Internet Poon

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

People who complain about EA and DICE and bugs and patches really haven't played many other games.

Like EA/DICE fucked BF2 with 1.2 patch!
Well Blizzard fucked Diablo2 way harder than BF2 could have ever been fucked with one patch, Blizz made the D2 Barbarian Character totally useles later in the game when EA/DICEs patches have only made the game more balanced.
You havent been playing much diablo 2 have you?

Barbarians are mostly 'screamers' now, they still have uses.

pirana6 wrote:

Yes, it's annoying when servers stop updating but I think everybody is being quite naive about the subject.

When a problem like stats not updating arises, the company knows full well and they probably knew long before most of the people playing knew. I'm sure they are doing everything they can to fix this as soon as possible. Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business. EA probably knows exactly what the problem is and probably how to fix it; it's just not a 1 step, 3 minute process. There's nothing they like less than having a bad rap about their company so this probably really is their biggest concern right now.  Give them some time.

EVERY GAME WILL HAVE BUGS!  When a small game that not a lot of people play is released there are bugs, but due to the lack of people playing, there is less of a chance that anyone will notice them and not be reported. When you make a game (i.e. BF2) where hundreds of thousands of people all over the world play, there is an extremely good chance that bugs will be noticed and they are often taken care of in the form of patches. As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.

I have no involvement with EA or DICE but everyone was stating that they were and awful company and they did not care about the consumers. If you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing. While the companies like your involvement (money) they aren't going to change anything over your protest.
I personally love BF2 and I don't plan to stop playing anytime soon (granted I've only been playing for about a year). There are a few bugs and a few things I don't like but the good FAR outweighs the bad.
Inbelivable, How can you think such good about EA after seeing the result. IF it were their "biggest consern right now", Don't you think it would be fixed in matters of hours?, Didn't you read the response one user got from EA many days after it happend?, They kind of wanted help confirming the problem from more users. EA have already made it's money from bf, and the only reason they attend to it at all is to prevent MANY users from stop playing at all. (and if userbase is very low = no more chance of milking for ex. expansion updates). And about EAs rep. going down, it's already very low by the few who cares. I think many people just buy games after reading about how good the game is in a magazine, or by the recommendation from a friend. not careing about how the distributer take care of the market after 1-2 years..

And about bugs, Yes you're right in many things there, but look at bf2, it's not fixed, it's not only very anal people stumble up on them. And several patches they released fixed 1 thing and introduced another bug. 1 example is how the serverbrowser/favorites list has worked, and for favorites list it's STILL not fixed. (press refresh). this is not hard to find or fix bug, but still not fixed.
Eff nuggets!!!
What are you saying with this post? People aren't allowed to bitch about things? Well, call me stupid, because thats exactly what this thread is....a bitch fest. Sure, while i can see your side of the argument on the grounds that yeah, its getting old already, and they do try their hardest...you just cant expect people to just stop expressing their displeasure in something. People can bitch about people who bitch moan and complain about stuff all they want, in turn they are only but doing the same thing. Bitching is the starting point upon where a solution comes next. What would be the point of trying to improve on something if you never get any negative feedback? Im sure that there are people of the EA/DiCE team who read these forums everyday just to get an idea of what people want from their products (Battlefield series in particular) and if how you suggested nobody say anything, they would be completely clueless about where to start.

Sure it might be out of all of our hands as far as making the changes, but we the gamers bring those ideas to light.
BF2s Frat Brother
Awesome post !!!!! I think you hit the nail on the head. Anyone who can program (like me) understands that it is impossible to write a complicated program with out bugs. Needless to say that I'm sure these programmers are under the gun with unrealistic time lines to get this programs on shelves. Like all companies $$$$ is the bottom line, but insuring a future is also as important.
BF2s Frat Brother


What are you saying with this post? People aren't allowed to bitch about things? Well, call me stupid, because thats exactly what this thread is....a bitch fest. Sure, while i can see your side of the argument on the grounds that yeah, its getting old already, and they do try their hardest...you just cant expect people to just stop expressing their displeasure in something. People can bitch about people who bitch moan and complain about stuff all they want, in turn they are only but doing the same thing. Bitching is the starting point upon where a solution comes next. What would be the point of trying to improve on something if you never get any negative feedback? Im sure that there are people of the EA/DiCE team who read these forums everyday just to get an idea of what people want from their products (Battlefield series in particular) and if how you suggested nobody say anything, they would be completely clueless about where to start.

Sure it might be out of all of our hands as far as making the changes, but we the gamers bring those ideas to light.
To complain is normal, just don't be a cunt about it. Fuck, some people whine so much.
Good post. I agree. +1

Sure, they make us pay for a handful of maps, and the patches have a habit of making the game even less stable, but in this instance, they really are doing all they can to get everything up and working again, and they dont deserve all this hate for the problem.
+7|6477|Denmark // 69! Az
hmm. it's not only the Battlefield series.
well some like EA others just dont. imo EA have alot to live up to IF they try to make any other attemps like BF.

I dont like whats going on with the stats, but it will not stop me from playing. Clans still have paid for servers to run. since i dont play on EA's servers then i dont belive they can do anything other for me then bring the stats problem in order.

Well Karma delt to the pepole i ment deserved it
"Don't post while intoxicated."
"Fuck that shit stuid retards at EA dont fucking know how to code shit, fuckin lost me 2 gold medals stupid ass faces. Fking never gona buy another EA game again eva cos those stupid retards dont know shit" - Typical forum opinion.

In response i say when you make a game that is played by millions, that has introduced a pioneering new persistent stat system and is half as good as what BF2, at the roots of it is, then and only then can you complain.

ZOMG people you lost some e-points, without BF2 there wouldnt be any e-points in the first place.

I just laugh at those with the "Wont buy another EA game until they fix BF2 sigs".
1. As soon as BF3 / any half decent looking game comes out they'll be straight out pre-ordering it.
2. Think rationally. EA will support BF2 for as long as it is economically viable for them. They're not a charity ffs. Who works at EA and thinks, yes we'll spend 18 months creating a game (getting no revenue), release it (get back costs and make a profit) and then support it for a decade until the very last person quits and just though all our time and money down the tiolet.


*Slams EA/Dice*
mr. LuxusLexus
Who`s to blame for the problems is semantics. It says EA on the box, that`s who people relates to and that`s who we can contact for support.

pirana6 wrote:


In these threads (and others) almost EVERYONE is talking bad about EA or DICE and it's time to stop. Not just about the servers being down but also about the bugs, nerfing/unnerfing, patches/lack of patches, overpowered weapons, etc.

Yes, it's annoying when servers stop updating but I think everybody is being quite naive about the subject.

When you have a big company (especially one that produces games in which it is advantageous to hack), someone out there will always want to get into your system and change their stats. As human kind we are always greedy and if we can find an unethical way to better ourselves, we will use it. Think about how many people try to hack into the EA/DICE computers/servers every day. Sometimes they do (as with the 1,000,000 point leader board hacks we saw a few months ago) and when this happens EA/DICE has a large problem on their hands and do what they can to fix it.

When a problem like stats not updating arises, the company knows full well and they probably knew long before most of the people playing knew. I'm sure they are doing everything they can to fix this as soon as possible. Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business. EA probably knows exactly what the problem is and probably how to fix it; it's just not a 1 step, 3 minute process. There's nothing they like less than having a bad rap about their company so this probably really is their biggest concern right now.  Give them some time.

EVERY GAME WILL HAVE BUGS!  When a small game that not a lot of people play is released there are bugs, but due to the lack of people playing, there is less of a chance that anyone will notice them and not be reported. When you make a game (i.e. BF2) where hundreds of thousands of people all over the world play, there is an extremely good chance that bugs will be noticed and they are often taken care of in the form of patches. As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.

When hundreds of thousands of people play an online, multiplayer game, there will be disagreement about EVERYTHING. There will be disagreement about which guns are the best, which maps are the best, which characters are the best, etc. and not everyone will get along. EA/Dice has to try to make everything as equal as possible and they have to change stuff around from the original game released (again, this comes by way of patches). This may involve making some guns worse or making some better. Getting mad because your favorite gun was enfeebled is understandable but there was a reason it was your favorite - it was really strong and unfair compared to the rest of the guns.

While this is nice, and it's fun to fantasize, think about how many people have read this and disagreed with the stuff that was stated. Or instead, think if they did this and how many people would get mad because they made something way to strong, or "nerfed" something else. They would talk about the days of "patch 1.41" and how everything was perfect.

I have no involvement with EA or DICE but everyone was stating that they were and awful company and they did not care about the consumers. If you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing. While the companies like your involvement (money) they aren't going to change anything over your protest.
I personally love BF2 and I don't plan to stop playing anytime soon (granted I've only been playing for about a year). There are a few bugs and a few things I don't like but the good FAR outweighs the bad.
Didnt play from day 1 did u?
As human kind we are always greedy and if we can find an unethical way to better ourselves, we will use it. Think about how many people try to hack into the EA/DICE computers/servers every day.

Last edited by Sgt.Gene (2007-06-20 16:38:15)

set your body ablaze

pirana6 wrote:

Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business.
I disagree with you here. I won't be buying any more EA or DICE products, but that's only because I'm an adult who understands how economics work, and that the best way to protest against their buggy products is by not purchasing any more of them. I'd say a large percentage of the people who play this game are children or teenagers who don't know better and will continue buying EA/DICE products. So "giving up on the game" wouldn't lead them to go out of business. I'd say they've already "given up" on it in some ways - the length of time it took them to address a fundamental issue like the CTDs of patch 1.3 shows that they obviously don't care much about keeping their customers, and the fact that Highway Tampa is plastered with Intel ads doesn't give me much faith in their generosity. In truth, they don't really need to care about what we think. We already bought the game and it's not like we can cancel our accounts if we're unhappy - this isn't an MMORPG and EA doesn't pay for bandwidth, aside from hosting a few official EA servers. The customers pay for the majority of the bandwidth by purchasing servers themselves. It's an excellent business model: your customers don't like your product, it's no skin off your back - you already have their money, and most of them don't realize what's wrong with it in the first place.

EA has the exclusive rights to produce football games with the NFL license. They can afford to lose a few customers.

As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.
True, they've addressed the biggest bugs, but how long did it take them? How long was the red/blue nametag bug around? How long did it take them to fix the CTD problems that were rampant in 1.3? Patches should make a game work, not break it more.

When hundreds of thousands of people play an online, multiplayer game, there will be disagreement about EVERYTHING. There will be disagreement about which guns are the best, which maps are the best, which characters are the best, etc. and not everyone will get along. EA/Dice has to try to make everything as equal as possible and they have to change stuff around from the original game released (again, this comes by way of patches). This may involve making some guns worse or making some better. Getting mad because your favorite gun was enfeebled is understandable but there was a reason it was your favorite - it was really strong and unfair compared to the rest of the guns.
I agree with you for the most part, but it's hard to attribute the J-10/F-35B imbalance to "people getting mad because their favorite weapon got nerfed." That's just a poor balancing issue, and it stems from the fact that the hitboxes on the F-35B are coded poorly.

If you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing.
The problem is that the game can be a lot of fun, and that makes it all the more frustrating when it seems that the publisher/developer isn't putting very much effort into keeping customer loyalty, or even keeping the game running smoothly. I won't stop playing just because I don't like EA - I bought their product and I'm stuck with it, so I might as well get my money's worth out of it
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I think many of you fail the realize that it is GameSpy that owns the master-stats server and is more their fault than EA's for this problem.
+7|6477|Denmark // 69! Az

Says what many thinks. it have little to do with the stats problem.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I think many of you fail the realize that it is GameSpy that owns the master-stats server and is more their fault than EA's for this problem.
Why the fuck did EA do that? I mean seriously you dont let a third party manage a very important aspect of your game.
conservative hatemonger
gamespy owns the servers and EA does not.  Gamespy is a server provider and EA is not.  its as simple as that.
+224|7005|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
bf2 all i play i didn't care about the bugs just worked around em, once my bf2 was on the fritz called in and got to their local help line after waiting on hold for an hour and i couldn't under stand em
EA has no common sense
EA could of made the best game in the fucking world but they sloughed off
EA has shitty patches that release more bug like another member said they want the gamers money not their approval

EA has potential they dont use it...thats why i hate EA
Go Cougs!
+696|6611|Washington St.

Snipingruven wrote:

Renegade wrote:

How much did EA pay you?
Ea paid me with an awesome game, with support and an active interest in fixing problems (ie:all the updates) with it, all for a decent price. If I were doing other hobbies for the same periods of time I played BF2, it would cost me much more.
yup qft on that one.

iPoon.be wrote:

There are still arguments against EA. Of course managing an online game with a huge community and attention from hackers is tough, but all the more reason to make sure you deliver quality games.
EA is always pushing its developers to bring something out sooner than later, in order to make more and faster money. "A few leftover bugs? Well, it may cost us a bit of the game's presentation, but we'll make more money sooner, and we can patch that up later anyway!"

The result is that their games are usually buggy, and run pretty bad for no reason. This is largely in contrast to companies such as Valve (HL2 had the best graphics of its time, but also ran smoothly on every system) and Blizzard (actually canceled an entire game (Starcraft: Ghost) because it didnt meet their quality requirements.

EA does bring out good games, but they havent quite learned that their focus should be on gamers, not the gamers money.
Your 100% correct but look at this from their level, if they can make that much more money buy putting the game out a little sooner then why not? As long as they fix it later (for the most part) they can do it no problem. Look how much bigger EA is than Blizzard (of course this isn't from this reason alone but I'm sure it helps).

bokomu wrote:

Inbelivable, How can you think such good about EA after seeing the result. IF it were their "biggest consern right now", Don't you think it would be fixed in matters of hours?, Didn't you read the response one user got from EA many days after it happend?, They kind of wanted help confirming the problem from more users. EA have already made it's money from bf, and the only reason they attend to it at all is to prevent MANY users from stop playing at all.
I DO think it's their biggest concern and I don't think it'll take a few hours to fix. Look how long it took to fix the 1,000,000 point leaderboard hack. Look how long it takes them to get a patch out. With a huge, complicated game like this (like most games coming out now) it takes a long time to go through a find the problem. They have to, not only fix it but also make sure they don't ruin anything else (for example, what if they made it so nobody could access unlocks, wouldn't that suck).

bokomu wrote:

(and if userbase is very low = no more chance of milking for ex. expansion updates). And about EAs rep. going down, it's already very low by the few who cares. I think many people just buy games after reading about how good the game is in a magazine, or by the recommendation from a friend. not careing about how the distributer take care of the market after 1-2 years..
Do you really think they are going to come out with more expansion packs? Of course not.


What are you saying with this post? People aren't allowed to bitch about things? Well, call me stupid, because thats exactly what this thread is....a bitch fest. Sure, while i can see your side of the argument on the grounds that yeah, its getting old already, and they do try their hardest...you just cant expect people to just stop expressing their displeasure in something. People can bitch about people who bitch moan and complain about stuff all they want, in turn they are only but doing the same thing. Bitching is the starting point upon where a solution comes next. What would be the point of trying to improve on something if you never get any negative feedback? Im sure that there are people of the EA/DiCE team who read these forums everyday just to get an idea of what people want from their products (Battlefield series in particular) and if how you suggested nobody say anything, they would be completely clueless about where to start.

Sure it might be out of all of our hands as far as making the changes, but we the gamers bring those ideas to light.
No I don't think we shouln't say anything but in this case WE KNOW THAT EA KNOWS! It seems every thread that comes out now is about how EA sucks because they don't even know the problem and it's getting quite annoying.
To complain TO them is good, to complain ABOUT them on an independent forum, non-stop is pointless.

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Didnt play from day 1 did u?
No, I didn't and I know because of this fact that my thread doesn't hold as much justification as it should but I'm asking you to bare with me.

xintegrityx wrote:

I won't be buying any more EA or DICE products, but that's only because I'm an adult who understands how economics work, and that the best way to protest against their buggy products is by not purchasing any more of them. I'd say a large percentage of the people who play this game are children or teenagers who don't know better and will continue buying EA/DICE products. So "giving up on the game" wouldn't lead them to go out of business. I'd say they've already "given up" on it in some ways - the length of time it took them to address a fundamental issue like the CTDs of patch 1.3 shows that they obviously don't care much about keeping their customers, and the fact that Highway Tampa is plastered with Intel ads doesn't give me much faith in their generosity. In truth, they don't really need to care about what we think. We already bought the game and it's not like we can cancel our accounts if we're unhappy - this isn't an MMORPG and EA doesn't pay for bandwidth, aside from hosting a few official EA servers. The customers pay for the majority of the bandwidth by purchasing servers themselves. It's an excellent business model: your customers don't like your product, it's no skin off your back - you already have their money, and most of them don't realize what's wrong with it in the first place.

EA has the exclusive rights to produce football games with the NFL license. They can afford to lose a few customers.
I commend you on your values. Most people won't quit EA or don't even care who produces the game enough to decide if they want to buy it or not, and I put myself into this category. However, I put myself into this category because I've gotten more fun out of this game than I have any other game I've purchased (except maybe Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and San Andreas). So if your doing this out of protest then all the more power to you but as I said, don't think they are going to change anything because of it, the young people and teenagers that you mentioned are still going to buy the game and EA will continue to make money. If future games are released by EA that you really want to play but don't feel that you should because of your personal rule, you're only torturing yourself. EA won't change anything with the sale (or not) of 1 more game.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

I think many of you fail the realize that it is GameSpy that owns the master-stats server and is more their fault than EA's for this problem.
Yikes! Shoulda done some research before my rant! Ok, replace all my "EA" stuff about servers and stats with "GamSpy"!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
look, it's obvious: EA sux!
They are way too slow in fixing things, and usually fix them only partially! let's see what are they going to do with the present problem. So far - nothing! How typical for EA!
I have been modding BF2 for almost 2 years and i am still amazed at what they accomplished... There are so many variables to making this game
its unbelievable... and yet... the game is a blast... issues and all....  The people to get mad at are the bean counters... not DICE... 

download the BF2 editor and make a map... its a lot of fun.... but patience is key
Love is the answer
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6897|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

Snipingruven wrote:

Renegade wrote:

How much did EA pay you?
Ea paid me with an awesome game, with support and an active interest in fixing problems (ie:all the updates) with it, all for a decent price. If I were doing other hobbies for the same periods of time I played BF2, it would cost me much more.
1. LOL! at the part were you put EA and Support together!

The only support that EA give is the kit in the game...that's about it!

2. Active interest in fixing problems...Humm i know glitch that are still accesible since about what...day 1.

They indeed fix some problems...but it seem that each time they patch a hole a new one appear!

3. Your right about the part were you say that if you spent the same time outside bf2 it would have cost a fucking whole lot of money.
Personally, if someone says  ZOMG1!!! h4x0r  then EA should immediately change what that person is complaining zbout. You know im right.
Internet Poon

pirana6 wrote:

iPoon.be wrote:

There are still arguments against EA. Of course managing an online game with a huge community and attention from hackers is tough, but all the more reason to make sure you deliver quality games.
EA is always pushing its developers to bring something out sooner than later, in order to make more and faster money. "A few leftover bugs? Well, it may cost us a bit of the game's presentation, but we'll make more money sooner, and we can patch that up later anyway!"

The result is that their games are usually buggy, and run pretty bad for no reason. This is largely in contrast to companies such as Valve (HL2 had the best graphics of its time, but also ran smoothly on every system) and Blizzard (actually canceled an entire game (Starcraft: Ghost) because it didnt meet their quality requirements.

EA does bring out good games, but they havent quite learned that their focus should be on gamers, not the gamers money.
Your 100% correct but look at this from their level, if they can make that much more money buy putting the game out a little sooner then why not? As long as they fix it later (for the most part) they can do it no problem. Look how much bigger EA is than Blizzard (of course this isn't from this reason alone but I'm sure it helps).
You bet its good for EA, but how do YOU feel about it? How do YOU like buying games you know are going to be buggy, and then get shit customer service in return? Two years after they released BF2 there are still issues that could have been solved by listening to their customers. Heck, the patches they did bring out were enormous, like they dont give a shit.

What im trying to say: EA may be bigger than Blizzard, but name me 5 LEGENDARY EA games. I cant even think of ONE. Not even BF2. Now name me 5 legendary Blizzard games. Wait, name me one NON-legendary Blizzard game. Theyre all classics.

BF2 is loads of fun, but you have to swallow alot of shit that goes with it. I happened to get hooked up on it, something that wont probably happen again with an EA game, so i keep on playing it. I just wish another publisher would have brought out BF2, a publisher that took its customers more seriously.
Go Cougs!
+696|6611|Washington St.

iPoon.be wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

iPoon.be wrote:

There are still arguments against EA. Of course managing an online game with a huge community and attention from hackers is tough, but all the more reason to make sure you deliver quality games.
EA is always pushing its developers to bring something out sooner than later, in order to make more and faster money. "A few leftover bugs? Well, it may cost us a bit of the game's presentation, but we'll make more money sooner, and we can patch that up later anyway!"

The result is that their games are usually buggy, and run pretty bad for no reason. This is largely in contrast to companies such as Valve (HL2 had the best graphics of its time, but also ran smoothly on every system) and Blizzard (actually canceled an entire game (Starcraft: Ghost) because it didnt meet their quality requirements.

EA does bring out good games, but they havent quite learned that their focus should be on gamers, not the gamers money.
Your 100% correct but look at this from their level, if they can make that much more money buy putting the game out a little sooner then why not? As long as they fix it later (for the most part) they can do it no problem. Look how much bigger EA is than Blizzard (of course this isn't from this reason alone but I'm sure it helps).
You bet its good for EA, but how do YOU feel about it? How do YOU like buying games you know are going to be buggy, and then get shit customer service in return? Two years after they released BF2 there are still issues that could have been solved by listening to their customers. Heck, the patches they did bring out were enormous, like they dont give a shit.

What im trying to say: EA may be bigger than Blizzard, but name me 5 LEGENDARY EA games. I cant even think of ONE. Not even BF2. Now name me 5 legendary Blizzard games. Wait, name me one NON-legendary Blizzard game. Theyre all classics.

BF2 is loads of fun, but you have to swallow alot of shit that goes with it. I happened to get hooked up on it, something that wont probably happen again with an EA game, so i keep on playing it. I just wish another publisher would have brought out BF2, a publisher that took its customers more seriously.
I think you're missing the point of my thread. I DO believe that the way EA is handling this isn't the best, but let me ask you one question: DOES the good outweigh the bad with BF2?
They have been making attempts to fix it. This situation would be A LOT worse if they had released it then NO patches. I would reconsider buying from EA ever again. But they have been, for 2 years now and at no cost to us.
Blizzard has had some amazing games but are you trying to tell me they are perfect and bug-free. Of course not, patches have come out for WoW (I think, I don't play it) and Starcraft since the beginning. I know for a fact they patch Starcraft constantly, so how is this any different. BF2 takes A LOT longer to fix, the graphics are much more indepth, the gameplay is EXTREMELY complicated, and so on.
If they did listen to the consumers on what to fix, who's to say who's right. Everyone who plays this game wants a different thing done to the game. Some want more guns, some want stronger guns, weaker guns, different maps, more maps, maps removed. There is no ONE perfect way to make this (or any) game. All EA can do is fix the obvious bugs.
Internet Poon
Yes i do believe BF2 is worth it in the end, its great fun to play. Im sort of grateful EA brought out patches, though it wouldve been outrageous if they didnt, so im not too grateful. I just cant stand their greedy and inefficient way of getting things done. It makes me feel used.
I mean, i could count the items on their changelogs for their patches on my two hands, but the patches are all in excess of 100MB. Was their program ming that shitty that they had to recode all that? It makes me pissed.

Does Blizzard make perfect games then? No, of course not. But i can guarantee you EA wont bring out a patch for a 10-year-old game of theirs, like Blizzard did for Diablo2. Why, i would even bet EA will never even need to, their games wont last 10 years.

And at least Blizzard is fixing their game with their patches, while EA's patches often create new bugs.

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