Say wat!?
Yeh its a technique I was told about for teaching retarded kids. If you repeat stuff enough they might actually understand or form an actual opinion on the comment rather than making some totally off topic reply.

But thats another story.
Mass Media Casualty

Enough! Both of you shut the fuck up or I'm going to ban you.
Kptk, stop provoking Vilham. Vilham, stop getting baited.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Yeah, but seriously.

Mercs 2 really sucks!

I've been watching some videos and looking at some screenshots today, as well as flicking through the various reviews... I'd say the poor reviews are pretty consistent and accurate from what I've seen. The graphics look like a throwback to 2001 and the gameplay looks stale and hijacked in some sort of Grand Theft Auto-style hybrid mongrel disaster.

Will be avoiding this at all costs.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.

Uzique wrote:

Yeah, but seriously.

Mercs 2 really sucks!

I've been watching some videos and looking at some screenshots today, as well as flicking through the various reviews... I'd say the poor reviews are pretty consistent and accurate from what I've seen. The graphics look like a throwback to 2001 and the gameplay looks stale and hijacked in some sort of Grand Theft Auto-style hybrid mongrel disaster.

Will be avoiding this at all costs.
You haven't even played it.
i think mercs 2 has its bad points, but it has its uniuqeness

why is this game so bad, because EA took pandemic over?
be nice
+2,646|6606|The Twilight Zone
So is the game good or does it suck? Worth buying or just "obtaining" or not getting it at all?

GateKeeper{NL} wrote:

i think mercs 2 has its bad points, but it has its uniuqeness

why is this game so bad, because EA took pandemic over?
because apparently graphics suck, the game is so alike to the first (if a bit shorter too) but tbh its amazing fun and with co-op included, you can have a blast with mates!!
+72|6740|Chelmsford, UK
Still gonna get it i loved Mercs 1.
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Meh I might get it, but I just got GRiD and it's awesome, so I dunno.. Midnight Club 4: Sexytimes is also coming out 10th October, i'll fucking be there amirite?

pr0tip: Morrisons is selling all X360, PS3 and Wii games at half price this week, thought it would be good for da Limies to know

Last edited by Mint Sauce (2008-09-10 11:55:51)

+244|6841|arica harbour
mercs2 is getting bad reviews from what i see.
Oh wow.. I ain't gonna bother waffling on anymore. Don't get it if it has bad reviews then.

They weren't kidding when they said dual core was a minimum requirement. I can't even get to the main menu without it locking up on my 2004 build.
High Angle Hell
+182|6347|Schofield Barracks

kptk92 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Yeah, but seriously.

Mercs 2 really sucks!

I've been watching some videos and looking at some screenshots today, as well as flicking through the various reviews... I'd say the poor reviews are pretty consistent and accurate from what I've seen. The graphics look like a throwback to 2001 and the gameplay looks stale and hijacked in some sort of Grand Theft Auto-style hybrid mongrel disaster.

Will be avoiding this at all costs.
You haven't even played it.
yea dont say its bad untill you play it its 5o cal ftw.
+778|5856|London, UK

MAGUIRE93 wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

Uzique wrote:

Yeah, but seriously.

Mercs 2 really sucks!

I've been watching some videos and looking at some screenshots today, as well as flicking through the various reviews... I'd say the poor reviews are pretty consistent and accurate from what I've seen. The graphics look like a throwback to 2001 and the gameplay looks stale and hijacked in some sort of Grand Theft Auto-style hybrid mongrel disaster.

Will be avoiding this at all costs.
You haven't even played it.
yea dont say its bad untill you play it its 5o cal ftw.
Hey, you on the 50 .cal? Just wanted you to know I'm about to KILL YOU
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6690|Long Island, New York
+778|5856|London, UK
+1,411|6894|FUCK UBISOFT

Remember, it only counts as terrorism if the occupants are white.
fuck it
It could have been a great game but it has serious issues. The controls feel like crap and you can't even increase the fov, not to mention the enormous amount of glitches, instability, etc..
Can you fight with more then one Merc this time?(at the same time)
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

My god. I played this for 15min. It has now been removed from my dear PC. The gameplay sucks. The graphics suck. Everything sucks. Goodbye.
pub hero!
+603|6534|the land of bourbon
ok. what the fuck.  i just installed the PC version of the game, played for about 10 minutes, and now its completely fucked.  the camera constantly circles the guy, almost like the look left key is being held down.  i cant make it stop.  this is bullshit.
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|5873|Gulf Coast

Mercs 2 was one of the few games I haven't completed.....but still have no desire to play. It has good points but it's mostly bad. Like a chocolate chip cow paddy. Sure everyone likes chocolate chips but do you like them enough to chew through cow shit to get to them?
Stop reading this and look at my post
Great game just for the sheer fun of it: ok so the story and presenation of Mercs 1 was better, but by scale this one wins by miles. Mercs 2 actually has boats, destroyable oil rigs and ships, and proper usage of helicopters (Mercs 1 had 'em, but they were ridiculously rare and weak)
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6117|London, England

Mercs 2 sucks

it doesnt even have 1600 x 1050
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6592|Brisbane, Australia

Mutantsteak wrote:

Mercs 2 sucks

it doesnt even have 1600 x 1050
I'm not surprised it doesnt support 1600x1050

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