cluster $*@^

Last edited by Ayumiz (2009-06-06 07:33:38)
Sims 3?
it looks like a metro Hitler.james@alienware wrote:
Sims 3?
?Flaming_Maniac wrote:
m3thod wrote:
?Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Seriously, Naxx is easy. And yes, vanilla WoW was more challenging, but also more unforgiven. Hence Blizzard chose to make the game fun for a broader audience, which means dumbing it down. Try Ulduar 25 man on the so called hard mode. It's a bitch. So if you're looking for a challenge, try the game again, and go in a hardcore raiding guild. You'll find enough challenges there.Uzique wrote:
That game is dead to me now.
All the WotLK content is dire, mundane and pathetic. Blzizard cut so many corners and diluted so much gameplay, it literally is an entirely different game. I love how they covered their backs over the fact every single piece of loot from 70-80 looks the same with bullshit covers like "We're trying to minimize space usage". It's an MMO, people expect to see 20Gb of their hard-drive chewed up with sparkly wands and pink dresses, for fuck's sake. Most of the endgame items are either rehashed (Pre)-TBC stuff too, that or incredibly bland variations of Viking-styled shit. Every instance and raid in the game is a cakewalk, I'm pretty sure Van Cleef in Deadmines at Level 15 was more challenging-- especially in the case of Naxxramas, I understand it's the WotLK equivalent of Karazhan but seriously, it makes me weep to see an instance that gave me so much ballsweat 3 years ago get rolled by a bunch of random PuG's and noobs. PvP is entirely dead as well, but no one was ever expecting that to pick-up or regain the glory of Vanilla WoW. The game is now nothing more than a cash-cow for Blizzard, an easy middle-of-the-road product placed neatly in their soul-less corporate portfolio with which to hoover up cash from paying suckers that don't know anything better, so they can work on their next 17 games simultaneously and no doubt release more recycled and uninspiring franchised-shite.
K, I'm done .
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-06-19 18:03:50)
Nice, Is that Lock On?1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
Me vs six Su-17s. I took out the first five with relative ease but the last bastard got of a R-60 and took out right engine. Even though my HUD was disabled from the missile, I was still able to get a tone with my last AIM-9 and shoved it up his ass.
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 39f052.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 2fefba.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 7f457b.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 7f18fb.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 8ae98b.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 06a58b.jpg
<3 Israeli F-15C
YepSonderKommando wrote:
Nice, Is that Lock On?1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
Me vs six Su-17s. I took out the first five with relative ease but the last bastard got of a R-60 and took out right engine. Even though my HUD was disabled from the missile, I was still able to get a tone with my last AIM-9 and shoved it up his ass.
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 39f052.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 2fefba.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 7f457b.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 7f18fb.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 8ae98b.jpg
http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/ … 06a58b.jpg
<3 Israeli F-15C
wow that is the most annoying bind I've ever seenBigrichard wrote:
http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd33 … ob/275.jpg
Last edited by Miggle (2009-06-25 15:18:22)