This applies to the xpacks and BF2142 too, FYI.
Why is it so many people, while going "don't whine", whine about things? E.g.: "baseraping is 1337. so is dolphin diving. and 'nade spamming to. but don't be a gheymore wh0re, that's not." Ok, check their stats. Most played map: Wake or Dalian. Most played army: PLA. Most played vehicle: Airplane. WLR: 10.64. (can you say teamswitch?) Also: Sniper kit K/D: 0.0049. Claymore K/D: 0.0073. Teamkills: 4,351.
Yes - whatever they do takes immense skill and "uber-pwnz0r-ness", while everything else is "n00b"-ish. Also, anyone that disagrees apparently has no life. Why? Because, apparently, in their minds, their opinions are worth more than everyone else's. Yeah, sure. Just because you have an immense ego does not mean that, kthx.
These are usually the people who TK for aircraft with the M95SP and deadzone their helicopter gunners ASAP (by ASAP I mean turning away from the battle immediately once in and heading straight for the corner of the map). However, when someone teamkills them with the Essex gun after they do this - they go "omgn00btkerwtf" and insta-punish.
Because they're too 1337 for everyone else.
Yeah, yeah. They don't play for stats - they "play for fun", or so they say. Of course many times they're generals with registration dates in the past 6 months, with the aforementioned stats.
Yeah. So they got the 1400 hour requirement by not playing for stats. They don't bomb the carrier (repeatedly, for 300 hours) for stats. They don't teamswitch for stats - apparently that's fun too. So is glitching inside the Karkand Hotel. But that one SSgt "fag n00b" who put a well-placed claymore at the top of a ladder to protect himself apparently does. Nice logic there.
What? They don't do that? Why? "it's bad"? But isn't this coming from the same people who say "if it's in the game do it"? Glitching inside the Hotel, Warlord Palace, and Wake Airfield is part of the game. According to their logic, it's fine to do that.
But no. People doing that killed them. Check off that box on the "un-l33t" list, and check it off on the "make a new topic with caps lock on the whole time" list as well. On the other hand, whatever they do is fine, but hey - remember - they're elite, hmm.
So next time you see one of these guys (you can recognize them in-game by them standing next to air vehicle spawn points with Barrett .50s, leaving the server any time it's not a PLA vs. USMC air map with a carrier, screaming over VoIP if they're ever in a squad, and going "lag", "tk-noob", "haxx0r", "n00b", "gay", or "f4g" any time they get killed), do us all a favor and kidnap them.
And follow them through servers until they go berserk and start with the racial slurs (of course without knowing what race/age/gender/country/anything you are).
Because remember - statpadding is 31337 when they do it, so it should be "31337" when you do it to them.
Edit: PS yes I am a "low rank n00b" and I know it. no need to use that on me. kthxbai.
Edit 2: here comes the token "too long i didn't read it lols" response in 5. 4. 3...
Why is it so many people, while going "don't whine", whine about things? E.g.: "baseraping is 1337. so is dolphin diving. and 'nade spamming to. but don't be a gheymore wh0re, that's not." Ok, check their stats. Most played map: Wake or Dalian. Most played army: PLA. Most played vehicle: Airplane. WLR: 10.64. (can you say teamswitch?) Also: Sniper kit K/D: 0.0049. Claymore K/D: 0.0073. Teamkills: 4,351.
Yes - whatever they do takes immense skill and "uber-pwnz0r-ness", while everything else is "n00b"-ish. Also, anyone that disagrees apparently has no life. Why? Because, apparently, in their minds, their opinions are worth more than everyone else's. Yeah, sure. Just because you have an immense ego does not mean that, kthx.
These are usually the people who TK for aircraft with the M95SP and deadzone their helicopter gunners ASAP (by ASAP I mean turning away from the battle immediately once in and heading straight for the corner of the map). However, when someone teamkills them with the Essex gun after they do this - they go "omgn00btkerwtf" and insta-punish.
Because they're too 1337 for everyone else.
Yeah, yeah. They don't play for stats - they "play for fun", or so they say. Of course many times they're generals with registration dates in the past 6 months, with the aforementioned stats.
Yeah. So they got the 1400 hour requirement by not playing for stats. They don't bomb the carrier (repeatedly, for 300 hours) for stats. They don't teamswitch for stats - apparently that's fun too. So is glitching inside the Karkand Hotel. But that one SSgt "fag n00b" who put a well-placed claymore at the top of a ladder to protect himself apparently does. Nice logic there.
What? They don't do that? Why? "it's bad"? But isn't this coming from the same people who say "if it's in the game do it"? Glitching inside the Hotel, Warlord Palace, and Wake Airfield is part of the game. According to their logic, it's fine to do that.
But no. People doing that killed them. Check off that box on the "un-l33t" list, and check it off on the "make a new topic with caps lock on the whole time" list as well. On the other hand, whatever they do is fine, but hey - remember - they're elite, hmm.
So next time you see one of these guys (you can recognize them in-game by them standing next to air vehicle spawn points with Barrett .50s, leaving the server any time it's not a PLA vs. USMC air map with a carrier, screaming over VoIP if they're ever in a squad, and going "lag", "tk-noob", "haxx0r", "n00b", "gay", or "f4g" any time they get killed), do us all a favor and kidnap them.
And follow them through servers until they go berserk and start with the racial slurs (of course without knowing what race/age/gender/country/anything you are).
Because remember - statpadding is 31337 when they do it, so it should be "31337" when you do it to them.
Edit: PS yes I am a "low rank n00b" and I know it. no need to use that on me. kthxbai.
Edit 2: here comes the token "too long i didn't read it lols" response in 5. 4. 3...
Last edited by k30dxedle (18 years, 2 months ago)