With all the bs about the economy and the fiscal rape that is Iraq this shit is getting harder to discredit.
Please discuss;
Please discuss;
http://www.truthaboutax.com/site/1515517/page/658325This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the real deal; a conspiracy that has already accomplished its set goals. This is the "Illuminati" conceived New World Order. The Illuminati symbol is on every Amercan dollar bill. Don't think for a moment that the New World Order is about truth, freedom, or abundance. It's not. Just look at the 9-11 coverup. Our governments have been ignorantly lead deeply into debt by anonymous creditors, and they (our governments) transfer those dubious debts on to the shoulders of we citizens through taxes. The US Federal Reserve Bank, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of England, and most other "National" banks are wholly owned and/or controlled by wealthy Banking/Illuminati interests. The US Government continues to finance a large part of the budget by borrowing from the "Fed" (Federal Reserve Bank) at interest, and forcing we citizens into tax debt. The "Fed" simply creates money out of thin air, using the US tax cashflow as "security", and loans it to government. Your taxes then go partly to service the interest on this ever-growing national debt, and partly towards fomenting the next money-making war for the private banks. This is not banking conspiracy theory. It is absolute fact. And it is happening in nearly every country.