hmm id have to say bullets, nades, arty, tanks, jets, apcs, helo's hell everything in the game kills me to easy
Search results: 53 found, showing up to 50
i know you can edit something in your bf2 folder and be able to have all weapons unlocked in single player, cant remember what it is though
excellent post after 100+ hrs with suport (gets boring) 40 or 50 hours with med (even more boring) time to just have fun and kill
count me in to
i loved it, to the point where i talked my entire clan into dling it, we havnt touched bf2 since it came out, need i say more
1 full can of kodiak wintergreen a night 2 cans of grizzly wintergreen if i'm out of the real bear
12 pack of beer
and half a pack of cigs,
i'm only 23 hellbound to die by the time i'm 30
12 pack of beer
and half a pack of cigs,
i'm only 23 hellbound to die by the time i'm 30
I have to agree titians +wake = mayhem on so many levels
try using the mg36 after the patch, makes the pkm look like a water pistol esp if u fire in short bursts. doesnt do as much damage but makes up for it with its high rof, alsot takes have the time of the pkm to change clips. The mg36 is rated to be the most accurate of all the mgs, even more so with this patch
Anyone know what hte points are for the new ranks?
if u have version 1.12 all you need is the incremental, if you have version 1.02 or 03 you need the 360 mb patch
yea as long as u have 1.12 installed all you need is the incremental patch
i highly doubt u will see anything on the ea site till after 12 pm, since i belive ea is on the west coast, at least for me its gonna be 12 before they even get to work
i'm in love
woot, i love it. the pkm KICKS ASS now so does the g3
spawned, ran out into the airfield looked up oooo looky i wanna get in that chopper, wellllllll long story short,
you cant outrun a rocket even sprinting
you cant outrun a rocket even sprinting
mg36 can also take out a blackhawk or a apache, aim for the rotors and usuall one full clip will take it down.
I also find that the mg36 is much better then the pkm due to its ability to launch a shit load of lead in a very little time. While i love my pkm its let me down to many times when the mg36 has held up. Also cant wait to see what the patch does for suport, think mg36 with even tighter pattern= lota kills
I also find that the mg36 is much better then the pkm due to its ability to launch a shit load of lead in a very little time. While i love my pkm its let me down to many times when the mg36 has held up. Also cant wait to see what the patch does for suport, think mg36 with even tighter pattern= lota kills
my vote goes for the mg36 simply bc i love being in the middle of firefights, being able to empty out 80rds of ammo before my gun over heats compared to the pkms 40 makes a lot of differance, as for the damage/accurcy doest really bother me at all takes bout the same number of rounds to drop em
thanks z was finally able to figure it all out, just took me awhile
ye bolsum, try to figure out what that means
can you tell me how you get the points to show up like that in game z?
Anyone know how to do it? so that points show up in game along with being able to see who tk who with what weapon? I didn a search but had no luck finding anything
lmfao anyone willing to pool money together n get him a new video card? id be tossing mine out the window the min that happen, gj on keeping playing and being funny though
i'm having the same problems also. same for a bunch of my squad mates
i used to smoke but the wife got me to quit since she is allergic to cig smoke, so i just took up dipping instead, cheaper and easier
273 on sharki as suport
amen i think the SA80 might be a force to be reckoned with after the patch, least i hope so i hate the g36e with its 3 shot burst, so i always go with the sa80 and it can also be used in burst mood if you know howthe_ubernoob_ wrote:
Don't count the L85 out yet..the crappy accuracy and recoil are gonna change in the next patch (although with EA they may just make it worse but I have a feeling the can't nerf the L85 anymore).
What did they do to kill the L85?? It rocked so much in the demo...Blam!!! your dead. prone/single shot blam! blam! blam! blam. "You on the other side of the base!, your dead!!!"
and the G36E isn't best...the G36K is (full auto with burst replacing single shot).
just remember, that with the next patch thet SA80 is susposed to be improved accuracy wise, which means it may end up being fairly decent after all. Personally i prefer it over hte g363 even though i'm still a noob medic i find it much easier to kill someone with it then with the g36, it also seesm deadlier and cqb then the g36 but thats just my 2 cents
i tried using the mg36 today, it sucks lmfao, laided prone opened up on one lone guy facing away from me, fired off a whole clip hit him. ran over knifed him, died got the pkm went back and there he was again, 1 shot in the head and went on my merry way. i should of unlocked hte mp7 rather then the mg36 its shite
hmm i dont even bother with the mg36, it just seems to weak power wise compared to the pkm. Plus i dont like the fact that even if you hit them in the head with the mg36 its not a instant kill like it is with the pkm
Which one is your fav and why, for me its the pkm, sure its slow firing but it has hella knockdown power and also seems more accurate then the mg36, even though it sometimes feels like it takes forever to reload esp when your getting shot at
1st sarge 23000 points :S long ways to go to srg major
well then make it so you dont loose your ammo when you change clips if you have rounds left in it, maximise the ammo you have. and if thats the case why does the m16 have 6 clips while everything else has only 4
Id like to see more then just 4 clips of ammo for the guns, or at least if nothing else make it so when you realod with part of a clip you dont loose that ammo
N52 all the way, had a zboard, sold it, just wasnt worth it to me compared to how good the n52 is
I would like to see a pkm destory a jeep/vodnik with around 30 rds of ammo, as it is right now a jeep can drive right over you while you lay prone and lay into the windshield with as many rds as you want until your gun overheats or it finally blows up after a clip . As a machine gun you should be able to rip right through it without a single worry not waste 100 rds to destory it. any ideas?
sorry for the spelling and everything its 6am here and i havnt slept yet
sorry for the spelling and everything its 6am here and i havnt slept yet
201 shaquri, nothing but suport no tanks or anything :d 33 team points 84 kills 55 deaths
having ac/dc's highway to hell song playing full volume when they knocked on my door, they havnt been back since
the only diff i could see between the mg36 and pkm is
Pkm 3 hits a person is dead, mg36 takes 5 w armor or without its still the same
pkm 30 rds before it over heates mg36 80 rds meaning if u have a jeep full of bad guys coming and its smoking you stand a better change of taking it out with the mg36 then the pkm
cant wait to see what the patch does for the suport weapons since there (susposed to be better) when there done
Pkm 3 hits a person is dead, mg36 takes 5 w armor or without its still the same
pkm 30 rds before it over heates mg36 80 rds meaning if u have a jeep full of bad guys coming and its smoking you stand a better change of taking it out with the mg36 then the pkm
cant wait to see what the patch does for the suport weapons since there (susposed to be better) when there done
wrong, novalogic was the 1st to have stats n rankings in there game, bf2 just ripped them off there lol
23 yrs old been gaming since i was 10
23 yrs old been gaming since i was 10
the japs during WW2 were even worse then the germans could of ever been. Putting body parts of Pow's into vats of liquid nitogren then cracking them off with hammers. Using them for all sorts of experments.
It is less documented then the germans simply bc we never made it to any of the prison camps in japen, unlike in germany when we overran everything.
Another fav trick of the jap's were making a man hold a 50lb rock in his arms while kneeling on barb wire, tieing a man up with barb wire, then shoving a hose down his throat filling him up with water till he expanded then kicking and beating him. They also tested the effects of diff deisese on the pow's just to see which one would kill the fastest and if there was any cure, using them as lab rats so to speak, i'll find more stuff just lemme dig through my books
It is less documented then the germans simply bc we never made it to any of the prison camps in japen, unlike in germany when we overran everything.
Another fav trick of the jap's were making a man hold a 50lb rock in his arms while kneeling on barb wire, tieing a man up with barb wire, then shoving a hose down his throat filling him up with water till he expanded then kicking and beating him. They also tested the effects of diff deisese on the pow's just to see which one would kill the fastest and if there was any cure, using them as lab rats so to speak, i'll find more stuff just lemme dig through my books
guillitone, however after cutting off the head, the person does remain alive for 5 seconds longer, the exc's used to grab the persons head right after they cut it off and show them there body bleeding there, heance the look of shocked horror on there face, which can be seen madame something or anothers wax museam (sp)
give my regards to the rest of ctd, when you guys were big in JO i was under the name f2f piranha lol
sad to see you fellows leave, left a bunch of no skill kids.
and since JO is dieing, gun which is a bunch of squads all merged together lol
if u want i can pm you our ts so when you get your comp going you can join us online and we can make room fo ya in the server
sad to see you fellows leave, left a bunch of no skill kids.
and since JO is dieing, gun which is a bunch of squads all merged together lol
if u want i can pm you our ts so when you get your comp going you can join us online and we can make room fo ya in the server
heyyyy a ctd from jo no, we got our server from hyperina
ive found quite a few servers that have no tanks or no art or both, all ranked sooooo dunno there
*grumble grumble* stupid ea
michigan 14F and 92 inches of snow, damn this place sucks
and we havnt had anyone complain either server was packed to the max most of today with ppl who enjoyed playing without being tank/art raped every 20 seconds
what a crock of **** esp since in twl and other legues you arnt allowed to use vechiles/art
can anyone confirm this?