Go Cougs!
+696|6611|Washington St.

In these threads (and others) almost EVERYONE is talking bad about EA or DICE and it's time to stop. Not just about the servers being down but also about the bugs, nerfing/unnerfing, patches/lack of patches, overpowered weapons, etc.

Yes, it's annoying when servers stop updating but I think everybody is being quite naive about the subject.

When you have a big company (especially one that produces games in which it is advantageous to hack), someone out there will always want to get into your system and change their stats. As human kind we are always greedy and if we can find an unethical way to better ourselves, we will use it. Think about how many people try to hack into the EA/DICE computers/servers every day. Sometimes they do (as with the 1,000,000 point leader board hacks we saw a few months ago) and when this happens EA/DICE has a large problem on their hands and do what they can to fix it.

When a problem like stats not updating arises, the company knows full well and they probably knew long before most of the people playing knew. I'm sure they are doing everything they can to fix this as soon as possible. Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business. EA probably knows exactly what the problem is and probably how to fix it; it's just not a 1 step, 3 minute process. There's nothing they like less than having a bad rap about their company so this probably really is their biggest concern right now.  Give them some time.

EVERY GAME WILL HAVE BUGS!  When a small game that not a lot of people play is released there are bugs, but due to the lack of people playing, there is less of a chance that anyone will notice them and not be reported. When you make a game (i.e. BF2) where hundreds of thousands of people all over the world play, there is an extremely good chance that bugs will be noticed and they are often taken care of in the form of patches. As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.

When hundreds of thousands of people play an online, multiplayer game, there will be disagreement about EVERYTHING. There will be disagreement about which guns are the best, which maps are the best, which characters are the best, etc. and not everyone will get along. EA/Dice has to try to make everything as equal as possible and they have to change stuff around from the original game released (again, this comes by way of patches). This may involve making some guns worse or making some better. Getting mad because your favorite gun was enfeebled is understandable but there was a reason it was your favorite - it was really strong and unfair compared to the rest of the guns.

While this is nice, and it's fun to fantasize, think about how many people have read this and disagreed with the stuff that was stated. Or instead, think if they did this and how many people would get mad because they made something way to strong, or "nerfed" something else. They would talk about the days of "patch 1.41" and how everything was perfect.

I have no involvement with EA or DICE but everyone was stating that they were and awful company and they did not care about the consumers. If you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing. While the companies like your involvement (money) they aren't going to change anything over your protest.
I personally love BF2 and I don't plan to stop playing anytime soon (granted I've only been playing for about a year). There are a few bugs and a few things I don't like but the good FAR outweighs the bad.
+405|6784|A W S M F O X
Good to see rational, sane people still exist, i was about to take the other half.

Putting a little presure on EA/Dice is healthy. But there is no reason to pollute our forums with the mindless complaining.
Good post.
Certified Twat
+296|6829|Bournemouth, South England
You have a valid point.  Just because a game doesn't go someones way, it shouldn't be ZOMG1!!! h4x0r and crap like that.  EA/Dice would benefit more from constructive advice and feedback, then, in the long term, so would we.

Most people whine and complain, that's why they will never ascend to become ethereal beings.
Whats my age again?
+91|6673|Troy, New York
I'll take two
+132|7106|Perth, Western Australia
Funny that people who bash the game still play it, and are posting on a frum dedicated to the stats of people that play the game. Anyone else see the irony?
Without EA/DICE there wouldnt be BF2, and if u dont like it, dont play it
Real Хорошо
+826|6840|Adelaide, South Australia

Hurrah for logic!
+2|6479|The Netherlands

SamFisher199 wrote:

Without EA/DICE there wouldnt be BF2, and if u dont like it, dont play it
Damn right you are!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

jsnipy wrote:

Most people whine and complain, that's why they will never ascend to become ethereal beings.
ok, Rasputin, I believe you. lol
+1,153|6951|Washington, DC

I'm confident that most people who would leave BF2 because of shitty customer service would still buy EA games. There are *a lot* of casual players, the kind that buy each iteration of Madden.

Just look at 2142. Even I said "They'll never make a EA zombie out of me", and I ended up buying it at a discount. Nobody is safe from EA.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6857|Las Vegas
Everyone should of had to try Novalogic supported games (like black hawk down)before coming to EA games. Talk about zero support!
How much did EA pay you?
+2,382|6999|The North, beyond the wall.
If you think about it, EA is one of the smartest companies out there.

jord wrote:

If you think about it, EA is one of the smartest companies out there.
i love you jord, ontopic ea are kinda smart yeah
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6857|Las Vegas

Renegade wrote:

How much did EA pay you?
Ea paid me with an awesome game, with support and an active interest in fixing problems (ie:all the updates) with it, all for a decent price. If I were doing other hobbies for the same periods of time I played BF2, it would cost me much more.
Internet Poon
There are still arguments against EA. Of course managing an online game with a huge community and attention from hackers is tough, but all the more reason to make sure you deliver quality games.
EA is always pushing its developers to bring something out sooner than later, in order to make more and faster money. "A few leftover bugs? Well, it may cost us a bit of the game's presentation, but we'll make more money sooner, and we can patch that up later anyway!"

The result is that their games are usually buggy, and run pretty bad for no reason. This is largely in contrast to companies such as Valve (HL2 had the best graphics of its time, but also ran smoothly on every system) and Blizzard (actually canceled an entire game (Starcraft: Ghost) because it didnt meet their quality requirements.

EA does bring out good games, but they havent quite learned that their focus should be on gamers, not the gamers money.
conservative hatemonger
the primary reason bf2 is still played is becuase there isn't anything out there that is the same.  If something similar came out with less bugs then it would own bf2. 
Now, we have all the reasons in the world to hate EA/DIce, however.  they have made every bad decision for bf2 you really can make, and they make them sequentially as if they were doing it on purpose.  an example is 1.3.  Any publisher would have pulled 1.3 back for debugging and fixing, but EA instead left it out for a good 7 months or so before they got out a patch for it.  Why?  Because they prefer to fix the bugs that they created from patch to patch, instead of working very ahrd on one patc and putting it out.  That is why there was 1.41.
all in all, i hate EA, and once i  can get a better game (UT07, ET:QW, etc) i will leave bf2 behind and probably never play it again
F*CK logic, sane, and rationality, i want my effing stats!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
People who complain about EA and DICE and bugs and patches really haven't played many other games.

Like EA/DICE fucked BF2 with 1.2 patch!
Well Blizzard fucked Diablo2 way harder than BF2 could have ever been fucked with one patch, Blizz made the D2 Barbarian Character totally useles later in the game when EA/DICEs patches have only made the game more balanced.

jsnipy wrote:

Most people whine and complain, that's why they will never ascend to become ethereal beings.
I've got balls of steel.
+125|6898|Rochester NY USA

Snipingruven wrote:

Everyone should of had to try Novalogic supported games (like black hawk down)before coming to EA games. Talk about zero support!
Nothing like the left lean!
+202|6969|New York

pirana6 wrote:


In these threads (and others) almost EVERYONE is talking bad about EA or DICE and it's time to stop. Not just about the servers being down but also about the bugs, nerfing/unnerfing, patches/lack of patches, overpowered weapons, etc.

Yes, it's annoying when servers stop updating but I think everybody is being quite naive about the subject.

When you have a big company (especially one that produces games in which it is advantageous to hack), someone out there will always want to get into your system and change their stats. As human kind we are always greedy and if we can find an unethical way to better ourselves, we will use it. Think about how many people try to hack into the EA/DICE computers/servers every day. Sometimes they do (as with the 1,000,000 point leader board hacks we saw a few months ago) and when this happens EA/DICE has a large problem on their hands and do what they can to fix it.

When a problem like stats not updating arises, the company knows full well and they probably knew long before most of the people playing knew. I'm sure they are doing everything they can to fix this as soon as possible. Don't say that the company doesn't care about the people because they know that if they just gave up on this game, people would stop buying from them and they would be out of business. EA probably knows exactly what the problem is and probably how to fix it; it's just not a 1 step, 3 minute process. There's nothing they like less than having a bad rap about their company so this probably really is their biggest concern right now.  Give them some time.

EVERY GAME WILL HAVE BUGS!  When a small game that not a lot of people play is released there are bugs, but due to the lack of people playing, there is less of a chance that anyone will notice them and not be reported. When you make a game (i.e. BF2) where hundreds of thousands of people all over the world play, there is an extremely good chance that bugs will be noticed and they are often taken care of in the form of patches. As time goes on, more and more patches are released at the notice of more and more bugs in the games and there will almost never be a time when a large game (i.e. BF2) will be bug-less, they will get the biggest ones first and move along getting the smaller ones. The bugs left after a few years will be very small and only very anal people or those that play the game a LOT will ever notice them. MOVE ON.

When hundreds of thousands of people play an online, multiplayer game, there will be disagreement about EVERYTHING. There will be disagreement about which guns are the best, which maps are the best, which characters are the best, etc. and not everyone will get along. EA/Dice has to try to make everything as equal as possible and they have to change stuff around from the original game released (again, this comes by way of patches). This may involve making some guns worse or making some better. Getting mad because your favorite gun was enfeebled is understandable but there was a reason it was your favorite - it was really strong and unfair compared to the rest of the guns.

While this is nice, and it's fun to fantasize, think about how many people have read this and disagreed with the stuff that was stated. Or instead, think if they did this and how many people would get mad because they made something way to strong, or "nerfed" something else. They would talk about the days of "patch 1.41" and how everything was perfect.

I have no involvement with EA or DICE but everyone was stating that they were and awful company and they did not care about the consumers. If you disagree with the game or it makes you mad, stop playing. While the companies like your involvement (money) they aren't going to change anything over your protest.
I personally love BF2 and I don't plan to stop playing anytime soon (granted I've only been playing for about a year). There are a few bugs and a few things I don't like but the good FAR outweighs the bad.
thank you....this is a breath of fresh air.

....i just never understood, if all people do is bash the game and the company...why do they still play?  could it be people have nothing better to do than complain?
ppl just want the game to be better then it is. BF2 isnt living its full potential...


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