Cal players > BF2s
+40|6903|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U

T0xicboy wrote:

ToXiC888 wrote:

*EDIT* btw toxicboy u stole my name, omgwtfbbq, u noobzor!!!!111
LOL, I'm sorry.

My first O is actually a Zero not an O.

The boring part is that I also "stole" it from myself, when I tried to register Toxicboy it was already taken. Because for a few years ago I register it on gamespy as a login account but I can’t remember the password and the mail is to my old old old workmail.
And you can’t create a BF2 account that already exists in Gamespy.. wtf.
Well, I have to stick with being a zero

hehe just kidding, at least ur not a complete noob.  The 888 at the end of name is also lame.
+186|6877|The real world
Haha somebody wants to negative karma me everyday because of my 1337 sig

try it bitch and get reported to the moderators
Fantasma Parastasie
The only pilot I am willing to fly with is fiercerized, known as fierce on these forums. Otherwise it's solo for me and I'll make sure that the enemy have no choppers or armor before long
+52|7073|Christchurch New Zealand

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

J00 5HOULd FLy W1TH M3, im SuCH 4 L3ET PiLOT, iv3 N3v3R D13D 1N b4tTleFIELD 2 b3PHoRe!


Lol I knew I remembered your name from something to do with a chopper
My feelings exactly, I HARDLY EVER get a GOOD heli pilot so i rarely get in helis because I cant fly good. Once this fucking private first class got the heli pilot seat. He rode us straight out of bounds not givin me a shot at SHIT and then I decided to fly next time, I line him up PERFECTLY at the enemy heli and he uses his guns. I fuckin wanted to tk him and revive him till I was a private again. WHY CANT I GET A GOOD PILOT EVER?
Major Payne
im a good pilot
Death StatPadder
+228|7087|Human Meat Shield
I think the US ARMY has some pretty good APACHE Pilots...
I hear ya. Bad gunners are just as bad.

One day, on Gulf of Oman, I had this guy (forgot name) who flew with me. I was piloting, and after a few kills he says "hey, finally, a pilot who can actually fly". We proceeded to completely own the opposing team the whole round.

Too bad it can't always be that easy.
+190|6943|Home of the Escalade Herds
Well there are 2 things you can do really.

1. Learn how to fly and kill things with rockets, that way you're never dependant on having a gunner.

2. Go solo and kill things with TV missiles, you don't need to be a good pilot to do this, just have to set yourself up for TV shots.

Problem with #2 is that usually some newb will get in your heli, best thing to do in this case is to go cap a flag, tell him to get out then leave him

Imo, just learn how to fly and use rockets, it's a lot more fun.
+9|6833|every1 h8's Germany
I had this problem several times in many many games and i only remember one time when i got a decent gunner.
If i enter the gunner seat the pilot is stupid like a salamisandwich and if i am the pilot i always get a gunner who doesnt even know what a tv missile is.
In the last few weeks of playin i never ever entered and wont enter a chopper in the future without my brother as gunner / pilot. Connected over teamspeak we really kick ass due to the good communication. e.g. "there on our left some antz wanting to get gunned", "tank on 10 o'clock".

Last edited by shice (2006-07-07 06:27:17)

+186|6877|The real world
Ive flown with a gunnery sergeant 20 min ago, he got about 50 kills on wake in my heli, but then again he was shouting in the voice chat all the time: elmo1337 comprede pilot bon bon

I dont understand french and the guy couldnt steer a missile so I told him that
+39|7078|B O S T ON area
x-fire me i play in SF a lot lately and there are always free choppers!!!

I promise i would be one of your fav pilots
Yup, no doubt noob gunners are annoying and make you want to pull your hair out. You gottal earn somehow tho.
I just can;t stand it when they refuse to listen to good advice and chain guns everything in sight and bitches at you when the other chopper TV's you. "why didn't you dodge it or use ur rockets!?"  Arg!!
When you get a good pilot or gunner tho, it's real nice. I was flying with this fella the other day, Someirishguy, and this dude flew damned well. racked up several kills and he loaded up on points. It was great. I think of myself a competent pilot but I like gunning every once and a while. This was one of the times I actually enjoyed hopping in with an unknown person
Mouse315 Junkie

c0ldfyr3 wrote:

Im like wtf?? And he says he saw me with my C4 and thought I was gonna blow them up, his rank was something pathetic and im a 2nd Lieutenant. Come on, when was the last time you seen anyone with a half decent rank TK for a heli or blow it up. Its just not worth it.
I see more people with higher ranks tk for vehicles than those with lower ranks.
+190|6943|Home of the Escalade Herds
You also get bad gunners that are too greedy. If i'm on top of a tank and i'm pumping it with rockets, why must they TV it to steal the kill? I hate gunners like that, they piss me off to no end.
What gets me is the pilots that claim they're good yet couldn't line a noob up for a decent shot if their life depended on it.  I may not be super fast with getting the tv fired (I'm working on it) but I'll get the kills if you'd just pause briefly rather than flying over it at some odd angle that won't even allow me to redirect it.

However, I, too, have been on the idiot gunner end of the spectrum.  Complainint about not firing the missile is one thing.  I had guys where I'd gently move across Sharqi, giving them tons of kill chances.  They weren't even firing.  Uhhhh, wtf are you doing in the chopper as a gunner if you aren't even going to gun!?  Sadly, this has happened more than once.  I'd even tell the guys to use the tv or at least shoot something!  Preferrably the other team!

Not too long ago, I did have one guy that didn't care much about points hop in to pilot the Mi-28 on Operation Harvest.  No one else around so I jumped in.  The guy was pretty solid.  Nothing fancy but he lined up shots, spotted stuff and we had good voip going back and forth.  It was some good practice for me.  Managed to take out my first chopper with the tv and got several more tv/gun kills (though I was still aiming low pretty often).  I wish I could bump into more guys like that.  It's tough getting chopper time when lots of people want to get in them.

Most of the time these days, though, I'm on Midnight Sun shooting flyboys out of the air in AA vehicles   I've been having some fantastic rounds on this map with mostly AA.  I had one chopper pair that just kept coming at me.  The gunner was quick enough with the tv to nail me but I'd get them as well.  We each had maybe 1 or 2 times where it wasn't a mutual killing.  The end result was that I ended up doing better than the gunner.  Had back-to-back gold medal rounds last night doing mostly AA.

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