Ok, i dont think the PKM is accurate at all. I rather take the other 2 LMGS. Today i was spraying at a guy and he was about an arms lengeth away frm me and he didnt die! wtf? Then he proned and shot me dead.
I really didn't see a change either, except that I can actually hit someone standing up when they surprise me.
try firing in bursts for god's sake
with pkm u must fire in bursts, be prone, and use zoom
PKM is very good you just have to know how to use it. The best tip is to aim abit low as the spread occurs higher than normal.
Is this like CS? where i must aim low to hit the guy?Ian Hardcare wrote:
PKM is very good you just have to know how to use it. The best tip is to aim abit low as the spread occurs higher than normal.
I read this wrong at first, thought you wrote "PKM is very good you just have to know how to use it. The best tip is to have an aim bot..." haha...Ian Hardcare wrote:
PKM is very good you just have to know how to use it. The best tip is to aim abit low as the spread occurs higher than normal.
I noticed a dif. much better imo.
but yeah, prone, zoom and short bursts. I always aim for the chest.
but yeah, prone, zoom and short bursts. I always aim for the chest.
I love it, but it isn't that accurate (though I haven't patched yet). The thing to remember is that it's a numbers game. If you're aiming somewhere mid distance away, you're gonna win if the person you're trying to whack doesn't know where you are. If they do see you though, the accuracy of their wep will allow them to put more bullets on you in less time. So, stay stashed, stay at range and go for situations where you're covering your whole squad against a whole other squad - multiple targets + lots of VERY POWERFUL bullets = lots of kills for you. Don't forget to throw loads of resupp bags around your position for your squad.
Can someone please recommend me a decent UK team play server? You rarely get squad play on the official EA servers. CHeers, Lion.
EDIT: prone is def essential, and zoomed
Can someone please recommend me a decent UK team play server? You rarely get squad play on the official EA servers. CHeers, Lion.
EDIT: prone is def essential, and zoomed
Last edited by Lionbeat (2006-02-16 05:06:06)
Yes abit like CS also aim for there special place never there head. Also go prone ALWAYS.
when i,m support i only use the PKM on the both sides, if u fire without the err...dont know how u call it the Aim mode then u shoot everywhere but not at the enemy. and for knowing the PKM is not an Assault gun...lay somewhere u know where is a lot of enemy activity and lay down...use the Aim mode and u can fire in burst...but spraying will also work...i get a lot of kills when i shot 1 down and the suicidal medics are goingto try to revive him 8 kills in a row is my Top score before overheating
Last edited by *ToRRo*cT| (2006-02-16 05:05:51)
nah i agree the its not very good comapred to the american LMG is far better, alot more accurate and faster rate of fire
try using the mg36 after the patch, makes the pkm look like a water pistol esp if u fire in short bursts. doesnt do as much damage but makes up for it with its high rof, alsot takes have the time of the pkm to change clips. The mg36 is rated to be the most accurate of all the mgs, even more so with this patch
If you didn't go prone, you're an idiot. The bullets go all over the place if you're not prone. After the patch, yes, all of the LMGs pwn marginally better than in the last patch.
PKM is good for taking down transport choopers as well, that is if your not near a Hummer with a 50 cal.
The PKM is finally how it should have been right from the start,a light machine gun and not an airsoft-rifle!
Go prone,iron sights and hammer down....but now you can actually hit stuff,yay!
Go prone,iron sights and hammer down....but now you can actually hit stuff,yay!
I just unlocked the MG36 but I found that I got owned by the "New look PKM",
The trouble is that the PKM is now accurate enough to snipe with!!
The trouble is that the PKM is now accurate enough to snipe with!!
no difference? damn man I was sniper and I got killed from some distance by oneimdead wrote:
I really didn't see a change either, except that I can actually hit someone standing up when they surprise me.
Naah,that's not sniping,that's just pure burst fire.Octavarium wrote:
I just unlocked the MG36 but I found that I got owned by the "New look PKM",
The trouble is that the PKM is now accurate enough to snipe with!!
All you guys who get killed by the PKM say it's like a sniper now,that's because you don't hear the 3 or 4 other bullets which are passing you very closely,you (think that you) are only shot at once which is in fact not the case.
If you are firing the PKM now it feels alright,you have to fire bursts in the enemy direction and sometimes you hit and kill somebody = just how it's supposed to be.
the PKM Is Incredible now, you just can't shoot for shit
yeah man..i hated the support class in 1.12......with 1.2....the pkm pwns hoes...
i can take out snipers at the hotel from the mosque in mash. city
i can take out snipers at the hotel from the mosque in mash. city
Marginally better? If you call being able to snipe using short bursts from 150 meters while standing marginally better I'd hate to see what you'd call god awesome. The deviation for burst firing while standing with the PKM was reduced to almost nothing. A real soldier would barely be able to stand up and fire that thing, let alone have any sort of real accuracy. I've played around with this and taken out many a n00b with thier new 'l33t sniper rifle' while they were trying to snipe me._j5689_ wrote:
If you didn't go prone, you're an idiot. The bullets go all over the place if you're not prone. After the patch, yes, all of the LMGs pwn marginally better than in the last patch.
Ive tryed the PKM yesterday and it rocks! Pretty accurate way more deadlyer. I surprise myself actually winning 1 on 1 fight (in prone position of course) the guy just didn't last long! i thing 3 good hit and he's done!
I'm gonna use gun more and more i think!!!!
And i used it without the aim against troop close to me and managed to kill enough to get some attention from the opposition!!!! hahahaha! so nice! i'm gonna have fun!
I'm gonna use gun more and more i think!!!!
And i used it without the aim against troop close to me and managed to kill enough to get some attention from the opposition!!!! hahahaha! so nice! i'm gonna have fun!
Yeah, PKM is cool, the bad thing it overheats too fast. So if you're about to run in a group of enemies I suggest you to take MG36.
Btw. I dont think that support guns really overpowered. Finally support got something to kill with.
Btw. I dont think that support guns really overpowered. Finally support got something to kill with.
The PKM did change. I was able to snipe somewhat using short bursts, had to aim somewhat above whoever I was trying to hit at range. On Sharqi I ran into the Survelliance Post and Rambo'ed 3 people before finally being taken down. Before 1.2 you couldn't do that.