for some reason this doesn't read like a jay post at allJay wrote:
I always love articles like this where the solution is to simply spend more money. We're always a few billion dollars away from solving some grand problem, if only we'd make the investment...RTHKI wrote:
We've always had a love/hate relationship with schools and education in this country. We always pay lip service to wanting to improve the lot of our children, we want them to be high achievers etc. but our culture teaches kids the opposite. Everything has to be practical, everything has to have some use. How many times did you hear a classmate in school ask a teacher 'why do I need to learn this? when will I ever use it in my career/job?'. How many times has a parent said the same thing about their child's homework? We have a culture that does not learn for the sake of learning but instead practices escapism as if it were our true calling. This is why we have athletes and movie stars and musical artists making tens of millions of dollars a year.
It doesn't matter if we pay our teachers $50,000 or $500,000 a year because it's not the teachers that are really the problem. Sure, there are great teachers and shitty teachers, but the average teacher is competent at the least. No, the problem is the students, very few of whom put any effort at all into their studies beyond the bare minimum to get by, and again, very few that actually bother to learn anything not taught in the classroom. Ever been the smartest kid in a classroom? I have. Know what I did in my free time? I read. Know what the kid who didn't pay attention and constantly caused the rest of the class to slow down their learning pace did in their free time? They watched tv or played video games or bullshitted on the phone with their friends for hours every night.
Finally, what we've seen over the previous decade is treatment of schools as national investments. They treat them like businesses: put x money and time in, get y result out. They keep pouring more money in, and school years keep getting longer and longer, and are kids getting any smarter? No, they're getting dumber. They're doing worse on tests. Why? Because they're burning the kids out and the culture has gotten even more distracted rather than intellectual. Look at cable television. History Channel used to show documentaries on the Civil War and other useful stuff. Now it has Ice Road Truckers. TLC used to show open heart surgery, now it shows Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. I'm not indicting America today, I'm indicting American culture from its birth, because these aren't symptoms of a new decline, America has always been this stupid, cable television just became more democratized recently and the stupid outnumber the smart by a very, very wide margin.
All the money in the world won't make Americans any smarter until America has a very real, sustained, culture change. Remember that the next time someone says that the solution to our problems is spending more money. It's not. It hardly ever is.
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yeah look melbourne >>>>> sydney and i've been to sydney about fifteen times more often
i'm pretty sure congressmen still get paid, actually
errr yes it is? that's the whole point of pre-selection, and we saw in greenway what happens when that goes wrongJaekus wrote:
It's not like it is up to the party to select who they want to run, is it?
on the whole women in cabinet thing: i do think this has been a liiitle overblown, simply because (a) tony abbott has kept basically the same cabinet for three years and (b) he said he wouldn't be making any major changes. yes there were more women in his frontbench team before the election but are 2/19 (potentially) and 1/19 really that different?
there is a problem with female representation in politics but this is more an (a) factional issue (most lib women belong to the turnbull moderate faction cf. sharman stone) (b) preselection issue (it's the liberal party ffs) and (c) general "which woman would be crazy enough to get into politics after seeing how female politicians are treated in general (on both sides)" issue.
so while i don't dispute the fact that abbott is a bit of a chauvinist shitbag, i don't think that's the most important point to be taken here.
dilbert in talking absolute crap shocker
Dobell, sure, but not so much Eden-Monaro. Mike Kelly is top shelf.
i think it's a fairly stock-standard free speech argument to justify repealing it. whether you agree with it is another matter, but the reasoning is pretty obvious.
that's the bit of the racial discrimination act he wants to repeal.RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975 - SECT 18C
Offensive behaviour because of race, colour or national or ethnic origin
(1) It is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if:
(a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and
(b) the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person or of some or all of the people in the group.
Note: Subsection (1) makes certain acts unlawful. Section 46P of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 allows people to make complaints to the Australian Human Rights Commission about unlawful acts. However, an unlawful act is not necessarily a criminal offence. Section 26 says that this Act does not make it an offence to do an act that is unlawful because of this Part, unless Part IV expressly says that the act is an offence.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an act is taken not to be done in private if it:
(a) causes words, sounds, images or writing to be communicated to the public; or
(b) is done in a public place; or
(c) is done in the sight or hearing of people who are in a public place.
(3) In this section:
"public place" includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation, whether express or implied and whether or not a charge is made for admission to the place.
he's not repealing the full racial discrimination act, is he? only s18c?
postals will heavily favour mirabella, you'd say
edit: robson rotation is a nice idea but wildly unfeasible on a national scale
edit: robson rotation is a nice idea but wildly unfeasible on a national scale
lots of men will be holding the balance of power in the senate
including a 9/11 truther
including a 9/11 truther
you are on a hiding to nothing predicting the defeat of first-term governments in this country. it simply does not happen. it's not impossible (1998, 2010 etc) but it's just not a wise thing to confidently predict.Jaekus wrote:
No, but Abbott will lose the next election if Labor can get their shit together. This weekend is the most popular he has ever been, or ever will be.
labor did everything possible to lose in 2010 and still managed to win (granted, mainly off the back of incompetent nsw lib local campaign managers/party officials, which seems to have been a problem again)
no one will challenge abbott for the leadership while they have govt. no one. the libs aren't crazy stupid.
one of my best mates was once heavily involved with their setup. he's just laughing non-stop right now.Cybargs wrote:
my girlfriend accidently voted for lib dems coz she thought they were LNP... top lel. i almost fell for their trickery as well.
oh man this senate is going to be glorious. liberal democrats look like getting a senator in nsw off people who thought they were voting for the libs!
this has been much less of a drubbing than i thought it would be, frankly. definitely keeps labor in play next time
did you get a magnifying glass?
i would be astonished if that happened. a year, maybe. three months? not a chance.
nah abbott will win easily. might be a mile-wide inch-deep level of support but he'll have a pretty solid margin.
i can't remember ever seeing a political party on the verge of forming office treat voters with such contempt before. that document they released... dear me. and it'd be great if we could actually hear what some of their candidates have to say for once...Cybargs wrote:
clive palmer top lel. tony abbott cutting foreign aid... what a day.Spark wrote:
so today sure was one great big dump of stupid hey
so today sure was one great big dump of stupid hey
the decline of fairfax (news ltd's major competitor) doesn't have much to do with their readership or the quality of their news, but rather business decisions they took a decade or so back which has gutted their revenue stream.
qanda can't really be described as a people's forum any more. the producers seem keener on getting gotcha moments and soundbites than actual substantive discussion these days.
so it turns out that this political party business isn't so easy hey julian
when the accc actually recommends that consumers be taught to circumvent geoblocks to access cheaper goods overseas, you know it's gotten absurd
wordJay wrote:
And you can play it off and say 'haha i'm hated' on the forum for my beliefs, but again it's got nothing to do with being a so called conservative (you're not) and everything to do with the fact that the personality that you display on this forum, a construct wholly your own, is shitty. You're a shitty human being, and it has nothing to do with the political team you root for.
has that guy even read orwell? or did he just read the wikipedia page?
active bf2s dst poster spearhead complains about repetitive argumentsSpearhead wrote:
Why must every single active thread on BF2s be derailed like this? It's not like you guys are derailing it in a good way, either -- EE chats, Trayvon Martin and now this one are about uziques drug habits. What the fuck. At least argue about something that has not been ddone literally a thousand times before. I'd rather spend my time banging my head against the wall than read all this shit.
he's not even trying to hide it now
p sure there's a bunch of studies floating around saying fairly firmly that properly integrated (ie well-treated refugees) are a massive benefit to the economy and to the society
much of qld is pretty fertile and empty, isn't it?
on the other hand, queensland.
on the other hand, queensland.
we still do rice irrigation, don't we?
i mean...
i mean... … protection
will probably win votes but... what the everloving fuck is this?
will probably win votes but... what the everloving fuck is this?
have any of these anti-ethics blokes ever done any actual science in their lives? genuinely curious, it seems a fairly bizarre proposition to me.
unless they thought some of the fucked-up experiments of fifty years ago or so were great ideas...
unless they thought some of the fucked-up experiments of fifty years ago or so were great ideas...
they're not that low. they're low-ish but harldy terrifyingly so.
i have to wonder what the fuck the libs have been doing for three years - surely they have to have been planning for this possibility and thus far they're giving rudd the mother of all free rides. not in their wildest dreams would krudd and co have dreamed of getting such a smooth ride first up from the opposition.
no one takes morgan face-to-face/mixed seriously (dodgy methodology) buuuutJaekus wrote:
Rudd now has ALP in prime position to win Federal Election as Labor gains again. ALP 54.5% (up 3%) cf. L-NP 45.5% (down 3%).This week’s Morgan Poll, the third since Kevin Rudd became Prime Minister, shows another significant swing to the ALP. The ALP 54.5% (up 3% since last week’s multi-mode Morgan Poll of June 28-30, 2013) is now further ahead of the L-NP 45.5% (down 3%) on a two-party preferred basis.
The ALP primary vote is 41.5% (up 2%), ahead of the L-NP primary vote at 39.5% (down 1%).
Among the minor parties Greens support is 8.5% (unchanged) and support for Independents/ Others is 10.5% (down 1%) – including within that support for Katter’s Australian Party of 1.5% and support for the Palmer United Party of 1.5%.
If a Federal Election were held today the ALP would win comfortably according to this weekend’s multi-mode Morgan Poll on Federal voting intention with an Australia-wide cross-section of 3,521 Australian electors aged 18+.
state by state breakdowns would probably see labor win with that.GhostWhoVotes @GhostWhoVotes
#Newspoll 2 Party Preferred: ALP 50 (+1) L/NP 50 (-1) #auspol
it really isn't that simpleAussieReaper wrote:
It's funny but Fraser wouldn't be the first to move far left after being a right winger most of his life.
It's like they reflect back on their sins in shame.
weren't there some pretty big wildfires in russia which bumped up the price of wheat as well?
that's the thing - they do. they hold so many qld seats that it's not really feasible for them to all remain lnp if there's any sort of notable swing towards labor in queensland.KuSTaV wrote:
Ah righto... I always thought that the LNP had a tight hold on QLD... maybe thats just the state politics that I'm getting confused with.
state-by-state breakdown. there are a ton of marginal seats in queensland that it wouldn't take that much for labor to win.KuSTaV wrote:
I dont really understand how that works... basically does it show that since Rudd is PM, the polls show that Labor may win more seats? I dont know how it all determines that.
so using the state-by-state poll results over the last few days gives you this... … p;ocon=nat
and the libs are already getting unsettled. this got interesting again as a contest. … p;ocon=nat
and the libs are already getting unsettled. this got interesting again as a contest.
did lol
she's gone.
exceptionally tough if flawed woman. i suspect history will be kinder to her than we are right now.
exceptionally tough if flawed woman. i suspect history will be kinder to her than we are right now.
now involving kevin rudd.