My dog does that if I take a week vacation. They are awesome.
I want a dog
On that note, I am going to go home to my dogs!
How cute but it seemed a bit scripted.
really in-touch, aren't cha? Dogs are mans best friend-MetaL* wrote:
How cute but it seemed a bit scripted.
Jebus wrote:
I want a dog
fuck! i miss my dogs, i'll be seeing them early Saturday morning, can't wait.
I'm lucky - I get to come home to that every day! Dogs are the bomb diggety - they make you feel so special. Although - my old cat does walk right up to and meow & purr and do the whole walk-around-your-legs thing. Of course - there he's just trying to kill me.
Jebus wrote:
I want a dog
i shit my kegs when a dog comes anywhere near me.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I miss my basset hound. She was old, slow, and had paws the size of dinner plates. Belle was my best friend until I turned 13 and she gave out. The cat is okay though- I don't mind having an independent pet. You approach it when you want and it does its thing otherwise. Not a bad set-up, but belle was just
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I love that about bassetts!Pochsy wrote:
and had paws the size of dinner plates.
why?m3thod wrote:
i shit my kegs when a dog comes anywhere near me.

Dogs are very dirty. Very very dirty. Almost as dirty as pigs and alcohol
cos i used to have dogs (usually alsatians) set on me when i was a wee lad....racismmenzo wrote:
why?m3thod wrote:
i shit my kegs when a dog comes anywhere near me.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
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This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Andrew L. Schmidt.
what a bastard!
/I saw the video yesterday. Dog whines when the soldier returns from duty. The end.
what a bastard!
/I saw the video yesterday. Dog whines when the soldier returns from duty. The end.