iPod is broken.
+1,048|6811|NT, like Mick Dundee

Something is bugging me...

You mention creating an acc four years ago when you were 12, which would make you 16 or so, yet you refer to a 'little 17 year old'......
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Also just another thing, you can also email spoof, so if an email comes and it even says its from @facebook.com or whatever their one is. It doesn't mean it is from them. So as someone already said, clicking on links in emails can be risky. And yeah, checking the URL helps.
has joined the GOP

Poseidon wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I fucking would, honestly.

I think this has taught me a valuable lesson.

1) Use a different password for EVERYTHING.
2) Make them VERY, VERY difficult.
3) Never trust secure information with your account
4) The internet sucks.
The only thing you should have learned is: Look at the URL before you enter your credentials.

If you're logging into Myspace and the URL looks like: http://, then you're doing something wrong.
No no, I know. Don't worry. But I don't think that's what happened, tbh. I would've seen it. Maybe I was just oblivious at the moment, who knows?
that almost happened to me. its pretty easy to not notice.
Did they do anything to your profile?
i g

how did you not know it was a fake login?

tsk tsk
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

Roc18 wrote:

Did they do anything to your profile?
Not really that much. Deleted my pictures and deleted my about me/favorite music/favorite TV shows/etc. Sent out a message to a kid that hates me like I said, which leads me to believe it was a friend of his trying to start shit between us so he'd have "proof" I started it. I guess he though I was too stupid to check my message outbox.

However, since he's the only one I think could have done it, I sent him a message telling him that I've already got the FBI's CyberCrimes unit on the case and that unless he tells me it was him, I'll press charges. I won't, but it'll be nice to scare the little shit.

Changed ALL my passwords, btw.
+1,716|6878|St. Andrews / Oslo

Poseidon wrote:

Changed ALL my passwords, btw.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
Redalert is my pass for my Yahoo account. Can any of you find the account name?

Last edited by David.P (2008-08-27 17:05:06)

prince of insufficient light

David.P wrote:

Redalert is my pass for my Yahoo account. Can any of you find the account name?
lol moderator powers

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

David.P wrote:

Redalert is my pass for my Yahoo account. Can any of you find the account name?
lol moderator powers
Nope. Thats my Forum account. My main one is different.
prince of insufficient light

David.P wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

David.P wrote:

Redalert is my pass for my Yahoo account. Can any of you find the account name?
lol moderator powers
Nope. Thats my Forum account. My main one is different.
I didn't think you would have had the same, especially since your email is public anyways. Struck me as funny anyways, and I don't think that's a particularly good idea.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

David.P wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

lol moderator powers
Nope. Thats my Forum account. My main one is different.
I didn't think you would have had the same, especially since your email is public anyways. Struck me as funny anyways, and I don't think that's a particularly good idea.
All e-mails I have are disposable. All my google and yahoo accounts mean nothing to me.

EDIT: And I am serious. My main Yahoo account's password is Redalert. I've had that since 2000 when RA2 first came out.

Last edited by David.P (2008-08-27 17:26:26)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
i g

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Wrong. Here's a Hint it's Red Alert 2 related.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
And yes I know you said that its Red Alert 2 related

Last edited by kptk92 (2008-08-27 17:35:18)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Herman is a warmaphrodite
+1,027|6585|King Of The Islands

David.P wrote:

Wrong. Here's a Hint it's Red Alert 2 related.
[email protected]
My state was founded by Batman. Your opinion is invalid.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6636|Gogledd Cymru

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York
This thread has turned hilarious
Wrong. Last time I say so. Last hint.

+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
fuck it
Phishing is when they trick you into giving the information to them yourself, so unless you gave them your password you weren't phished.

Terminology Police HOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Edit: Oh, maybe you did get phished. LOL

Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2008-08-27 20:17:21)


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