how I was doing. I passed by a French girl and somehow we got talking. I hung up the phone and could just hear my mother being slightly agitated. The girl asked me what I saw in that cloud up there, but I couldn't properly pronounce the word for what I saw (I can't remember what it was). She corrected me and had to a couple of more times as my French isn't that good. We arrived at the girl's place and said goodbye. After some hesitation she called me back and someone whom I mistook for her father invite me in for lunch. I couldn't resist a French lunch. There were a lot people in the house or rather mansion. They all looked rather sad and I slowly came to suspect this was in fact an orphanage. As the girl immediately retreated to her room I was left with the staff drinking coffee outside at a picknick table. They explained to me that it wasn't an orphanage but rather a refuge for seriously ill patients, most of them suposed terminal. the girl would be back for lunch after she'd regained some strength.
Just before or after lunch (again, can't remember) she reemerged and picked up an axe or a bow saw. She tried to cut down a large tree close to the garage but gave up quickly. Apparently they had tried to fell that tree for days, but no-one had the strength and the staff was too busy. Frankly the entire garden looked neglected. as the girl lay down to rest, I took the axe and cut down the tree. I then proceeded to cut down another tree but it was a bit tougher. Nevertheless I was progressing nicely and I spend the rest of the afternoon gardening at the refuge, skipping college. The staff said they were hapy to have me help out, and suggested I come back later in the week to tidy up the rest of the garden. I nodded and commented it would be easy enough, but I did have to attend some classes. Then I woke up.
You know the guy that ran the original marathon? He finished first, then dropped dead.Cybargs wrote:
nice guys finish last.Lai wrote:
Being nice doesn't equal being a doormat and there's a big diference between not always getting the girl and never getting the girl. Also, there is never anything noble about not getting the girl on itself. Uzique is right: grace is in knowing that if the girl can't distinguish between decent and douchebag, she wasn't the right one for you anyway.ghettoperson wrote:
Yeah I can see where you're coming from. Just the way Lai put it sounded like being the nice guy and never getting the girl was somehow noble.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Seriously though I am not getting your point here. You are repeating yourself. I am trying to explain that the concept of nice guy does not have to refer to the classic shy "nice" guy who is simply passive. There is a lot better than and inbetween Alan and Charlie Harper
Being nice doesn't equal being a doormat and there's a big diference between not always getting the girl and never getting the girl. Also, there is never anything noble about not getting the girl on itself. Uzique is right: grace is in knowing that if the girl can't distinguish between decent and douchebag, she wasn't the right one for you anyway.ghettoperson wrote:
Yeah I can see where you're coming from. Just the way Lai put it sounded like being the nice guy and never getting the girl was somehow noble.
Black leather boots for winter and forest walks.
That's an easy one. The girl would be better of with you, but is young and mistakes douchbaggery for adventure, reliability for boredom and thus assumes the two positives are mutually exclusive. In due time she will learn one way or the other. Now there are ways to win her over, but will she learn? If you win her over and she doesn't, she might never, she'll blame you for everything, you'll have lost years of your life and energy and both of you are off worse than before. If you let her be, she might find out on herself. Whether that'll be the easy or the hard way, whether that'll be too late or not, and whether you'll still be waiting none can predict. It's your call: being 'nice' now might be worse on the long run, while being tough now might mean preservation later.HaiBai wrote:
so this girl tells me that if she were to marry someone, i would be the perfect guy. yet shes been going out with some random fucker for the past 2 and a half years. is there any way i could win her over or should i just keep waiting?
:blacKOut: wrote:
lets say, hypothetically, your bestfriend called a girl you hooked up with really ugly and always made fun of you for it. then two weeks later, he hooks up with her. how would you respond? THEN, lets say after that you have been fooling around with another girl for a little over a month, but you end up doing something that creates distance between you and the girl, your bestfriend comes in and talks to her and cuddles with her. how the fuck would you feel? /endrant
love ranting to bf2s <3
And yet,.. there might be grace in finishing last.:blacKOut: wrote:
nice guys, do in fact, finish last. but whatever, shit happens.
Yeah, I need an unused Dr. Pepper code. I would just buy a bottle of the stuff myself, it's even nice for a change, but we can't get the promo here in Euroland. So if there's any New Worlder out there who drinks the stuff and isn't interested in BFH, please PM me the cap code. You will be rewarded with Karma
Might I add to that that those teenage years extend to 21 and even beyond that for a disturbingly high percentage of girls.Uzique wrote:
teenage girls are messes, all of them. they go through so many physical and mental changes through the process of 'maturation', and are affected radically by so many different hormones and chemical swings... they are literally like holding onto a rollercoaster for dear life, as it dangerously careers around the track at twice its normal operating speed. the paradoxical thing about your teenage years is that you're going through the same set of chemical changes and psychological fuck-ups, and it induces this 'magnetism' between both groups that is impossible to repel. most of the time you KNOW that a girl will be bad for you, or will be a lot of trouble/effort, but you're helpless to deny her or deny your attractions to her. you learn a lot about yourself, about other guys and, of course, about the female species through your teenage years. i can't say i regret them but im glad to not have to deal with the teenage meledrama-show with every 'adult' relationship nowadays.
Yes, but then again, said friend is a similarly poor friend if he does not give you his blessing upon discussing the subject.SonderKommando wrote:
i always felt uncomfortable about hooking up with a friends ex. Its just not something a good friend does, at least not without discussing it with said friend first.
Can't claim something that is not yours (anymore). Thus the rule is only meant to keep friends informed and prevent emotional trauma, awkwardness and feelings of betrayal. The rule of discussion is not meant to let said friend/the girl's ex actually have a say in the matter.
Maybe we could replace Obama with the former Dutch PM. He's out of a job since last summer's elections.
Or if we want something a bit closer to Obama in 'heritage', why not opt for a people's hero?
But seriously, Putin probably is the best choice.
Or if we want something a bit closer to Obama in 'heritage', why not opt for a people's hero?
But seriously, Putin probably is the best choice.
Hahaha,.. I remember that thread. Nah, I won't even though s775 doesn't have actual 'pins'.Phatmatt wrote:
Whatever you do, don't put the paste on the pin side of the cpu. cba to find thread atm.
That was what I was looking for, thanks.max wrote:
Lakeport (your chipset) is compatible with Pentium Ds. Assuming the BIOS plays nice it should be a simple swap. No need to repair XP or anything.
You don't have anything to loose. Stick it in and try. If it works, great, if not, switch back. Have some spare thermal paste handy.
I'm getting some thermal paste today.
And old products shall cost lessmax wrote:
Wait for xmas. Prices will change, new products will launch.
Call me cheap but if I can get that high end GPU at a discount over that newly released very high end GPU with two FPS more, I'll go for the former.
Moscow Times + Jack Daniels + Maria Callas = very relaxing flight.
I doubt Delta gives you a free Moscow Times on their flights, but you can substitute that for any newspaper really and get it yourself.
I doubt Delta gives you a free Moscow Times on their flights, but you can substitute that for any newspaper really and get it yourself.
Meh,.. overly generalising if you'd ask me and there's a big difference between 'nice guy' and egocentric emo.Wreckognize wrote:
This should be required reading in high school.
http://www.heartless-bitches.com/rants/ … guys.shtmlWhy "Nice Guys" are often such LOSERS
You hear it all the time: "He was such a NICE Guy, and she's such a Heartless Bitch for dumping him."
I get letters from self-professed Nice Guys, complaining that women must WANT to be treated like shit, because THEY, the "Nice Guy" have failed repeatedly in relationships. This is akin to the false logic that "Whales are mammals. Whales live in the sea. Therefore, all mammals live in the sea."
If you have one bad relationship after another, the only common denominator is YOU. Think about it.
What's wrong with Nice Guys? The biggest problem is that most Nice Guys (tm) are hideously insecure. They are so anxious to be liked and loved that they do things for other people to gain acceptance and attention, rather than for the simply pleasure of giving. You never know if a Nice Guy really likes you for who you are, or if he has glommed onto you out of desperation because you actually paid some kind of attention to him.
Nice Guys exude insecurity -- a big red target for the predators of the world. There are women out there who are "users" -- just looking for a sucker to take advantage of. Users home-in on "Nice Guys", stroke their egos, take them for a ride, add a notch to their belts, and move on. It's no wonder so many Nice Guys complain about women being horrible, when the so often the kind of woman that gets attracted to them is the lowest form of life...
Self-confident, caring, decent-hearted women find "Nice Guys" to be too clingy, self-abasing, and insecure.
Nice Guys go overboard. They bring roses to a "lets get together for coffee" date. They try to buy her affections with presents and fancy things. They think they know about romance, but their timing is all wrong, and they either come-on too strong, too hard and too fast, OR, they are so shy and unassertive, that they hang around pretending to be "friends", in the hope that somehow, someway, they will get the courage up to ask her out for a "date".
They are so desperate to please that they put aside their own needs, and place the object of their desire on a pedestal. Instead of appreciating her, they worship her. We are only human, and pedestals are narrow, confining places to be -- not to mention the fact that we tend to fall off of them.
They cling to her, and want to be "one" with her for fear that if she is out of sight, she may disappear or become attracted to someone else. A Nice Guy often has trouble with emotional intimacy, because he believes that if she learns about the REAL person inside, she will no longer love him.
Nice Guys are always asking HER to make the decisions. They think it's being equitable, but it puts an unfair burden of responsibility on her, and gives him the opportunity to blame her if the decision was an unwise one.
Nice Guys rarely speak up when something bothers them, and rarely state clearly what it is they want, need and expect. They fear that any kind of conflict might spell the end of the relationship. Instead of comprimising and negotiating, they repeatedly "give in". When she doesn't appreciate their sacrifice, they will complain that, "Everything I did, I did for her.", as if this somehow elevates them to the status of martyrs. A woman doesn't want a martyr. She wants an equal, caring, adult partner.
Nice Guys think that they will never meet anyone as special as she is. They use their adoration as a foundation for claiming that "no one will ever love her as much as I do." Instead of being a profound statement of their devotion, this is a subtle, but nasty insult. It is akin to saying to her: "You are a difficult person, and only *I* can ever truly love you, so be thankful I'm here."
The nice guy -needs- to believe that he is the best person for the object of his desires, because otherwise his insecurities will overrun him with jealousies and fear. The truth of the matter is that there are many people out there who can be a good match for her. We rarely stop loving people we truly care about. Even if we no longer continue the relationship, the feelings will continue... But love isn't mutually exclusive. We can (and do) love many people in our lives, and romantic love is really no different. Though he may love her immensely, there will likely be other people who have loved her just as much in her past, and will love her just as much in the future. The irony of it all is: "Who would want to go out with someone who was inherintly unlovable anyways?"
More than loving the woman in his life, a Nice Guy NEEDS her. "She is my Life, my only source of happiness..." YECH! What kind of a burden is that to place on her? That SHE has to be responsible for YOUR happiness? Get a grip!
Another mistake Nice Guys make is to go after "hard luck" cases. They deliberately pick women with neuroses, problems, and personality disorders, because Nice Guys are "helpers". A Nice Guy thinks that by "helping" this woman, it will make him a better, more lovable person. He thinks it will give him a sense of accomplishment, and that she will appreciate and love him more, for all his efforts and sacrifice. He is usually disappointed by the results.
This ultimately boils down to the fact that Nice Guys don't like themselves. Is it any wonder women don't like them? In order to truly love someone else, you must first love yourself. Too often Nice Guys mistake obsession for "love".
You don't have to be an ego-inflated, arrogant jerk. You just have to LIKE yourself. You have to know what you want out of life, and go after it. Only then will you be attractive to the kind of woman with whom a long-term relationship is possible.
You mean the socket? They're both s775's, so hardware-wise I am sure it is a clean swap, but some 775 Mobo's can't handle two cores.CapnNismo wrote:
OH! I've misunderstood you. I thought you wanted to get rid of the dual core and put in a single core - WTF-Moment. If the ports are the same, then there should be no problem swapping them whatsoever. Just check what port each CPU uses - you can do that via CPU-Z or just Google it.Lai wrote:
Yes, I am running on a single core 630 now and am thinking of replacing with a dual-core 820 taken from my uncle's fried mobo. I was just wondering whether that would be possible.CapnNismo wrote:
Don't get me wrong, but wouldn't it be better to have a dual core versus a single core? What OS are you running, btw?
I am running regular XP SP3.
Jup, but that's not the question. The question is will I able to plug that CPU on that Dell (BTX) Mobo? Bear in mind that it also came from a Dell (BTX) Mobo. According to this site I can:presidentsheep wrote:
swap processors then run the xp repair thingy of the disk?
http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/di … 820_4.html
Another thing, how can I find out whether a CPU is fried without actually plugging it in?
It will be significantly more expensive compared to what he had in mind though. For £957 everyone can build a system like that.Aries_37 wrote:
yes buy thisBertster7 wrote:
OCUK do a prebuilt system for £957 with i7 930, GTX 460, 40GB SSD + 500GB HD, 6GB DDR3 and all pre-OC'd with pretty nice bits (apart from the hideous case, but so what).
Titan Onyx + GTX 460 + 40GB SSD.
if it doesn't come with windows 7 pick up a cheap copy from the ultimatesteal deal or software4students
You're right about the case though. My desktop always goes under the desk, I want to see as little of my PC as possible. I find flashy leds and the likes only distracting.
Yes, I am running on a single core 630 now and am thinking of replacing with a dual-core 820 taken from my uncle's fried mobo. I was just wondering whether that would be possible.CapnNismo wrote:
Don't get me wrong, but wouldn't it be better to have a dual core versus a single core? What OS are you running, btw?
I am running regular XP SP3.
So I got a new HD4670 for my old Dell Dimension 9150 and managed to salvage some 2Gb of RAM from my uncle's fried Dimension E520. However, I thought it was running on a Sempron, but in fact it was running on a PentiumD 820 s775, one of the oldest Dual-Cores around if I remember correctly. I think only my uncle's Mobo and PSU had fried, so that 820 should still be alive. Most similarly aged Dells have interchangeable parts so would I be able to put that 820 in my old Dimension 9150 as well? It is currently running on a Pentium 4 630 on a Dell OYC523 Mobo with Intel i945p chipset.
I5-650 is dual-core, so no. An i5-680 is also dual-core but will cost you €100,- more, whereas a quad-core i5-750 will only cost you €10,- more. Weird, but true: you pay a lot more for extra Ghz, but not so much for extra cores, so just get the i5-750. Don't bother with an i7 unless you want a very high-end rig. An i5-750 will do fine for a budget gaming system with more than decent performance. Spend €10,- more and you're grand. Will fit on the same mobo you've selected now probably.M.O.A.B wrote:
Asking for a new comp for Xmas and I've been looking at this setup (not the complete but the main parts I've listed here).
Would this be a good future system and would it run all (or most) current high-end games with little issue (in general)?
Intel® Core™ i5-650 Processor
- 3.2 GHz
- 2.5 GT/s DMI
- 4 MB Smart Cache
Operating System:
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium
6 GB
Graphics card:
ATI Radeon HD 5450
1GB memory
Hard drive:
1 TB
Cut down to 4-Gb of RAM. First of all 6-Gb is for i7's, secondly 6-Gb is hard to upgrade because it occupies three out of generally four slots, and thirdly it is overkill (budgetary and performance wise) for what you are going to build. It should save you about a €100,= which you can spend on a better videocard (HD5450 is shit). For around €200,- you can get a Gigabyte Geforce 460 1Gb (instead of standard 768Mb) factory OC with decent double cooling unit.
For about the same price as your original setup you'll get:
Core i5-750 Quad
4 Gb DDR3 Dual-Channel RAM (I suggest OCZ-Gold for about €80,- or so)
Gigabyte 460 OC 1Gb GDDR5
That will pretty much run everything you can get your hands on at the moment at pretty good framerates and is easily upgradeable.
I know, but I have upgraded the GPU before and checked my CPU back then. It has relatively low wattage (375W or so), but an incredible ammount on two 12V rails.SonderKommando wrote:
ummmm, guys this was a WORKSTATION. IE it probably has a small psu, hope its juice enough for that card man.
Just got a brand new Sapphire Radeon HD4670 512Mb on an auction for only €44,- + €3,50 comission
I also found some 2Gb of leftover Dual-Channel RAM so I maxed that out.
Just got a brand new Sapphire Radeon HD4670 512Mb on an auction for only €44,- + €3,50 comission
I also found some 2Gb of leftover Dual-Channel RAM so I maxed that out.
I didn't lol as I realized this guy is a psychopath in the make.
Fancy fence!Ultrafunkula wrote:
Here we go. Now just some paint and it's good to go. Some minor details need attention too, like more gravel on the sides but that's no biggie.
Jebus Jebus, you make me feel guiltyJebus wrote:
Heh, know how it feels in her place though. I got to know the girl who lives a few houses next to me a few weeks ago. Chatted for about 5 minutes and that was it, I think she liked it though.
Saw her at a party saturdaynight. I was talking to a mate when all of the sudden she was standing next to me talking to another person. She didn't greet me (not sure if she already saw me) but I thought it would be stupid to make a complete 360 turn and then get her attention to say hi, so I just ignored her. I'll make a joke about it next time I see her or w/e, it'll be fine.
Ehehe,.. that's exactly the point, she remembered me perfectly while apparently not remembering she deleted me.Cybargs wrote:
shes just not that into you. or she would have remembered you and not delete you.Lai wrote:
True, but if you don't care, why would you?
I just think it's funny, I'm not complaining. If anything this makes it easier for me to get in touch again.
True, but if you don't care, why would you?
Right,.. this one is not terribly important, but it got me puzzled. Mostly thinking out loud below:
Spend half an evening chatting to a girl at a party. Absolutely great party it was actually, but I left early because I had to get up for a conference the next day at 6:00. Exchanged Facebook details with several people before I left (I knew no-one prior to the party).
Fast forward several months. Notice girl on campus on several occasions, no signs of her even remembering me, and frankly I had no real interest in the girl other than platonic interest. We got along great, but I guess I had just friend-zoned her if you like, and thus I couldn't be bothered.
Fast forward to the end of the year. Bump into girl in rather confined space. Seems rather rude not even to say hi, so I say hi. Girl does remember me, where I'm from, my occupation etc. End up chatting again and I help girl out with some vital assignment. I accompany said girl across town, then have to leave early again to meet a deadline (seriously, I am usually quite easy with deadlines, smarttalk my way past them and would have ignored said deadline if it wasn't thís important). I was thinking of throwing a party before leaving the country and suggest that girl, if still around, comes too. Girl is happy too and reminds me that we are on Facebook.
Party is not going to happen and I'm still leaving the country, so absolutely no point there. However, I can't remember any updates from her in ages so check out Facebook in curiosity. She isn't there,.. at least not anymore. Now I never unfriend people unless they're complete cunts, because its rude. That means she must have unfriended me ages ago. Makes sense as I wasn't very engaging I guess, yet she brought up that we were on it. That doesn't make much sense to me. What do you guys think? Sloppy PR blunder on the girl's side?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Prolly just refriending her for the sake of it. Just find this rather odd.
Spend half an evening chatting to a girl at a party. Absolutely great party it was actually, but I left early because I had to get up for a conference the next day at 6:00. Exchanged Facebook details with several people before I left (I knew no-one prior to the party).
Fast forward several months. Notice girl on campus on several occasions, no signs of her even remembering me, and frankly I had no real interest in the girl other than platonic interest. We got along great, but I guess I had just friend-zoned her if you like, and thus I couldn't be bothered.
Fast forward to the end of the year. Bump into girl in rather confined space. Seems rather rude not even to say hi, so I say hi. Girl does remember me, where I'm from, my occupation etc. End up chatting again and I help girl out with some vital assignment. I accompany said girl across town, then have to leave early again to meet a deadline (seriously, I am usually quite easy with deadlines, smarttalk my way past them and would have ignored said deadline if it wasn't thís important). I was thinking of throwing a party before leaving the country and suggest that girl, if still around, comes too. Girl is happy too and reminds me that we are on Facebook.
Party is not going to happen and I'm still leaving the country, so absolutely no point there. However, I can't remember any updates from her in ages so check out Facebook in curiosity. She isn't there,.. at least not anymore. Now I never unfriend people unless they're complete cunts, because its rude. That means she must have unfriended me ages ago. Makes sense as I wasn't very engaging I guess, yet she brought up that we were on it. That doesn't make much sense to me. What do you guys think? Sloppy PR blunder on the girl's side?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Prolly just refriending her for the sake of it. Just find this rather odd.
Unless they're actually in a relationship, the rules for two friends pursuing the same girl are simple:krazed wrote:
indeed, he hasn't done anything to advance it so he loses.ghettoperson wrote:
3. Fuck your friend, if he's not moving fast enough you're allowed to step in. It's every man for himself. Sort of.Uh, thoughts/advice on the first date whatever? Should I call her like twice between now and then even though I never do? My friend said that he asked his girlfriend on the first date for a kiss ("at the right moment"), to which she accepted. Most of all, how should I bring up my friend to her? Should I straight up ask if she likes him? How do I handle this with my friend? Anyone?
1. Do not deliberately cockblock eachother, hinder or sabotage the other's efforts
2. Do not be restrained in your own efforts either
That way it remains fair. If it was me I'd also tell my friend I am after the same girl, to prevent hindsight accusations, but it isn't absolutely necessary. If your friend backstabs, fat chance the girl will hold it against him if she finds out, and there's always swords and pistols. I've been there more often than I would've liked. Sometimes it worked out for me, sometimes it didn't, but never with any regrets.
My friend (female) was once chasing a guy, while another guy was chasing her. She didn't know that at the time so that guy told her the guy she was chasing was gay (which he wasn't). Needless to say, that didn't win her over, especially when she did find out.
If I broke up with my girl and didn't care anymore, I wouldn't care. If I did still care, I'd probably be happy that she went off with one of my mates rather than some random douche.Little BaBy JESUS wrote:
it all depends on what sort of person you friend is and how they broke up. I fucked a friends ex once (they'd been separated a few weeks) and I admitted to him the next day and he was cool with it (he was banging someone else anyway)...
so it could be bad... but it could be nothing.
That's class Ultra, and quite spacious by the looks of it.
And why exactly did you do that, if I may ask?Tetn1s wrote:
Especially because I asked her if she was available right in front of him.
Depends on the climate. I usually last a year with a single pair. Haven't been in Ireland for even a year and I'm on my fourth (!). True, I walk a lot and the roads are shitty, but this is excessive. Talked to other foreigners here and they have the same experiences. Probably because the ground is wet all the time, as apart from the amount of rain the roads here have no gutters either.ghettoperson wrote:
That's pretty impressive that you've managed to get shoes to last 2 years. I can barely get 6 months out of mine.
I bought these the other day for when I've left this bane of shoes aka Ireland:
Mine are brown though with them gradually getting darker towards the nose. I wasn't looking for shoes, just walked past them. They had one pair left in one size for half price, so I tried them on and it was a perfect fit
Here is what you do:Pug wrote:
Wife goes to dinner with friends. Makes joke about vibrator. Tells story about a friend of hers that bought a vibrator.
Turns out the three other ladies have vibrators. They have some discussion about vibrators (which I'm going to hear at some point).
Wife comes home tells me her friends use vibrators. And is wondering whether she should get one.
And I'm supposed to give her advice.
I've deflected/delayed a while, but it's going to come up again. So I need to be prepared.
This is serious btw. I thought it would be funny to share/ask what you think.
I don't really care what happens, so this will be my amusement for the short term - counselling the wife, who's struggling with the idea of buying a vibrator.
1. Have sex with your wife
2. Ask her why she thinks her friends need vibrators
She'll think her friends are just jealous = all female needs satified and she will never bring the subject up again.
Well, but the Donkey does seem to suffer from insecurity/oversensitivity. I am getting the impression the problem is more with him than with her.ghettoperson wrote:
No real explanation, I was just trying to get a feel for the situation a bit more. Things differ if you're 16 or 26. I dunno really, obviously in relationships you have to talk about stuff that bothers you, so do that. If she isn't capable of doing that without getting offended is it really worth your effort? You do have to phrase things sensitively, but you should be able to talk about your problems.
Donkey, obviously I would tell you to no be bothered by things so easily, but that won't work. It will eventually, but it takes time. In the meantime though, when you áre being oversensitive and might not be able to force yourself to feel otherwise, you cán change how you act on it. For example I think in this case, while you were right to mention it to her, I think your approach could have been better. You could have just asked her about it casually and found out it was mere miscommunication (as it seems to have been), without mentioning and/or showing your dissapointment.
Do NOT get fringes unless you're female, emo or gay. It's the 21st century (supposedly stylish) equivalent of a pony.HaiBai wrote:
layers = texturizing right?
and i have no idea what fringe is, im pretty sure that's a british word.
so i ask her to texturize and give me a 'fringe cut'? i dont want to sound like a retard lulz.ouch, that hurts fuck off faggotbaggs wrote:
tbh you could do anything you want with your hair but you'd still look like a cunt.
Just Google 'fringes + haircut' if you don't believe me.
That's what she tells you!DBBrinson1 wrote:
That sucks man. My wife is awesome.
Mars bar or first dip it in condensated milk then pure Valrhona cacoamtb0minime wrote:
But if my dick's too small to give her an orgasm, how am I gonna be able to put enough chocolate on my dick?Cybargs wrote:
Best shit about women getting orgasms from chocolate, put that shit on yo dick and make the bitch suck amirite.mtb0minime wrote:
I'm not a woman because...
I don't get orgasms from eating chocolate.
The main reason I wouldn't even consider buying an iPad. I'm sure they're right and flash is outdated technology and that HTML5 is much better, but the truth is that 50% or so of the web still uses flash and when I buy a product as expensive as an iPad, I want to be able to use it now and not in five years time. Especially if I can get a touchscreen note/netbook that can do more and costs less.Ryan wrote:
iPad is the best way to experience 50% of the web that doesn't use flash. View whole pages in portrait or landscape on the large Multi-Touch screen. And let your fingers do the surfing.
That said on a 40% discount I might. There is always a chance you'll find you really like it and otherwise you can still sell it with profit.
Today Google for some reason switched to a new layout with a sidebar on the left and images are displayed on a sheet rather than individually. I had encountered this layout before, but not as standard. My old laptop usually loaded the old-style Google. Now it will only load the new Google, which sucks because this laptop can't handle it. How can I get old Google back?
The red and white scorpion represents male sexuality. The stinger and the sting represent the penis and ejaculation. Being able to safely hold the scorpion means being able to control male sexual desires. However, you blew on the scorpion's mouth and then left it deliberately. This is the realization that resistance is futile. In reality you WANT to be stung. You are then confronted with the consequences of neglecting to resist: the laughing scorpion on the wall. The scorpion is happy, yet you mistakenly interpret as it laughing at you. Fear of ridicule takes over and you decide to neither resist the scorpion nor let it sting you.FFLink wrote:
Had a weird one last night. Dreamt I was in my room, but I had this weird box that kept giving me puzzles to solve. The last one's the only one I remember, but this red and white scorpion thing came out of it, and I was told I had to suffocate it, but watch out for it's deadly sting. Also told I could hold it by the sides of the stinger to be safe.
So I grabbed this thing by the sides of the stinger and tried to blow down it's mouth, as I know that's how you suffocate babies (don't ask how I know). It got kinda pissed, and I was too tired to carry on holding it, so I threw it away and tried to go back sleep.
Then I realised it will probably kill me, so I got up and tried to look for it.
It was on the wall laughing at me. Then it jumped at me, so I just legged it, then realised I was dreaming and went back to sleep.
Was weird.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
You're gay and in denial
Not just the economy is volatile right now, everything is,..
Spoiler (highlight to read):
invest in clusterweapons!
Spoiler (highlight to read):
invest in clusterweapons!
Not necessarily,..Gooners wrote:
you need a girl first_j5689_ wrote:
I just realized like yesterday that I'm the only one out of all of my friends that still can't drive. Means I won't be able to take girls out on dates or anythingLai wrote:
No really but being able to take a girl for a ride is definitely a plus.
You should, internet is for trolling helpless desperate fellow forummembers, not courting girls.Jebus wrote:
I'm seriously considering to avoid having any conversations with females over the internet for real now :x
Seriously though, by phone you lose body language, by email you loose tone of voice as well and by MSN you loose thought through language too. Add to that that people behave differently online than they do offline and you'll understand why the internet provides a wealth of information also causes a lot of miscommunication and therefore is less suited for 'sensitive stuff'.
Vladimir Nabokov
James Joyce
H.P. Lovecraft
William Foster Wallace
Isaac Asimov
Seems awfully random and we're alll pretty much getting the same names, except for a few Dan Browns (we know who you are ). Are we by any chance all submitting the same kind of text, like say academical essays?
James Joyce
H.P. Lovecraft
William Foster Wallace
Isaac Asimov
Seems awfully random and we're alll pretty much getting the same names, except for a few Dan Browns (we know who you are ). Are we by any chance all submitting the same kind of text, like say academical essays?
No really but being able to take a girl for a ride is definitely a plus. On a horse that is, preferably a white one. Chicks dig that._j5689_ wrote:
Turns out this driving shit takes longer than I thought. Not gonna be able to drive by myself till September probably. Is that totally gonna fuck me over for getting girls in community college?
Sadly I'm not much of an animal lover myself and bikes don't have quite the same appeal.
If it was anything casual or something she couldn't avoid she probably would have told you. Give her the benefit of doubt this time.Jebus wrote:
well yeah, has 'something' to do on saturday (didn't ask what) and work on sundayBevo wrote:
she give you a reason then?
And he seems to have morals too.
If they're smart they'll recruit him.
If they're smart they'll recruit him.
The Clickflashwhirr girl,.. she's an absolute legend! She's got the style and brains as well as the looks. The type of girl you could crown Empress consort when you've conquered the world.
Bertster7 wrote:
You don't have one?Uzique wrote:
watching mad men makes me want a big decanter of scotch to pour from whenever i damn well feel like it
http://frockbags.files.wordpress.com/20 … ge_mad.jpg
I do. But then I grew up with that shit and expect it as normal. My dad was in advertising, but now I can no longer ponce from his directors wine allowance
It's a bit of a shame I've grown so used to all this stuff - it means that now I spend £100s a month on wine and occasionally some single malts and port. I take pride in always having appropriate alcoholic beverages for any occasion though.
Wednesday I had a 2000 Bollinger Grand Annee, 1981 1er Cru Meursault (Perrieres) and a 2001 Chateau L'Eglise Clinet (which was spectacular). Lovely stuff - but it does mean I end up living a little beyond my means at times.