beeping means someone's got a radar onicecold2510 wrote:
I know how to use the radar on the left side of the cockpit,1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
Pretty much. I like to get up close and personal with the AIM-9s and gun though. Besides they were only armed with short-range R-60s and I thought I would make it a bit easier for them. You don't fuck with a F-15 especially an Isreali one at that.cowami wrote:
it's not that bad
1. (assuming you're using default controls) press 2 to activate BVR tracking mode
2. use the "; , . /" keys to serve as up, left, down, and right on your radar tracking screen (the left one as you probably know)
3. keep scanning using your cursor (the two vertical bars) until you see a thick dash on the screen
4. press TAB to lock on to the target (it may not lock if the person is jamming you)
5. when the enemy comes in range (when those two orange lights in the corner of the F-15's cockpit light up, generally), fire the missile and watch it track and hit
remember, dots on the radar are friendlies, dashes are hostiles
and of course, this only works with the AMRAAM or the Sparrow, not so much the Sidewinder
EDIT: press I to manually turn your radar on and off
also remember that once you lock on to the enemy (or turn on your radar), you're wide open for the enemy to do the same, so try not to lock on unless you want to put a scare in them or kill them
one last thing, press E to activate your ECMs
its just for me understanding wtf the beeping and the triangles around the number of the aircraft on the right radar mean.... knowing where my adversary is without labels
the triangles with numbers in them are aircraft, with the number designating the make of the aircraft (e.g., triangle with a 25 in it is most likely a MiG-25)