I'm sure there will be lots of replies like "zomg this guy doesn't know anything he speaks a funny language I know the building came down due to fire because I am a 40 year old living in my mother's basement." Nonetheless, here it is.
This is an excerpt from a Dutch TV interview with an expert in controlled demolition, Danny Zowenko. He is shown a clip of WTC Building 7 collapsing but he does not know it is from the WTC or that it was on September 11. He says without a doubt that it was controlled demolition. He is then told what building it is and he cannot believe it, as most cannot either. This is yet another expert who has confirmed that controlled demolition was used on 9/11.
I'm sure there will be many who won't even watch the video and just dismiss it as crazy out of hand. That is their problem. If you don't even look at other evidence, you obviously are in the wrong section.
Here is more of the interview:
I tried to embed each of the three videos but it didn't work sorry.
Here is a link to two more experts on structural engineering, Hugo Bachmann and Jörg Schneider, who confirm WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition:
"Nach meiner Meinung ist das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit fachgerecht gesprengt worden», sagt Hugo Bachmann, emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion. Und auch Jörg Schneider, ebenfalls emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion, deutet die wenigen vorhandenen Videoaufnahmen als Hinweise, dass «das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit gesprengt wurde. "
"In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts" says Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH*. And also Jörg Schneider, another Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH, interprets the small number of existing videos as indices that "WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by explosives".
This is an excerpt from a Dutch TV interview with an expert in controlled demolition, Danny Zowenko. He is shown a clip of WTC Building 7 collapsing but he does not know it is from the WTC or that it was on September 11. He says without a doubt that it was controlled demolition. He is then told what building it is and he cannot believe it, as most cannot either. This is yet another expert who has confirmed that controlled demolition was used on 9/11.
I'm sure there will be many who won't even watch the video and just dismiss it as crazy out of hand. That is their problem. If you don't even look at other evidence, you obviously are in the wrong section.
Here is more of the interview:
I tried to embed each of the three videos but it didn't work sorry.
Here is a link to two more experts on structural engineering, Hugo Bachmann and Jörg Schneider, who confirm WTC 7 was brought down by controlled demolition:
"Nach meiner Meinung ist das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit fachgerecht gesprengt worden», sagt Hugo Bachmann, emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion. Und auch Jörg Schneider, ebenfalls emeritierter ETH-Professor für Baustatik und Konstruktion, deutet die wenigen vorhandenen Videoaufnahmen als Hinweise, dass «das Gebäude WTC 7 mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit gesprengt wurde. "
"In my opinion WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by controlled demolition done by experts" says Hugo Bachmann, Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH*. And also Jörg Schneider, another Professor emeritus for structural analysis and construction at ETH, interprets the small number of existing videos as indices that "WTC7 was with the utmost probability brought down by explosives".