someone on here said it takes "four bursts to the chest at close range to kill".... thats called MISSING. I've never encountered anyone that it took more than two 3 shot bursts, chest, head, toe, anywhere.
Here's my two cents - I think a lot depends on WHAT KIND OF MEDIC YOU ARE.

See, the G36E is a fantastic medium range carbine - it's accurate and controlled. And if you're the sort of medic who spends a lot of time backing squads up with health and cover fire, then it's definitely the gun for you. However, if you're the sort of medic who's a frontliner, risking life and limb to revive your fallen comrades, then you really want a fully automatic rifle, which, as stated above, excludes the G36E and the M16.

I'm the latter, so I really prefer the full auto, while my buddy is the former, which is why he's a more lethal medic, but with much less healing.

So, if you're a 'range' medic, unlock your way through to the G36E, because it's fun to outsnipe almost everyone, but if you're a CQR (close quarters reviving) medic, stick with the AK for bad guys and the L85 for the good guys, because when you run round that corner to get to your buddy who's got 15 seconds to live, you want to be able to spray it around a bit, particularly if there are a couple of bunny hopping idiots waiting to fill you full of holes.
i used to use the l85 all the time but now when im american i use th G36E except on karkand when im american i use the L85. i always use G36E on open maps like wake.  Close maps like sharqei perninsula i us the aks. L85 sucks. pitty u need to unlock it to get the G36E. (sorry about the spelling, im just lazy)
I'd prefer the g36e in every situation, I don't really care about losing full-auto.
i use g36e in most maps, and l85 whenever i really need a scope.  going around a corner, then going prone, and putting a 3 shot burst into a enemy's chest is a great feeling.
G36E hands down. I'm just so happy I don't have to use that piece of crap L8. Crap.
Mass Media Casualty

I don't like the L85A1 mush at all. When unzoomed, the damn thing is so bulky.
I can't wait to play SF so I can unlock a G36E. I'll probably have to unlock the normal BF2 Medic gun though.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
You with the face!
Personally, I like them both.  The L85 is a bit weak on accuracy, but it has better zoom and full auto.  Yes, the L85s full auto is awefull except at less than 20ft.  Accuracy is lacking, but with 30 rounds and a quick finger it does fine.  I like the zoom it has, I can outrange anyone but snipers.  Even against snipers I have a chance.  In CQC take an AK my friend.  The G36E is very accurate.  If you like the iron sites, take it.  Burst is nice, but I prefere the AKs damage and choice to keep full auto.  All medic guns are fairly accurite, although I hate the M16 sights (personal issue). 

If you're a hardcore medic, or really want an accurite iron sight gun, get both.

(Yes, I know my spelling is bad.)

Integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do.
Don't Flame
+20|7064|St. Paul, MN
I made the mistake of not choosing the L85 because I heard it wasnt that great, then I made the same mistake someone else did when they chose the engi unlock labeled with the medic cross, though the MP7 kicks an insane amount of ass itself, so not a fruitless mistake but still I'm angry. Unless another expansion comes out soon, and I hope one will, I won't be getting the G36E until I'm a godamn Lieutenant! crap!
g36e is best in Any situation even again multiple targets. More than once on karkland in an ally i've come around found 2 or 3 enemies mowed them down with the g36e and then revived friendlies. The l851 is a piece of shit. The g36 has a longer barrely and thus slightly better accuracy than the g36c which is already quite accurate. In all honosty the m16 is more powerful but i will get 4-5 to 1 k/d with the g36e and maybe 2-3 with the m16 at point blank. Just aim for the opper chest/neck area and they will drop on the first burst from the g36e.

Personally i prefer the mp7 over jackhammer. With practice you can hit anyone within sight if you fire in short bursts. And at point blank as long as you aim high and be slightly stingy with your ammo you will mow people down. It's quit so i've actually gone medium range against a sniper without two bars of health and won because he couldn't find me. (i was behind some rocks and grass but wouldn't have died if he had spotedd me. just took a 3 or 4 short bursts to take the sniper out.)

anyway thus far the only weapon from Sf that sucks is the the scar-l it has more power but less accuracy than the g36c. NOw i know other people who prefer the scar. but in my experience i get more kills to deaths with the g36c over scar l at any range.
Burst took me a while to get used to but once you got it down it's godly.
Umbra Acciptris
G36E would be my first choice. . .
even the ak 101 isn't great if the med with the g36e fires first and knows what they are doing. I've taken more than one ak101 user with one well placed busrt to the upper chest before they fired. though if they fire first it's a 50/50 shot on who will win.
Stop reading this and look at my post
Ok.. new Vs.

G3 vs G36E

The G3 is also amazing accurate in short bursts, and has the advantage of being the most powerful assault rifle, meaning it can take down armour in 4 shots and non-armour in 3. Its only problem is the 20 round magazine, but unless you're going up againt 5 enemies as long as you keep control you can take out 4 at close range or 3 at medium. Any longer than that and you can take cover and reload.
Death StatPadder
+228|7089|Human Meat Shield
I get shot in both, so I don't care which is better. It's the person aiming the thing. IF the person is legit, the scales for gun dmg if pretty accurate. For instance, it takes 3 bursts of fire from G3, supposedly 4-5 on the rest ( besides the Jack and shottys), which also meaning the person is on full health, it doesn't matter how close or far you are, at least for me anyway, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
i think the g36e is better than the l85a1
+-1|7055|West Oz
The SA80/L85A1 is a great unlock because you can unlock the G36E when you get SF. Other than that, it is rubbish. The G3 it great for defense as assault.
The G36E is a much better gun than any of the offered counterparts.
+0|7145|darwin australia
l85(sa80)is ok for sniping single shot other than that its crap. cqb it's got less stopping power than the pistol.
g36e is the best gun out of all of them(although i havent unlocked the f2000 b/c i hate fucking noob tubers and i try not to use it as i dont want to be known as a no skilled noob tuber)
just remember, that with the next patch thet SA80 is susposed to be improved accuracy wise, which means it may end up being fairly decent after all. Personally i prefer it over hte g363 even though i'm still a noob medic i find it much easier to kill someone with it then with the g36, it also seesm deadlier and cqb then the g36 but thats just my 2 cents
G36E is a great weapon long range...shoots 3 quick bursts fairly accurately close to each other so u can take out infantry with one quick bursts sometimes...though in close range AK takes the cake...though the L85 is full auto i still prefer the M16/G36E when USMC because of the L85's humongous deviation when firing normally...its surprisingly piss poor...
Jet Rammer
+4|7047|Debris From Space
G36E pwns!!!! On karkand I was USMC and was pinned down by snipers on the bridge. With two 3 shot bursts I tool out a sniper at a very long range. The semi-auto mode works even better for longer distances.

The L85A1 pwns too!!! Ok it's crap at CQC ranges but it's brilliant for taking out people far away. The scope works very well and it practially has zero recoil when used properly.

I prefere the G36E to the L85A1, because of the sheer accuracy of it and plus, it works at CQC range fine. But sometimes I'll use the L85A1 to relive the sniper killing days.
super mega accurate in both semi and burst
burst fire conserves more ammo
decent damage
larger view (unscoped)
cool looks

burst fire (no auto)
that's about it....

great for long distance semi-auto quasi-sniping
accurate in semi auto scoped

completely no accuracy in auto-firing mode
low damage
scope takes a sizeable chunk out of your view

so my choice, being the uber medic that I am *ahum* *cough* is g36e all the way
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7037|Riva, MD
G36E is better imo.  It is really accurate with the burst and not having the scope doesn't make a big difference, the scope doesn't even really zoom in that much.  It is also in all ways better for sure than the U.S. medics M16A2.  If you want to try out the G36E, use the SAS medic in SF.

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