Seeing all the mixed thoughts about capital punishment and blah blah I dont' care etc etc now on to the point

What is YOUR favorite form of Capital Punishment?  Post what you think, and if you're against it, then don't post here--I respect your opinion, now respect mine and have common snese--if you don't support it you wouldn't have a favorite

Me, it is mostly based on crime...but overall, firingsquad for most crimes, with blood eagle reserved for Rapists/Childkillers.

How about j00?
lol firing squad all the way. and maybe some public ones for the most serious crimes. and maybe some comedy deaths like walking off a cliff as in cartoons. ahh those were the days. for the not so serious ones we should kill em the same way they killed their victums.
Mass Media Casualty

Firing squad, Hanging, or Guillotine. All are painless, unlike the Lethal injection. The injection just relaxes the victim's face and body muscles so witnesses do not have to see his pain.

edit: Actually, I don't have a favourite form of executon. What a stupid question, I can't believe I answered it!

Last edited by Tyferra (2005-12-13 20:35:59)

[Blinking eyes thing]
'twice cooked beef!'
my favorite is when the colombians [or was it the argentinians] would 'disappear' people. they drugged them, flew them out to sea on a plane, stripped them naked, and shoved them out the door. tens of thousands were killed this way.
Moving Target
Buried alive.

Don't have to worry about body disposal, already taken care of.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7064|The United Center
flaming chainsaw to the face.

sure its not commonly accepted now...but oh baby, just think of the potential.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
i prefer the the old method of having a glass rod inserted up the pee hole then taped so it shatters up there, then you put a hose up the anus then insert barbed wire then pull out the hose followed by the wire, then to top it off you stick shards of bamboo under all your finger and toe nails, and then shoot them in the numbskull.

yeh we have some cool new years eve parties down here!!
Mass Media Casualty

I think it was King Edward the second who was killed by red hot poker applied to the anus. I may be wrong though, it may have been another king.
[Blinking eyes thing]
pacman VKC
squashed in a lift is a good method, theres always plenty of lifts, they could serve as multi purpose. stoning, nice and long and painful, great aftermarket video sales potential. firing squad is ok I guess, but not all at once, maybe que up and wait your turn, ak, handgunin turn. Never seen a burning, would it take too long though? Cant beat an old fashioned beheading, or the new kitchen knife method, with added choking effects, just as the wind pipe is severed. Hanging, depends if the heads comes off, not your average tom dick or ali can just hang you. Takes skill that does. Why not have off the offending limb, give them a second chance, then when they screw again THEN go to work on em. Death by tank, could do multiple offenders, but might ruin the tarmac?
Although the drugging and throwing out the plane method is fetching at the moment, but why bother to drug them, if there doing a one way free fall?
+2|7054|Marysville, Washington
Sending them out into a fenced off area and having a good 'ol fashion manhunt always does the trick....
Moving Target

Tyferra wrote:

I think it was King Edward the second who was killed by red hot poker applied to the anus. I may be wrong though, it may have been another king.
Another British favorite was filling the anus with molten lead.  May I be the first to say, "OUCH!".
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
favorite? thats a sick question.  i support the death penalty, but I dont endorse any form of killing someone as a favorite, thats just sick.  perhaps the most humane is lethal injection, painless and silent....
Mass Media Casualty

The lethal injection is not painless, just silent. The first injection relaxes the muscles so onlookers do not see the pain the victim is feeling. Think of it this way. Your vital organs are violently coming to a halt - pain? You better believe it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

Tyferra wrote:

Firing squad, Hanging, or Guillotine. All are painless, unlike the Lethal injection. The injection just relaxes the victim's face and body muscles so witnesses do not have to see his pain.
All are painless?

So it doesn't hurt getting shot in the chest? So it doesn't hurt hanging by you neck? Or having a blade slice ya head off?

The most painless is the lethal injection. The injection is 3 drugs. 1 aenethasises (spelling?), 1 stops the heart and the other collapses the lungs. because they are unconscious they dont feel a thing.

Screw a favourite... i just say let them rot in prision for their natural lives.
'twice cooked beef!'
actually the first shot in lethal injection [at least in the US] is sodium thiopental. it renders the person unconscious. the second shot is the muscle relaxer, to stop breathing. the last shot stops the heart.

in response to pacman VKC, the drugging was to make abducting the victims easier. it also makes them easier to control on the way out, because they didn't do this one person at a time. they dumped planeloads at once for efficiency. so a planeful of frightened desperate people is probably hard to keep under control, hence the chloroform or whatever it was they used.
+-2|7119|The Seventh Circle of Hell
I don't believe in allowing someone the pleasure of feeling pain when they are being executed. That's too good for them. An execution should be quick and painless. You allow someone to feel pain, you're giving them too much. I've speculated that a victim's family seems to be much more willing to see the offender executed quickly and without pause, rather than it being long and drawn out. Personally, I thought the guillotine was one of the best forms of execution ever. Quick, painless for the offender, a bit messy perhaps, but nonetheless VERY effective.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

Deedubya wrote:

allowing someone the pleasure of feeling pain when they are being executed. That's too good for them.
Im sure people executed by the gas chamber in the USA wouldnt agree.

Last edited by mcminty (2005-12-13 23:44:56)

+-2|7119|The Seventh Circle of Hell

mcminty wrote:

Deedubya wrote:

allowing someone the pleasure of feeling pain when they are being executed. That's too good for them.
Im sure people executed by the gas chamber in the USA wouldnt agree.
Don't know if I was too clear on this. If someone is allowed to feel pain during an execution, then that's not okay. Someone who is being executed should not be allowed to feel anything. If they feel anything at all, pain, pleasure, remorse, sadness, anything, then you're not killing them fast enough...does that make sense?
What's better than the good ole ELECTRIC CHAIR! Fry em up like a french fry! It's all about the sizzle baby.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7039|Sydney, Australia

Deedubya wrote:

mcminty wrote:

Deedubya wrote:

allowing someone the pleasure of feeling pain when they are being executed. That's too good for them.
Im sure people executed by the gas chamber in the USA wouldnt agree.
Don't know if I was too clear on this. If someone is allowed to feel pain during an execution, then that's not okay. Someone who is being executed should not be allowed to feel anything. If they feel anything at all, pain, pleasure, remorse, sadness, anything, then you're not killing them fast enough...does that make sense?
Got ya
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|7068|Derby, England

Tyferra wrote:

I think it was King Edward the second who was killed by red hot poker applied to the anus. I may be wrong though, it may have been another king.
Death by ass poker - holy crap, that makes me cringe. *shudder*

I just thought to myself "hey I wonder which king it was", so I went to google and typed in "hot poker ass king", then thought "hmm, maybe thats not such a good idea"
The Last Man Standing

mcminty wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

Firing squad, Hanging, or Guillotine. All are painless, unlike the Lethal injection. The injection just relaxes the victim's face and body muscles so witnesses do not have to see his pain.
All are painless?

So it doesn't hurt getting shot in the chest? So it doesn't hurt hanging by you neck? Or having a blade slice ya head off?

The most painless is the lethal injection. The injection is 3 drugs. 1 aenethasises (spelling?), 1 stops the heart and the other collapses the lungs. because they are unconscious they dont feel a thing.

Screw a favourite... i just say let them rot in prision for their natural lives.
Well while I dont have a favourite, and Im not sure why I would, I do think that in some cases execution in required.  But as for the above, most firing squads are usually full of marksmen, so they usually aim for the head from what I have readfom.  When your hung, its usually instantaneous but thats dependent on the method.  The trap door version usually snaps the neck instantly, although if you have the drop too high, there have been cases of tearing the head off.  Finally the Guillotine is probably the most humane way of execution.  Its angled blade means it will cut through the back of the neck to the front in less than a second, and you would really feel nothing.

Its better than the old beheading by axe, there was one case where an executioner had to behead a traitor, but he kept missing, and on about the 17th attempt he rremoved the head.  Half way through, the duke who he was beheading actually said to him: "for god sakes man, please let someone else do it!" or something like that.

TBH, I dont think I can ever have a favourite.
I'm all about firing people out of high powered catapults into brick walls at halftime of monday night football (any george carlin fans out there?)
pacman VKC
Hangmen in 1800's england, used to cut up the hanging rope into small sections and sell them for a profit to the public! by all accounts they made a tidy living. As for football and executions, Uday Hussein used to keep a torture card about players, and threaten to chop there legs off at halftime if they where loosing!

Last edited by pacman VKC (2005-12-14 01:54:12)

+76|7093|Antwerp, Flanders
Death through torture should definitely be an option for the worst of crimes...
Also, one should be able to subject criminals to all sorts of scientific experiments. Kind of a wild card thing, "maybe you'll live, maybe you won't"

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