I always thought I would get one, along with everyone else who played for more than 5 minutes. But ya you have to be having a really bad game to get a purple heart. If my playing ever got that bad I would leave out of frustration before getting that medal...
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Walking maybe but falling onto them from 5 feet up = death, even with a chute open usually. I left my share of corpses at the construction site on sharqi.Hellogoodsir wrote:
Fire a shell from an APC into any body of water in Songhua, and dead fish should float to the surface.
Walk on the fences with barb wires and you'll grunt in pain. Does no damage though.
A.K.A. Occulus Percepturousgene_pool wrote:
Unfortunately, the seeing part of my body ( Eyes i think there called?) Are still in both sockets, so no.
used along with the brain A.K.A. Data Parser - a ghillie suit that is in your range of vision will be seen. When they are not seen the problem lies with one of the two components used in creating your reality. I have passed them by before, but they usually get cocky and try to do something like shoot at me and ruin their chance of surviving as a bushes best friend.
I have also seen alot of ppl pass me by while hiding in bush this way. Alot of the time you can tell when a commander is clueless or when he's spotting you by watching enemy troop movements. My rambo-esque style of gameplay doesn't allow for much of this tho. No patience.. unless I'm afk.
I thought you died.elmo1337 wrote:
I got
Left button - Jump out
Right Button - Jump out
Middle button - Jump out
Too bad it doesn't make the car wobble and swerve. But adding hitboxes to tires woulda prolly screwed some other vital part of the game that they had to to screw up with a patch later.
I avoid insomnia servers because of the high levels of smacktards that tend to frequent there. I also find this to be true for alot of 24/7 'same boring map over and over' servers. You'll get used to it. You're off to a good start, aside from being a year+ late and happening upon a large cross-section "players that make this game annoying".
What is your player name?...Biffins wrote:
...loonitic wrote:
you heard the manSuperior Mind wrote:
post ur stats
Would be an easier answer if you would post your stats...
Personally if I see a vehicle is in use I don't go and wait for it. Dick move IMO, you're just wasting a spot on your team standing around. Whether you get the vehicle when it respawns or not, most likely there will still be a soldier with his thumb up his ass. There are unranked servers you can play on if you just want practice, at least enough to get basics down.
Lack of respect and/or common sense.
Also, I dunno if this is widely known by the bf2 noob community but you can for the most part tell what vehicle is in use by hitting caps lock. Look for two jets in the sky.. if there are, spawn somewhere you might be useful.. or get off my team, kthx.
Lack of respect and/or common sense.
Also, I dunno if this is widely known by the bf2 noob community but you can for the most part tell what vehicle is in use by hitting caps lock. Look for two jets in the sky.. if there are, spawn somewhere you might be useful.. or get off my team, kthx.
Not sure. I've never killed anyone with a mine that way. ~20ft maybe. Have to test it sometime.
Pump Shotty FTW! I'll use my pistol at range as an engie rather than give up my 12 gauge for the peashooter. I might use it as MEC but I <3 the pump. Also if you find a cmdr with no scan up sitting in the commander menu he's either afk or you caught him in the 2 secs it takes to drop supplies.Hitokiri_Battousi wrote:
another good thing about doin this, on maps where the assets lie in an uncap area, some commanders hide out like lil bitches here, usually stuffed in a corner lyin on their stomach, engrossed in their commander options menu. this=ez knife kill for an extrememly pissed commander w/o assets.
big thing about it is that most players that spawn back there will be engineers, 80% of which wont have the MP7, so they'll be very close range with a shotgun, ez to fend off....especially if ya stole their tank or had the foresight of using the supply drops added C4 to booby trap their armor.
I dunno why everyone was calling you a noob. Unless your team had no flags at the time and were relying on you to cap something for them to spawn at. I normally don't worry about assets unless they're at a captureable flag and won't be immediately repaired. Otherwise you just wasted your time traveling there IMO. You didn't used to get any points for destroying assets and ppl still did it because it's tactically advantageous. My feeling on kark is that it's basically pointless since it takes a little bit to get back there and either the cmdr is back there as engie or an engie is spawning in for armor anyway. So, it's never down long enough to have much effect.
That statistic is total crap btw. Not accurate at all. I never looked into it but it seems it must occasionally count friendly revives as deaths.
You can but it has to be luck basically. AT mines won't kill if you''re just standing on top of the person. Grenades will tho, on impact.. not on detonation as a previous poster stated. A normal grenade in the face can kill at full health before detonation. Not really a skill worth mastering, but funny if it ever happens.
I never bothered making vids but I definately could have had some cool ones. At this point I won't even try since the game locks/disconnects so often. I suppose I'll try 1.41 tonight and see how bad that can screw me.
I seem to always end up having to do that on dragon valley. It tends to surprise ground troops too. I've taken that main falg back a few times after a few infantry and a tank take it. Line up the ram and jump out, by the time I hit my chute and the ground I have enough time to see the bewildered look on their faces before they figure out that I jumped out and am now shooting them.=LuxWraith= wrote:
slightly before impact I jump out and -YEAH- the aim was true as my beloved J10 ended up as adornment (like on cars) on the charred hulk of the tank.
So anyone else wants to share their latest SURPRISE-SURPRISE / OMFG / NO WAY moments?
My favorite oh shit moments are flying jets. I love it when I can get both pilots to chase me to see if I can get them to reverse loops into each other. Only happened a few times but damn, it's funny..
Most likely all support spamming nades. Doesn't get much more obvious. Unless they add a global chat to a spam macro that says "Look at me I'm statpadding!".[n00b]Tyler wrote:
i dont get what they are doin, maybe throwing out AT mines while ppl are resupplying...
Resetting a pw on fileplanet isn't going to change anything with your ea account. I'm not at home to check but isn't there a forgot password link in the game? Go to the ea bf2 site and try logging in there.
/signRichard2000 wrote:
it would be nice to go to a server and use loads of bad Language
without the fear of being kick or baned for once
I haven't done any research at all but I would say about half the ranked servers up will kick you for practically any four letter word.
Ya because it's soo much more enjoyable to be called a fag by some 12 yr old whose voice hasn't changed yet.BlackCow wrote:
Most people don't use text chat and the n00bs that flame eachother with it don't bother me to much. Most communication should be kept to voice chat in squads IMO.
It's always fun to play with the "wholesome" folks. It makes it really easy to quit when you're done. A quick "Fuck you and goodnight thumpers!". I get a good ping there so I'll play sometimes but I loathe ppl who enforce profanity rules in a game where killing is the object. If you're old enough to buy the game you should be old enough to see curse words. Living in a sheltered disease free bubble, void of outside opinion is bad for everyone...
That is funny tho... I wonder if they ever forget satan's a banned word and type out some religious rant and accidentally kick themselves.
That is funny tho... I wonder if they ever forget satan's a banned word and type out some religious rant and accidentally kick themselves.
Arty does NOT destroy all. Ever since they patched nades destroying mines arty does nothing to them. Never heard of a repair bug, just take out your wrench, look at your target, get closer until you get the outer circle on your crosshair and click...
Power cycling basically is just forcing your modem to get a new IP address. To do so, unplug it and your router from their power source for about 30 secs. Then plug the router in, let it initialize and plug the modem in. To ping open a DOS command prompt. Start>run type in cmd. To ping just type ping "IP Address/hostname" ex. ping otherwise known as loopback. If you do the previous command you should see 4 replies of under 1ms. If you don't your NIC (Network Interface Card) is having troubles and probably needs replacing.MrKamikaze wrote:
wh..wha? sry im a n00bTurtle wrote:
Try power cycling your modem and router? Ping a few sites and compare ping times. Try pinging the server IP you're lagging on, see if they match up, or are close.
idk what power cycling is or pinging stuff
but its not just one server, its just about everyone, and it only happens to me in BF2 and BF2142
Use the same syntax to ping an IP address for a server you're having lag troubles with. If your ping times are as high here as inside the game it's a possible problem with your ISP. Otherwise contact tech support.
You can also do a 'ping -t' followed by an IP to continuously ping the IP to see if it fluctuates. To cancel hit ctrl+c.
Try power cycling your modem and router? Ping a few sites and compare ping times. Try pinging the server IP you're lagging on, see if they match up, or are close.
2 million points lol. I think I got up to sgt before they added 2nd lt and changed the rank reqs. the game was more fun tho when not everyone had all the unlocks and when you did get an unlock you had to choose carefully. Now you can get all the unlocks in a couple weeks.
If you don't want do have to deal with stupid ppl/assholes play a single player game. It will never stop.
As per usual for games like this. There will be a maintenance patch a couple months after the next in the series' release, maybe two and by that time only die hards will be playing and will probably look for 1.12 servers anyway since they patched the game to death after that. I'm surprised everyone said no but then many ppl don't notice patterns.
I have the same problem only worse. I don't recall it happening when the game came out so much, seems like it got worse a patch or two after SF came out. Sometimes it's just a hiccup, other times I'll hop in a jet and get over midfield, spot a target and dive in for a bomb and the game will stutter and I'll either come to another frame where I crashed or get "Lost connection to the server." It seems I have to see all the terrain before the round starts actually running smoothly.
I'm on an
asus a8n32SLI-Deluxe
1.5g corsair
evga 7900gt x1 (soon 2)
It didn't seem to happen so much in raid 0 which I'm no longer in since seagate sucks and after a drive got bad blocks and they sent me a refurb which got bad blocks after a couple weeks I said fuck it. I'll buy dual 74g raptors next upgrade. I'll try to remember to post if a HDD change makes any difference for me.
I'm on an
asus a8n32SLI-Deluxe
1.5g corsair
evga 7900gt x1 (soon 2)
It didn't seem to happen so much in raid 0 which I'm no longer in since seagate sucks and after a drive got bad blocks and they sent me a refurb which got bad blocks after a couple weeks I said fuck it. I'll buy dual 74g raptors next upgrade. I'll try to remember to post if a HDD change makes any difference for me.
Personally I don't have any favorites. Refresh. Look through to see the most evenly matched teams.. good ping.. go. I stay from heavily adminned servers with stupid rules, that's about it. Matter of fact my fave servers are the ones with no rules. If the game was meant to cater to stupid rules that anyone can make it wouldn't be fun. Plus when I get drunk I like to talk smack occasionally
Actually it's in your user folder. I had the exact same problem, I always put LSHIFT as my crouch and since dice won't fix the options you have to mod the txt file to be able to double map a key. It's actually going to be under c:\documents and settings\<username>\battlefield 2\con\001controls.condivided wrote:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Settings\Default\Controls
I believe that's the folder that houses the config files..although I don't know what does what.
or something close to that. I'm not at home to make sure but you can find it. The controls.con file in the game directory doesn't change anything.
That's what I would say if BF3 didn't = BF2142. Man I thought bf2 was getting bad with the bugs but I can't even play 2142 without a crash and when I do get to play I'm amazed at how lame the kits are. I think the kit variety reduction is sorta like what happened to SWG. I haven't played it that much but when I have, I've been unimpressed. Even tho there's no way I'm getting another rank, "I'll continue reaming newbs til it's no longer fun".King_County_Downy wrote:
I paid a hundred bucks for this game. I'll be playing it for years. Or until they come oout with BF3.
Well I can't say as I've tried it. Seems like a waste unless you're trapped on the carrier, in which case it would get bombed/artied anyway.Stormscythe wrote:
You're wrong, it actually works - have you ever recognized that in the ESSEX gun there's no amount of magazines that you got left to blow out? Thus the ESSEX seems to be capable of auto reloading single missiles.Turtle wrote:
But on a side note, I've never tried that but I don't see how it would work. You have to expend all your missiles to be able to reload. I'm pretty sure at least.. and since I've played the everloving crap out of this game I think I would know without having to think about it.
That's funny. So I guess the only thing you can do is get 1-2 kills and die before getting to the flag, otherwise you get kicked. Ridiculous when clans make server rules like this. If your clan needs practice doing something like that, get a freaking scrimmage.
I don't think this thread was meant to be j-10 vs. essex cannon. But on a side note, I've never tried that but I don't see how it would work. You have to expend all your missiles to be able to reload. I'm pretty sure at least.. and since I've played the everloving crap out of this game I think I would know without having to think about it.-r3-anubis wrote:
I can take down J-10's in Dalian Plant, put supply drop next to the essex. When you lock on the J-10 shoot all your missiles and the supply drop will keep giving u more so you have a better chance of taking it down. Though the missiles WILL end up hitting a team mate eventually. That is the only downside.
However if you're talking about supplying a motionless f-35 on the essex... you're dead.
A point is a point. Anything that shows up as You [killed] Him = credit given. As long as you finish the round.
Ya that's great, the solution to every problem is to just avoid it. Of course I'm not going back, the point of the post was. Why is there an ROE for player conduct and not admin conduct?
I'm pretty sure they pride themselves on the most kick/bans of any bf2 server. How are you gonna be proud of randomly kicking ppl just to satisfy your oversized ego? On one end ya they paid for the server they can do what they want. On the other hand it's a ranked server and they should allow players to play the game. Admins shouldn't be allowed to kick players just because they killed the admin. That's just pathetic and cowardly. Definately not scoring any points in my black book of respect, chalking em up in my "General disdain for BF2 players" book tho.
I loved the movie but the server just blows. It would be great if it weren't for the total fucking asshole kiddies they have administering it. Anyone else had a poor experience here?
I joined it yesterday, spawn on the mec airfield on oman to find a squad trying to steal every vehicle there including the jet I was planning on using. This of course isn't going to fucking happen. After a few deaths we managed to wipe the squad out. I get in the mig and shoot down an f35 before proceeding to their carrier for a little playback. I make one pass on the carrier bombed or gunned down about 3 there and before I can even get 100ft past the carrier I get kicked. Why? "Stupid Name". I came back again and got banned for "I said stupid name". Isn't there an authority you can report admin abuse to? I'm sick of this shit, just because little Timmy spends his $5 a week to gain control over other players on this server doesn't mean he should have the right to kick me because he's a pussy. If it was unranked I wouldn't care but on a ranked server EA needs to step up and tell these assholes they need to follow some sort of conduct or revoke their adminship on the server.
I'm sick of it and I'd like to see a change. Who's with me and where would we start?
I joined it yesterday, spawn on the mec airfield on oman to find a squad trying to steal every vehicle there including the jet I was planning on using. This of course isn't going to fucking happen. After a few deaths we managed to wipe the squad out. I get in the mig and shoot down an f35 before proceeding to their carrier for a little playback. I make one pass on the carrier bombed or gunned down about 3 there and before I can even get 100ft past the carrier I get kicked. Why? "Stupid Name". I came back again and got banned for "I said stupid name". Isn't there an authority you can report admin abuse to? I'm sick of this shit, just because little Timmy spends his $5 a week to gain control over other players on this server doesn't mean he should have the right to kick me because he's a pussy. If it was unranked I wouldn't care but on a ranked server EA needs to step up and tell these assholes they need to follow some sort of conduct or revoke their adminship on the server.
I'm sick of it and I'd like to see a change. Who's with me and where would we start?
Could we go a bit more in-depth? There are alot of flying guides out there. This does come across as a basic guide but we could add to it. The one thing I'd like to see most in a flight guide is to tell ppl how to shoot down a j-10. Most of the time j-100 pilots don't have to do much to avoid a missile after being locked on to. I've found it easiest to shoot j-10's down after you get a lock positions your crosshair above him, try to turn just before him and anticipate. Missiles will still gain lock if you recently had a lock and their path is going to run into the jet after you fire them.
Obviously some balancing needs to happen for the jets. Before the uber aa days it was all about who could gun the other down faster but those day are gone *tear*. So please ellaborate on X vs. j-10 and your thoughts. But like a I said, turn ahead and fire without a lock, note that this only works in close quarters.
Obviously some balancing needs to happen for the jets. Before the uber aa days it was all about who could gun the other down faster but those day are gone *tear*. So please ellaborate on X vs. j-10 and your thoughts. But like a I said, turn ahead and fire without a lock, note that this only works in close quarters.
Why would you post a picture of yourself glitching? I guess if you don't care you must be asking to be reset, because I can almost guarantee someone's going to report you.
I'm almost tempted because you obviously have no respect for the players or the game.
I'm almost tempted because you obviously have no respect for the players or the game.
That was the movie. Cartman saved the day by toasting Saddam with his electrically charged foul mouth.Cbass wrote:
lol yea like that episode of South Park where kartman get that chip in his head and every time he swares it shocks him.INCSOC wrote:
how about they implant a chip in your ass and if you hack the chip sends a 20,000 volt charge.
Yeah dude... thats what we all need even more invasion of privacy... FUCK YEAH /sarcasm
Oh and, this would never work. There's a way around every system and this is far too invasive for anyone to accept from the start.
I'll play anything good.
Was very competetive in COD. Picked up COD2 but at the time the system I had didn't perform very well with it so I never got into it (got addicted to bf2 instead).
FEAR and HL2 both amazing graphically and well written/directed.
I just finished Prey too, that's a trippy ass game and has a nice Duke Nukem sort of style. I would suggest checking this one out.
And although the real "manly" men will probably bash me, I play WOW. I like to pvp and bf2 has no fucking CTF! for some reason...
Aside from that I've played virtually every decent game for the past 10 years.
Was very competetive in COD. Picked up COD2 but at the time the system I had didn't perform very well with it so I never got into it (got addicted to bf2 instead).
FEAR and HL2 both amazing graphically and well written/directed.
I just finished Prey too, that's a trippy ass game and has a nice Duke Nukem sort of style. I would suggest checking this one out.
And although the real "manly" men will probably bash me, I play WOW. I like to pvp and bf2 has no fucking CTF! for some reason...
Aside from that I've played virtually every decent game for the past 10 years.
Your fault his fault, if it was an accident... DON'T PUNISH. The punish system is there for servers that can't be constantly admined. The only thing I would change about punish is that it not carry over rounds. It sucks when you get some random tk's in the round and even tho the teammates you killed have no idea how you killed them or if it was an accident but they punish you anyway. Then two rounds later you're kicking ass and some dipshit runs in front of your jeep/tank and punishes you for it and you get kicked.DrunkFace wrote:
negative... theres a solution to all your problems, dont team kill. There are very few instances where its not Your fault. Yes you may not mean it or it may have been an honest mistake but 95% of the time you had a major part in the ending result. Therefor take your -4 points for killing an ally soldier and hope your not retarded enough to get 4 in a game on people that punish.[BF2s]Connor wrote:
it gets on my fucking tits when you get -4 and thats without being punished!!!!
its fuking bullshit!
it needs to be sortied out
You throw a grenade and someone runs into it, You still threw the grenade. People cant and wont always see what you are doing and never assume they care, they are not you and have a different impediate objective at the time.
You fire your gun and someones in the way, You shoot take responsabilty for what you shoot at, you are not forced to shoot.
You lay a mine/claymore and a friendly walks over it, Firstly you may ahve laid the mine in an unappropriate spot so its fully your fault. If it was laid properly then it is also the fault of the dead guy, but rember you still chose to lay the mine so take responsibilty for what you do.
The only 2 times its not your fault at all is when someone drives into your stationary vehicle and kills themselfs or someone runs under you vehicle near buildings where you have no chance to avoid or stop.
The system is an honor system, some people have no honor or respect and thusly punish everything. But the system is fine, it's the people that are broken.
I like it, even tho most of them time it's just assholes punishing for accidents there are also times when Mr. Primate joins the show and starts flinging c4 on teammates like it was his shit. And it just sucks ass to try to play on a server with punish off and no admins. Free reign for total jerkoffs whose only intent is to piss everyone off.
Ya, and beat her up.jkohlc wrote:
get a girl
Riiight, the guy's incredible.. I'd like to see you do better.SargeV1.4 wrote:
I'm not impressed. in most of the clips you could see the enemies missle miss him first. Nothing particularly special either.
Of course they fired first, thus the rolling.
Haha jerkoff. I bet his parents will buy him all new crap he doesn't deserve soon enough.DaVeWaVe wrote:
Some people..
http://forums.ea.com/mboards/thread.jsp … p;tstart=0
go down to the guy called TTC Treb, i'll highlight some quality quotes.I was out of my mind and I threw my cellphone against the wall onto my 360. The 360 fell over right on pile of Maxtor HDDs.YOU (EA) destoryed his hard drives, how dare you..You destroyed my 360 and 8 HDDs for a total of over $1200.
Some people just have no self control
Imagine there's no Heavend3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:
Duh duduh!
Evil, maybe not so much. Coincedence, yeah, hell yeah. Look its like Iraq, not all those guys are 'evil', and evil is just a point of view. To them, we are evil, to us, they, Iraqi insurgents, the Taliban, terrorists are evil. Its all a matter of perspective. They believe what they are doing is justified by God, and I believe my service to the U.S.A. is justified by God. We both believe we are right, its all about beliefs, ideologies, and what you were brought up believing.
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
We could avoid many of the man made atrocities and blunders we commit in the name of god if we would stop thinking we were going anywhere but in the ground when we die. Killing in the name of god has been a commonplace excuse for fanatics and psychotics for a looong time.
I have that feeling all the time. Something like, oh look at all the spec ops ignoring this train of armor, or trying to run away and dying. Meanwhile I'm yelling at my team to go AT and fucking help. An AT kit in the right hands is a powerhouse, until you run outta rockets..
The biggest difference I noticed was in hard drive speed and not so much ram. After a 512 meg ram increase I didn't notice much. After I had a hard drive fail and had to disable my raid 0 array the load times are exruciating. Running a 120 gig 7200rpm, but with two of em in raid 0 it's about 30 seconds or more faster to load.