I personally hate the EMP on the AA. It needs to be tweaked somehow.
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Tonight has been an absolute pain in the ass trying to play using any unlocks. BFHQ says all of my unlocks should be available, but once in-game, I am unable to select any unlocks. I have logged out numerous times, which didn't help. Anyone else having this problem tonight?
Better have your attack chopper in the air to handle them then!Pipo-de-coma wrote:
what about a hovering attackchopper at the back of a titan. If the pilot and gunner know what they doing then you have a serious problem.
Ya, sorry. Bad example. Which are the basic rifles..Moretti and Park, right?k30dxedle wrote:
Perhaps because the Zeller-H is an unlock?Badcomp wrote:
I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!! Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
e.g. it doesn't matter which side you use it on, it's the same gun?
I meant to use those as examples.
EVERY gun sounds the same save for the pistols. But that's not a big gripe. Just a little lack of creativity. Unlocks or not in 2142. It wasn't a common sense issue.spawnofthemist wrote:
dont like it? its your own fault:
1) there was a demo. it featured EVERYTHING in the game except unlocks. there were Doragons, Bogatyrs, Nekomatas, Ocelots.. you had PLENTY chance to try the vehicles.
you had every chance to play the demo.. and test everything out.. yet you STILL bought the full game.. knowing that you didnt like it?.. it's no one's fault but your own
2) you cant hit shit with the guns? how long have you played? you cant honestly expect to go straight from BF2 to BF2142 without some learning curve.. otherwise it would be unfair on the nubs that we'll get to spawnrape..
they changed the guns cos its a different game.. and to balance out the playing field for the release date.that's funny.. because in BF2.. the G36E sounded the same for the USMC, the MEC and the PLA.Badcomp wrote:
I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!! Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
oh wait.. so did the PKM.. and the L96A1..
oh yeah.. they're the same make of gun..
common sense, use it.
The balance is there. Hell, the 2 factions just have different skins for the most part. The tanks are the biggest difference in the 2 sides I think. The PAC gunship is a bit more manuverable than the EU side. Not by much tho.
I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!! Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
I will give the game credit tho. The game is much smoother than BF2 was for me and load times are down a good bit. The maps are better than some of the BF2 maps. Fall of Berlin....crazy fun for a city map. Better than Karkand I think.
Too bad it all just seems like attack of the clones with different uniforms.
I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!! Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
I will give the game credit tho. The game is much smoother than BF2 was for me and load times are down a good bit. The maps are better than some of the BF2 maps. Fall of Berlin....crazy fun for a city map. Better than Karkand I think.
Too bad it all just seems like attack of the clones with different uniforms.
I'm surprised other snipers haven't noticed that. I was shooting at some mines and a drop beacon and a couple of my sqaudmates kept asking what I was shooting at. Snipers can take out placed explosives with exception of RDX packs.jkohlc wrote:
wow...sounds niceSuperior Mind wrote:
no they blow up with one shot, same goes for ALL mines (RDX, APMs, Motion Mines, EMP)jkohlc wrote:
hmm...never seen it before...does it blow up or start to float in mid air?
Well crap! Does nothing for me since I have a normal 3500. I still get the "lost connection" every so often.
I have been getting them often tonight.
Ok, thanks!! I just wanted to be sure.
I got a couple of promotions last night (one thru EA, another thru rank promotion) and thus the unlocks.
I went to the unlocks screen and started viewing which unlocks to decide what I was going to get.
From the looks of it, I cannot unlock weapons until I get all of equipment unlocks under the weapon. Is this correct or am I missing something?
I went to the unlocks screen and started viewing which unlocks to decide what I was going to get.
From the looks of it, I cannot unlock weapons until I get all of equipment unlocks under the weapon. Is this correct or am I missing something?
Nevermind...moved. Same gripe as everyone else. Not demo version for me either. I'll try tomorrow.
Arrow key for movement, ctrl, shift, /, alt keys for various other functions.kmjnhb wrote:
what keys are you using for movement? and why can't you just bind sprint to any key near your movement keys and get used to it?
I just may have to force myself to relearn another key arrangement is all.
NAZI!!Ssandstorm wrote:
Writing sprint as both sprinit and spint turns me into a grammar nazi.
Sorry about that. I'm just not in the mood for editing today
Odd, double tapping isn't working for me.
Whatever happened to double tapping for sprint?
I use somewhat of an unorthodox key setup that isn't close to the more traditional WASD key setups.
My question for you all who have different key bindings, what did you bind your sprint as?
And why the hell do we need to bind a sprint key? GAH!
I use somewhat of an unorthodox key setup that isn't close to the more traditional WASD key setups.
My question for you all who have different key bindings, what did you bind your sprint as?
And why the hell do we need to bind a sprint key? GAH!
The incremental is hosed up for me. Starting then crashing back to windows, and no, it was nothing I did. It just didn't fucking work. Full patch for me. I know some smartass is going to say it was something I did to do it. Well, I did nothing but install the incremental and then restart my machine for good measure. Maybe some of us got a bad download.
Ya, I got the excessive TK kick right at the beginning of a round. Only had enough time to kill 2 bad guys with no TK's involved.PFCStenzel wrote:
I know how you feel Turtle. I was kicked once for being too good and excessive Teamkilling. Funny thing is that I just got my Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon on that server before I got kicked. How ironic that I get kicked for kicking the other teams ass. Not one teamkill and I get kicked for Excessive Teamkilling. Guess they can't handle other winning or being good. One note on that I was in the tank the when I got my ribbon and medal. LOL
One of the guys on my team was berating me last round for my commanding prowess (never mind no one was commander for more than half the round and we were getting our collective asses handed to us, so I applied and tried to help out. The guys starts yelling at me right away for doing a crappy job yadda yadda.) He starts flaming people on the in game chat and I said over VOIP "this guy *name removed* is royally pissing me off". Kicked promptly after that. Apparently the admin or someone able to communicate with him was in my squad. Logged back in on same team and armor whored my way to 2nd place.
Sometimes the server is ok. I get a decent connection to it so I jump on it. It's usually populated and most of the guys are ok.
Sometimes cookies, sometimes crumbs. Move to another server if you don't like it or just take it with a grain of salt and keep on killin.
I like using the TOW on Zatar wetlands and raping the chopper spawn there!
Owning the 10 year olds since '98. I just find it a slight bit humorous that you were knocking on the prepubescents when you were only 14 or 15 yourself.
I don't know if I have ever played on the same server as you so I can't comment on your in-game antics.
Anyway, sometimes it is fun to knock on people in game, and do the whole "Owned" bit. I never really pay much attention to in game chat. Takes away from me trying to outrun the tank about to put a set of tread marks on my ass. When I am dead is when I actually read it. If it's smack talk time, it's usually to the dip shit who just tk'd me with a nade or came around the corner, spazzed out and shot me in the face.
I don't know if I have ever played on the same server as you so I can't comment on your in-game antics.
Anyway, sometimes it is fun to knock on people in game, and do the whole "Owned" bit. I never really pay much attention to in game chat. Takes away from me trying to outrun the tank about to put a set of tread marks on my ass. When I am dead is when I actually read it. If it's smack talk time, it's usually to the dip shit who just tk'd me with a nade or came around the corner, spazzed out and shot me in the face.
Come on now. Those things are blantantly obvious as to what they are. For one, they aren't camo'd if you aren't using elctronic targeting, are usually white and stand out very well. 2nd, if you are using electronic targeting the IFF on the ground usually lights the IFF like a christmas tree. They knew what they were doing. Seems like they didn't want to be observed as to what they were doing or about to do.
Kinda like the Yom Kippur war they "accidentally" shot U.S. Navy intelligence ship thinking it may have been am Egyptian or Syrian boat. Lets not mention the fact they didn't have ship in their possesion that even remotely compared.
What do you all think?
Accident or intent
Kinda like the Yom Kippur war they "accidentally" shot U.S. Navy intelligence ship thinking it may have been am Egyptian or Syrian boat. Lets not mention the fact they didn't have ship in their possesion that even remotely compared.
What do you all think?
Accident or intent
It's common knowledge there ace that the 16 lacks power. On the other hand the AK isn't always that accurate either.Major Payne wrote:
its based on a magazine called "kijk" its a dutch magazine about all kinds of things whit many --->FACTS<---
its true believe it or not Americans take the AK 47 from there victims because the m16 sucks to hard
One has it pros and cons just as the other one does.
Umm, there was a pretty big one you forgot to mention.T0xicboy wrote:
The two times when it was tough for US was the independence war and the civil war.
I think my grandfather would want to slit your throat after hearing that.
Maybe it's me, but I feel like the actual travel of the 203, 101 shell has changed too. I used to be fairly accurate (62%) but I find it difficult to put it where I want it like I was able to before hand. Sometimes putting it where you intend doesn't always grant a kill. Far too many times I have seen people just waltz away from a direct shot or a pretty damned close one that should have killed.
The distance delay was needed, but it doesn't work too well since the bounce physics of the round isn't up to par. Try it against a wall at close range and watch. It'll typiclly hit the wall and "slide" down.
The distance delay was needed, but it doesn't work too well since the bounce physics of the round isn't up to par. Try it against a wall at close range and watch. It'll typiclly hit the wall and "slide" down.
Yup, no doubt noob gunners are annoying and make you want to pull your hair out. You gottal earn somehow tho.
I just can;t stand it when they refuse to listen to good advice and chain guns everything in sight and bitches at you when the other chopper TV's you. "why didn't you dodge it or use ur rockets!?" Arg!!
When you get a good pilot or gunner tho, it's real nice. I was flying with this fella the other day, Someirishguy, and this dude flew damned well. racked up several kills and he loaded up on points. It was great. I think of myself a competent pilot but I like gunning every once and a while. This was one of the times I actually enjoyed hopping in with an unknown person
I just can;t stand it when they refuse to listen to good advice and chain guns everything in sight and bitches at you when the other chopper TV's you. "why didn't you dodge it or use ur rockets!?" Arg!!
When you get a good pilot or gunner tho, it's real nice. I was flying with this fella the other day, Someirishguy, and this dude flew damned well. racked up several kills and he loaded up on points. It was great. I think of myself a competent pilot but I like gunning every once and a while. This was one of the times I actually enjoyed hopping in with an unknown person
Gah. You guys get all the noobs who run in straight lines (yes, I am sure this was compiled over several rounds)!? I must find the guys who jump around zig zag everywhere they go or DD the whole time everytime I pick the snipe kit. I try not to run in completely straight lines myself. If I do find someone just lying there and not moving my head shots rarely register. It is so completely infuriating. I know they shoudld be dead yet they live.
Anyway, good shooting.
Anyway, good shooting.
Blood hound Gang for the win!!!!!!!!!!!E7IX3R wrote:
too much bhg?stryyker wrote:
mothafuckn falco and sheit
Damn, and I thought my Tk's were outta hand. Then again, I don't normally intentionally. Bombs are just REAL indiscriminate. Mine mostly come from doing a bombing run on an occupied flag with bad guys everywhere and some good guys in the mix.
It's a catch 22 sometimes. You get a good pilot, but then you get a gunner who uses the gun for absolutely everything and never use the TV missiles. These guys irritate me to no end. Please, at least try using TV's!
If I get a gunner seat, it's rare I get a pilot who knows how to use some tact and be sneaky or use the flares and maneuver to avoid planes. When you do get those good pilots, it makes a world of difference.
I'll complain every now and then if a gunner misses an easy TV kill. If they miss the attack chopper, oh well. It can be hard sometimes.
I think the pilots get enough points off the gunner kills. Kill assist really do start tacking on some points. If he misses, you can always use rockets. I would prefer that he kills them with TV tho, quicker and safer kill most of the time. It's even better if he is an engie, med or support guy. If things are cool enough to hover around friendlies, he'll get some resupply, heal or repair points. If I'm not mistaken you get something from that too don't ya? Driver specialty points or something?
If I get a gunner seat, it's rare I get a pilot who knows how to use some tact and be sneaky or use the flares and maneuver to avoid planes. When you do get those good pilots, it makes a world of difference.
I'll complain every now and then if a gunner misses an easy TV kill. If they miss the attack chopper, oh well. It can be hard sometimes.
I think the pilots get enough points off the gunner kills. Kill assist really do start tacking on some points. If he misses, you can always use rockets. I would prefer that he kills them with TV tho, quicker and safer kill most of the time. It's even better if he is an engie, med or support guy. If things are cool enough to hover around friendlies, he'll get some resupply, heal or repair points. If I'm not mistaken you get something from that too don't ya? Driver specialty points or something?
I have the sniper zoom issue too. Right click to zoom in, the it de-zooms and I am back to normal view. I have missed A LOT of shots because of that.
I also tend to lag out in planes when doing a bombing run. I always manage to pile drive my plane straight into the ground because of that stupid stutter. It ALWAYS happens when bombing or about to engage a target. It's been happening a lot more often too!!!!!!
I also tend to lag out in planes when doing a bombing run. I always manage to pile drive my plane straight into the ground because of that stupid stutter. It ALWAYS happens when bombing or about to engage a target. It's been happening a lot more often too!!!!!!
are you meaning silhouette??I.M.I Militant wrote:
when im on the carrier i can manage to see the siloheat (or watever its called its a queer sounding word when i dont pronounce it right it makes me proud) of the island
It happens to me using the J10 when I'm doing some high speed passes or diving and picking up speed. It's a wobble up and down and yes it does fuk with your aim if using the gun. It'll more or less vibrate when using the afterburner as opposed to the high speed wobble. All of the planes have a vibration when using the AB. The wobble on the J10 is far more pronounced and noticeable. It'll go away when you slow down.
Isn't the bundle called the Mx3000???
The mouse is actually called a Mx600 or something. It's not the same as the Mx1000. Keys are arranged differently and the styling is different as well. From what I have read, it's not that great for gaming (the mouse at least). All opinions tho, ymmv.
The mouse is actually called a Mx600 or something. It's not the same as the Mx1000. Keys are arranged differently and the styling is different as well. From what I have read, it's not that great for gaming (the mouse at least). All opinions tho, ymmv.
Well, if you are hovering way up there for some reason and have no point of reference, then sometimes it's a little difficult to tell if you are hovering or not. If I am hovering next to something I can see (ground, building, etc...) then you most likely don't need it. But if you're way up there and your gunner is raining down death, it's pretty useful.sgt.sonner wrote:
How is that supposed to help? cant you just feel when its hovering?
RspRpg.....he didn't say you were the one.Zilla wrote:
Hey thanx to the ASSHAT that left me -1 cuz your dick is too small to enjoy the vids.
I hate the insta-punishers when you're a pilot doing a bombing run on an enemy flag knowing that there are bad guys there, but how the hell are you supposed to see the ONE guy somewhere down there that is on your team. You drop bombs, kill 4, 5 or more and him in the process. They punish you right away. Even looking at the mini-map you don't catch them all.
Sometimes they act like they were ACTUALLY going to cap that flag on foot, all by themselves with the 10+ people and armor all around.
I punish, but only for the blatantly stupid tk's. Accidental things (hey...shit happens) I let slide.
Sometimes they act like they were ACTUALLY going to cap that flag on foot, all by themselves with the 10+ people and armor all around.
I punish, but only for the blatantly stupid tk's. Accidental things (hey...shit happens) I let slide.
How do you change the sensitivity on the fly with your Mx1000? I use this but didn't think it was capable of doing that on the fly...?c0mplex1ty wrote:
oh i also have an on-the-fly sensitivity changer with my MX1000 and G5. never used it once, except during startups because it always resets itself to LOW...c0mplex1ty wrote:
my left mouse button shoots and my right mouse button aims.
left - shoot
right -secondary action/zoom
middle- enter/exit
forward thumb-reload
backward thumb-nades
middle thumb- Teamspeak/Vent toggle
scroll wheel - weapons select
scroll button down -squad VoIP
scroll button up- not used
I need to refine it I think.
Has anyone noticed that this exploit can be done on Dragon Valley as well??? It's not in such a bad spot as the Karkand exploit is, but it's an exploit none the less. I witnessed it last night. Kept wondering where nades and PKM fire was coming from. I approached the building where I saw shots fired from thinking he was on top or behind. When I got close a burst of PKM fire came from the base of the building directly in front of me. Of course it killed me. Curious if I saw what I really saw, I got in a jeep and drove towards it at an oblique angle, and saw the shots again, coming from the base of it again. This is not a building you can enter so to speak. YOu can climb a ladder to the top, but nothing that allows shots from the bottom.
At least it seems not too many know about it.
At least it seems not too many know about it.
If that's your thing, then by all means!DoctorFruitloop wrote:
Yeah, I'd like a piece of that ass!
It could be worse....
sorry I'm bored
sorry I'm bored
EA didn't make the games but they do control a vast majority of what is done with them. It's EA's m.o. to push a game or any of it's related expansions out of the door before proper work is done on them. They also have a really friggin bad habit of snatching up games or the creating studio (Westwood anyone?) and royally trashing a pontentially great game. If any of you played Motor City Online or Earth and Beyond, you would know what I mean. Both killed before their prime and both were great fun.
I don't like EA as a company. They are out to make money while investing as little as possible. That's great business practice, but it sucks for the end users most of the time. I honestly don't think they have high regard for patches or fixes in games. V1.3 should be proof of that enough. It's horrible with all of the bugs, problems and other nefarious things. BF2142 will be the focus for now and I bet we'll see fewer and fewer fixes while more glitches are introduced because of half-ass attempts. Put some more cash into the game and I bet it would improve, but that's not the EA way.
EA GAMES!! Screwing everything.
I don't like EA as a company. They are out to make money while investing as little as possible. That's great business practice, but it sucks for the end users most of the time. I honestly don't think they have high regard for patches or fixes in games. V1.3 should be proof of that enough. It's horrible with all of the bugs, problems and other nefarious things. BF2142 will be the focus for now and I bet we'll see fewer and fewer fixes while more glitches are introduced because of half-ass attempts. Put some more cash into the game and I bet it would improve, but that's not the EA way.
EA GAMES!! Screwing everything.
I have only had this problem post 1.3 patch as well. I also have noticed that when flying and you go out of bounds, the game turns into a slide show till you wander back into the map's safe regions. This is post 1.3 as well. Sometimes you just die because it's so damned choppy you haven't the foggiest idea of how far you manuvered and can't adjust.
1.3 is by far the worse patch they have released.
1.3 is by far the worse patch they have released.
Well I am sure they would want to find SOMETHING left of him if he had a Hayabusa!^*AlphA*^ wrote:
Nice bike bro, but i would have gone for a Kawasaki Ninja or Suzuki Hayabusa
I had a Ducati Monster S4R all of a month before I was forced to sell it. Need to get one again. I barely got a chance to ride the thing.
A couple of things. For one, there are some VERY skilled "tubers" out there. Not as skill less as you would like everyone to believe. I actually think the AT can be easier sometimes as you can steer it![W33T]KASTickboy wrote:
and isnt tubing refering to the Grenade Launcher, since it takes no skill to use that thing... as far as im concerned it takes skill to take out your precious tank with 2-3 AT shots without gettin blasted.... or how about those heli kills with the AT rocket? yeah you hit it right on the head AT = n00btube *insert sarcasm here*
Anyway, if ya don't like it, there are plenty of servers out there that practice the "no holds bar" kinda thing you like. Just gotta refresh that server list and find it!!
The thing about not c4'ing the flag and claymores for defense annoys me. See guys on flag or see it go gray, hit the button, collect some points, go recap and get even more points. What's wrong with that?
Punishing for accidental TK's...it all depends. If I'm in the middle of a bunch of baddies and out of nowhere a nade kills me and the 2 or 3+ guys I am shooting at. I'll forgive. If I'm accidentally run over by a tank or APC with guns blazing, I will forgive. I can promise, you are the least of their worries. However, if it's just me and the street and I'm hit, blind ass mofo.....I'll punish. There some people that do thing that just because the tank is coming around the corner that he should notice you right away hit the brakes and swerve. When was that last time you saw a nimble tank or APC??????? Really? Shut up, respawn and YOU watch next time. It's a lot easier for you to get out of the way then him/her/it!!
I don't know the guy, nor have I ever played with him so I can only speculate what I see via his stats. What I do see is someone who doesn't do anything on the ground. A few kills here and there. He does exactly what his name implies. He whores the planes.
Ya, he has an incredible KDR because of it, and looks to be a great pilot but no one likes a whore. Well I do, if they're on my team or she's somewhat classy (I jest...)
If he had more done on his ground pounding I don't think he would have gathered as much attention. Lots of TK's (but I have a good many too). His best kit is the sniper. Makes you wonder if he tk'd (using the M95) a lot just for the planes. Now, if he tk'd for the plane, then he's just a lamer.
Ya, he has an incredible KDR because of it, and looks to be a great pilot but no one likes a whore. Well I do, if they're on my team or she's somewhat classy (I jest...)
If he had more done on his ground pounding I don't think he would have gathered as much attention. Lots of TK's (but I have a good many too). His best kit is the sniper. Makes you wonder if he tk'd (using the M95) a lot just for the planes. Now, if he tk'd for the plane, then he's just a lamer.
Well, if you are sore about me "stealing your thunder" just relax. Yes, I have searched the forum, ob several occasions. I don't search the forums when making a mundane post. If it were something important, then yes I would have. This however isn't important and really doesn't merit a search.
I searched "wake" just to see what exactly it would find, and most of the 88 pages were of complaints, flames, vids and what not. I don't know about you but I'm not that bored to the degree I would dig through 88 pages to find something like this.
I searched "wake" just to see what exactly it would find, and most of the 88 pages were of complaints, flames, vids and what not. I don't know about you but I'm not that bored to the degree I would dig through 88 pages to find something like this.
I get several places that have "moon" in them. Nothing interesting about any of them. Maybe you did something different?niekjejeje wrote:
search for the moon and zoom MAX in,
a funny easter egg wil show up
I'm getting a little bored at work so I decided to go site seeing without leaving the comfy confines of my cubicle and it's window. I decided to check out the real Wake Island.
Google Earth it and look how much of the island that airfiled actually takes up!!
I'm bored and can't shoot someone. Meh.
Google Earth it and look how much of the island that airfiled actually takes up!!
I'm bored and can't shoot someone. Meh.
Maybe it's my JS (Ms Sidewinder) but I prefer mouse and KB for chopper flight and the JS, of coure, for planes. I need to hop on an empty server and mess with the choppers using the JS.
I just feel more steady and can perform finer changes with the KB and mouse.
I just feel more steady and can perform finer changes with the KB and mouse.
It's not just you. Many a person are experiencing the same problem. I suffered from the exact same thing last night on a Sharqi map. I knew it wouldn't come back after about 10s of sitting there watching all of the vehicles start going across the map and things like that. I ESPECIALLY hated it because I WAS kicking some tail with the AT kit. That really ticked me. No, the server didn't discreminate because you were beeing uber. It's crap that happens a lot now with 1.3 for everyone. Happens to the best and worst of us.