
Dr.Red-Eye wrote:

i thoguht it happend already
I don't think so, no pics
+165|6788|South Jersey
In any case, everybody be sure to get laid in case shit goes down. 

Or masturbate furiously.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

The countdown klok website is not answering. So either we have dr. G.Freeman running around CERN with a crowbar or they just fucked up in another way and there is a funny Mist coming to town... uh-oh... it's hitting Beijing already. Duck and cover!
Is this the one taht will be used to find the "particle of god" or something like that.
And yeah we are all gonna fucking die and we will live in a world of bf2142.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

aerodynamic wrote:

and we will live in a world of bf2142.
Then I want a patch so that life won't suck so much.

aerodynamic wrote:

Is this the one taht will be used to find the "particle of god" or something like that.
And yeah we are all gonna fucking die and we will live in a world of bf2142.
I think the first one they're going to try to look at is the Higg's Boson.

Alcohol & calculus don't mix. Never drink & derive

Ultrafunkula wrote:

aerodynamic wrote:

and we will live in a world of bf2142.
Then I want a patch so that life won't suck so much.
EA will screw that up and make life 3x worse than before.
say that 2 my face fucker not online

oldgoat wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

aerodynamic wrote:

and we will live in a world of bf2142.
Then I want a patch so that life won't suck so much.
EA will screw that up and make life 3x worse than before.
EA already controls the climate and life in general? we are fucked already then
Deeds, not words.
+311|6758|Greenwood, IN
Nothing will happen get over it.  We(Humanity) have been screwing with shit far worse than smashing atoms.  Hell nuclear bombs should be top on the end of the world list not smashing atoms...
+605|6260|Birmingham, UK

Stun_Gun wrote:

Presence wrote:

murphy's law will come into play here
Something bad can happen with what they are trying to do....
They can say all the odds they want to but just that little chance of something like killing everyone or creating a black hole isnt worth it....
Something bad can happen to anything you do.

Figure I:

*Walking down stairs*
/fall and break your neck

Figure II:


Figure III:

/fall over laces and fracture your skull
"Don't post while intoxicated."
@SEREVENT - Agree.

If we never took chances, we would never progess our knowledge.

Anyway, its not even a chance - the LHC will not destroy the world!
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Next wed seems to be the experiment day.
+319|6545|Southern California

Naturn wrote:

Nothing will happen get over it.  We(Humanity) have been screwing with shit far worse than smashing atoms.  Hell nuclear bombs should be top on the end of the world list not smashing atoms...
I think all the people in this thread trying to convince someone its safe are the only ones really worried about it.

Its pretty obvious people are just joking around yet a bunch of you guys are still trying to argue that it will be safe... sounds more like you guys are trying to convince yourself.
+617|6558|NSW, Australia

tbh, id rather them not kill me
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Hopefully this will be shown on the news or sumtin. I'm actually quite interested how something like this happens if it happens and when it happens.


Oh, cool

www.cern.ch wrote:

10 September: The first attempt to circulate a beam in the LHC will be made on 10 September at the injection energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV). This historical event will be webcast through http://webcast.cern.ch, and distributed through the Eurovision network. See http://www.cern.ch/lhc-first-beam for further details.

Last edited by Ultrafunkula (2008-09-06 00:59:51)

+319|6545|Southern California

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Hopefully this will be shown on the news or sumtin. I'm actually quite interested how something like this happens if it happens and when it happens.


Oh, cool

www.cern.ch wrote:

10 September: The first attempt to circulate a beam in the LHC will be made on 10 September at the injection energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV). This historical event will be webcast through http://webcast.cern.ch, and distributed through the Eurovision network. See http://www.cern.ch/lhc-first-beam for further details.
I doubt there will be much to see....

Will likely go like this
*Flip switch*

Oh well, at least we will be able to see it live if the guy who flips the switch has his face melt.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6626|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Lemme tune this a bit...

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Will likely go like this
*Flip switch*
*device humming*
*bright flash*
*scientists screaming*
*Gordon Freeman running with a crowbar*
*The Mist happening in a town near by*
But yeah. It'll probably be dull. But one can always hope for something interesting to happen. Not saying that Xenomorphs or something should crawl out, but some cool facts atleast.
+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
It takes like 4 years to get on full power anyway (I read....don't kill me if that's wrong).

What I find amazing is that it took 2 weeks just to go from about 20 to 2 kelvin, nearly absolute zero.

And all this bullshit about making the word end...

Last edited by james@alienware (2008-09-06 02:05:33)

Best ___ in Aus
Prepare for unforseen consequences
We won't die.
But if we do hey who cares, we will be all dead.
loloolololl me and my mates were talking about this at school yesterday.

No chance whatsoever.
+319|6545|Southern California

kptk92 wrote:

loloolololl me and my mates were talking about this at school yesterday.

No chance whatsoever.
We will see if you think its so funny when an african american hole is sucking your face from your head....

VicktorVauhn wrote:

kptk92 wrote:

loloolololl me and my mates were talking about this at school yesterday.

No chance whatsoever.
We will see if you think its so funny when an african american hole is sucking your face from your head....
okay fgt
I can haz titanium paancakez?

thraSK wrote:

Prepare for unforseen consequences
+124|6575|My room
sv_cheats 1


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