i havent had any issues at all and really come on there is all ways going to some bug on some map get real and deal with it.
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tomasmorgan is right i had a question like that in my physics class in college moving is still moving you body is still going to give friction against the momentum you body is still going to fight it its like a wheel you spine it on one way and change the degree of the spining rotation it will one to keep going in its oraiganl rotation. hope it helps (sorry about spelling errors i suck at spelling haha )ThomasMorgan wrote:
Well, think of it this way. If you're running forward and you twist your body to the left or right, your momentum keeps you going forward. It matters not what direction you're facing, but in what direction your mass is travelling.[TUF]Catbox wrote:
I think it would be hard to change directions that quickly... a machine could do it but the human body would black out... maybe with a pressure suit... lol...what do i know? im a bartender... but i stayed at a holiday inn express last night...
game sucked a**
if it was true don't you think it would be on www.battlefield2.com so untell it is posted on there i am not goign to beleave this.. also when make a post like this back it up with proof!!!! (like a ligit website (EA and/or DICE))
USA Duluth MN ---> =IDS= .:Mr_$tinkyNutz:.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc6TT3zy4og look at that its called redline or somethign like that
try the ATI X1300 its ike 130 (around there if you want biult in tv tuner thats like 170ish)HaywoodJablowme wrote:
Like what? I need to upgrade on the cheap.. my fx5700 is starting to bore me..i3igpete wrote:
how do you guys play this with an x300? i tried it with the family computer a few weeks ago... so painful to play. i mean, it's like only 100 for a video card that can run karkand at 1280x1024 full high; is it really that expensive to play bf2 like it was meant to be played?
I play all on high and full AA
AMD 4200+ X2
2 gigs of ram
ati X1600 Pro 512mb
(yep thats right i hate intel and nvidea)
AMD 4200+ X2
2 gigs of ram
ati X1600 Pro 512mb
(yep thats right i hate intel and nvidea)
its a hack called redline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc6TT3zy4og <--- watch here
no idea my TS server got hacked to and he said he was useing a program named brute force and when asked for a link he gave me one but it gave me a worm and if that fucker read this i got your IP and i will come after you i run a home business and you put peoples accounts at risk....
majorassult you poted just while i was loging ing yea 25 hours IN AF and first in all three maps gets you that
what the fuck prove that your god untell then ill answer any q for ya cuz as far as i can tell he would be me >
overheating is not really a issue with overclocking unless you really want to push your limits and for your link at http://eatypo.ytmnd.com for the people that played with you on bf2 we allready know you like the cock!!
so that is the video of you getting owned by the tF clan than?? hahahaFromTheAshes wrote:
for those who don't know what im talking about do a search on fromtheashes o his posts.
kinda off a little duluth mn
yea now the plays are not overpower we can actully fight agaist them to bad for you plan whores
sorry dude same thing happend to me i had to restart a new guy:( the $tinkyNut$ack$ was my old guy => NEW .:Mr_$tinkyNutz:.
how do you delet battlefield account with your email i had a email for my battlefield and i never checked it so i just lost my account for battlefield and i have one on my main email that i use but i wanna delet it and start over does anyone know how to do that??
like said before its to make people buy SF and for the headshots you can kill someone with one shot to the head with a pistol (its a headshot it will kill anyone)
yea that actully works i do that quite often to people when they come around th e corner just shoot betwen teh two sections of the tank
im just tring to make a point and whos was the highest that got banned???
why not im getting to the point why the hell not stat pad it to the ranking were you have all the unlocks its not like EA or DICE actully do anything to you i mean come on who has actully got there bf2 accound taken away for this i mean ive heard while playing games but come on wheres the proof that these guy are actully getting punished for this?
damn kid stop posting soo many times of teh same issue
all i have to say is good job man
there is curently a error in punkbuster and all admins should ignore that warning along with #80032 for more info check punkbusters website
just check my bf2 profile forgot to add that
$tinkyNut$ack$ ooo wait im allready that oo well
i just check bfhq and that hasent changed too and i know i played in ranked cuz thats all i play in and i have it checked in the filters too i lost about 200 points and two ribons
i know its been said before but my stats have not been updated scence dec 30th dose it really take this long and ive played for about 6-7 hours scence than????
ive sniped at least 5 of the top 10 players but i don't see the big deal i don't really think its a big step forword or anyhtign
if you guys actully do some work you CAN shoot the driver and gunner in the attack chopper and driver of the blackhawk with the M(% just aim for the head ive done it plenty of times.
ok if you guys hate the game soo much stop fucking playing cuz it dosent look lite its going to change any time soon
yea but if there in a group the rest return fire haha
nukes not a good idea how about scilenced sniper rifle tho?????
i had this happen to me too and i latter found out it was because i picked up the other teams kit but im not sure now that i think about it ive seen it happen with my own must be one f#$%ed up bug....
ok im 22 and i work full time go to college full time and have a part time building computers and i sill take time out to play BF2 and for your dinky computers yea you can not even compare yours with mine
i would say he would be nuts to give his SN out cuz like you all said EVERYONE including me would be trying to kill him
NOi don't mean they are all cheaters if you play fair congrats i mean it to but how in the world do you get 300 + in one round than
honestly has anyone ever looked at the top 10 list thay all have rounds up it the 300+ range now tell how that f@%* do you get that many points without point farming. any have any ideas if not EA needs to buckel down on people that do that and shit i seen a 836 point round once (can't remember who tho) they need to start banning people who cheat and don't hold me wrong now maybe someone did have a 3oo round but 400 and up is hard to beleave.
im a staff sarg and i also have SF and i have 6 unlocks go ahead and look at my pro file to see if you just have BF2 now you only get one unlock per rand and with SF you get 2 per rank
i just plad SF and i was killing some people that had red names and half of them where team kills so what the hell is the deal with that??????????? any know??????????????? and i know it not just today it did it the other day also
for the pro with the xmas gift buy SP adn return the one you get for xmas that should solve your prob and as for your mom not letting you buy it grow up kid get a mind for yourself
not sure why people invest in high end stuffi have a p4 3.2 overclocking to a 3.65 3 gigs of ram and ati x700 pro norm mhz is 4 hundred something and i have that overcloking to 660mhz and i run on high settings and no prob at all and for what i choose one over the other don't have a pref. allwas had ati for some reason
i think it wourl be boaring shooting a sitting duck is not all that fun and plus its more fun hearing people bitch about getting sniped and cant find out where you are and if anyone wants to duel with me just let me know i have 60:00:00++ time as a sniper
Just look at all games you will find problems with all of them you just to take what you can get its like everything pretty much to gain something you loose something so if you like the game play it if not play something else....
Yea Thats Right I Work At Sams Club Ya Know Part Of The Evil Corp. Of Walmart.......