This is a once in a lifetime loss off restraint from my part.  Whiners, SHUT THE FUCK UPP !

                   ERSB Warning: Gameplay may change during online gaming

On a side note to you Sud; Your sig fill's upp my entire friggin screen, so you opinion is as valid as flies on shit. Even tho it is funny

Seriouly... less is more

As for the softcore porn sig's thats become a trend among our young drop it! It's a BF2 communety, i dont want to be reminded what im missing out on while im here

To the rest of you, happy fucking cristmas and excellent new year.. *grp hugs*

i need a valium!

Last edited by Tarasque (2005-12-21 19:27:01)


beeng wrote:

uk.solidsnake wrote:

Armando: This was a request directly from the franchise director. He felt that the helicopter payload was a little excessive and felt that this change was needed.
Thats funny shit; bet he's a tank guy and kept getting blown up by choppers ;D haha
yeah but thats gay, he will change the whole game because of his opinion. seriously this sucks, im pretty sure of all the new things in the new patch, there are severals that the director wanted to be in the next patch. He thinks it will be better, but i think it will suck because there will be more tanks whore because choppers will now suck
I want the pink mist
I like how everytime they come up with a patch there is this outbreak of bitching and moaning.  What happened when their last major patch came out? Everyone bitched but after a week everyone adjusted to it and moved on. Just let it go, at least they are showing some support for their game. Would you rather have it they put a game on store shelves and never speak of it again?

I'm not saying I'm all for the changes they're making, but geez suck it up people.

Last edited by oJmHo (2005-12-21 21:29:06)

+3|7011|England, UK

oJmHo wrote:

I like how everytime they come up with a patch there is this outbreak of bitching and moaning.  What happened when 1.03 came out? Everyone bitched but after a week everyone adjusted to it and moved on. Just let it go, at least they are showing some support for their game. Would you rather have it they put a game on store shelves and never speak of it again?

I'm not saying I'm all for the changes they're making, but geez suck it up people.
I think most people are just getting it out of their system.

Although the main problem is that more and more drastic changes are being made. It's becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy the game when it is being stripped of certain things and players are constantly having to adjust. Battlefield 2 is one of the only online games I have played where the online experience has changed dramatically from patch to patch, it's really quite annoying.

Last edited by uk.solidsnake (2005-12-21 21:30:15)

your right solidsnake, but i ll be sad probably for a couple of week when patch will comes out
'twice cooked beef!'

RKF77 wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

the funny thing is, the people who were good before the patches will probably still own after.
So what's the problem?  A lot of them probably will, because they'll adapt.

Good gamers will simply adapt their play style and keep going.  Crybabies will bitch, whine and moan that their favored exploits are gone.
the problem is that these supposed imbalances and exploits aren't really that, they're just the things that the good players have learned to use to great effect. so as a result of all the bitching and moaning, DICE has devoted their attention to these phantom problems instead of focusing on what's really imporant - debugging the game.

we still have the name glitch.
the in game server browser still does not ping correctly.
AT missles still go through their targets occasionally.
the reload animation bug is still not fixed.

besides which, the game can stand to have a few more maps, wouldn't you agree? and don't say anything about SF, that's a trashy money grab which doesn't deserve to be mentioned.

but instead of doing what's really important, DICE is tweaking balance where it doesn't need to be tweaked. i won't have any problem adjusting to the changes, i'm sure i'll do fine. but i still regret the fact that the community has been blinded by the incessant complaining and lost sight of what DICE really should have been doing this whole time - fixing the core game.
bad touch

wow, so they fixed noting i was hoping for
Member 5307
yeah more new maps would be sweet.
Nah it will be easy if ya never did any exploits!!!! Bring it on. I will still tank whore if I can.
It sounds good except for not being able to jump and throw a nade or C4. By fixing this it will not solve bunny hopping, just make it harder to C4 a tank
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
hmm, I'm pretty sure that all the people bitching about the changes are the same people who begged for the changes, sure I bunnyhop, and I pwn at it, I'm still liking the sounds of the patch. heicopters with less armour than a tank? But helicopters are up in the air, where everyone can see them! Jumping and throwing, I use that for grenades, sad to see it go, but AT mines are maybe just a little hard to throw on a tank, c4 you can throw a bit, but then it wouldn't stick too well, now people, you can still get an AT mine on a tank, and you can still throw grenades a fair way, try angling upward!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7113|Marathon, Florida Keys
All the noobies run to EA when they blow at the game, so then they make a total conversion of bf2.

IN EVERY FPS EXCEPT DOD YOU CAN JUMP AND SHOOT!. Now tank biatches are gonna have a blast wehn you cant hurl c4 at them from behind a wall.

Last edited by .:ronin:.|Patton (2005-12-22 10:08:21)

3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum
and it will stop bunnyhopping where it matters! I would know because I bunnyhop, so what if they can bunny reload, if they've run out of ammo then you  should have killed them long ago!
3 Tours Of 'Nam And All I Got Was This Lousy Forum

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Suck it, i never said i hate it. Im accually good now with what bf2 is and EA is making me start all over again.
Then your genetically inferior?
Darwin said that the ability to change is the most important or something like that.
'twice cooked beef!'
jumping while throwing a grenade DOES NOT make it go significantly further. i tested this exhaustively. c4, however, is affected by jumping.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7132|Grapevine, TX

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

great........bf2 just turned into shit.
And all you other BF2 haters I have an IDEA for you:
1. Delete and remove the software from your PC.
2. Remove BF2s.com from your favorites list and history drop down list.
3. Play something that DOES satisfy your gaming needs, as BF2 is not for you.
4. Sell it to Gamestop or on eBay.
Thanks for playing, we won't miss you on the battlefield or the forums.
Suck it, i never said i hate it. I'm actually good now with what bf2 is and EA is making me start all over again.
Perfect example of human behavior. 95% of ALL humans don't like change, I don't like change. I am just so tired of all the immature whining, and complaining. OK sure you have your right to say whatever you want, no problem.

Listen kid, you say the game just "turned to shit". What?  Never mind don't explain,  I had crazy hormones at your young age, too.  It's going to be ok, and Hell yeah your good at BF2!  Please, in the future just think before you  say something, ok?

Krappyappy wrote:

the problem is that these supposed imbalances and exploits aren't really that, they're just the things that the good players have learned to use to great effect.
Ah, but a lot of them are "exploits".

Noob toobing is an exploit of the poorly modeled splash damage.
Dolphin-diving is an exploit of a piss-poor movement model.
Accurate shooting while jumping is another exploit of a poor movement model.

I won't go so far as to say C4 chucking is an exploit...it's just quick reflexes.  It's not tough at all to do, it just takes minimal practice.  Unfortunately, that gets covered by no-shooting-while-jumping...so much for that.  Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

It's a pain in the ass in-game, though. 

Krappyappy wrote:

so as a result of all the bitching and moaning, DICE has devoted their attention to these phantom problems instead of focusing on what's really imporant - debugging the game.
Well, IMO some of those problems are real, but I won't argue there are bugs that need to be fixed, deferring to your list.  Those are four problems that should have been addressed a loooooong time ago. 

Krappyappy wrote:

besides which, the game can stand to have a few more maps, wouldn't you agree? and don't say anything about SF, that's a trashy money grab which doesn't deserve to be mentioned.
Yeah, absolutely I think it could...however, more than new maps, I think we could stand to see a couple new gametypes.  Conquest just gets old after awhile.

Krappyappy wrote:

but instead of doing what's really important, DICE is tweaking balance where it doesn't need to be tweaked.
I respectfully disagree.  From removing dolphin diving and the ability to bounce around and shoot accurately, tweaking weapon balances a bit, and (hopefully) improving AA a bit, I think this patch will be a good one.  I don't agree with everything they want to implement, but c'est la vie.

We both agree good players will adapt.  That's why I fail to see a problem...people can still hop around as a defensive movement, they just can't shoot accurately while doing it.  IMHO, that's not too much to ask.

However, I agree about the problems with the game.  I do hope that in addition to what they're adding, they plan to fix what's busted.  I haven't been able to use the server browser for months...I have to get server IPs from friends on separate comms.  It's a pain in the ass.

I ain't know...I'm going to reserve judgement until I see what they do.  Remember who we're talking about here....they can SAY they're going to do all these things, whether they actually DO it is a different story entirely *coughAAcough*
imho, bf2 is a particularly odd fps...
NO ONE says gg, or displays any degree of curtesey seen in many other games.  i think that people who play bf2 are in 2 distinct fraternities... the dicks and the old hands.  the dicks are here after growing out of halo etc on their xboxes, and i believe its these people who think hopping and whoring is acceptable.  there is no community as such re bf2..  just bickering and agro.  this has made me feel like ditching bf2 as a game...

patches or no patches, bf2 aint going the right way. 
its also something of an enigma in gaming... the developers have made a game whereby there is bullet physics, spray innacuracies and such 'real' effects... implying that they want to make the game 'realism based', yet they allow clearly shitty practices of bunny hopping, diving etc etc... and now they wanna trim, ie making it an arcade shooter.. i think they ought to get their philosophy right in their heads before they start tweeking and arsing about with patches..

do we want realism or arcade?
i dont want some bastard offspring of both that choses the worst aspects of both.

if they were your kid, you would sell them to a romanian travelling circus..
Rather than bickering like infants can we keep this on topic.

According to the interview You can only no longer fire whilst jumping.
However that was also his reason for why the "C4 Pitching" will no longer work.
Yet Technically C4 Pitching isnt firing.
So Im assuming he means pressing the fire Button will no longer work whilst jumping.
Does this mean that we can no longer throw med packs too? Must we be ontop of them to heal them?

And again, on karkand by the square I love jumping and throwing c4 over the wall by the flag to blow tanks as they try to take the flag. If you step out from behind the wall the tank is going to tear you apart, unless you bunnyhop over to it.

Whilst the game might have been unreal before at least it was balanced between infantry and armor.

Anyway, Lets sit back and see how this patch turns out
Evolution is all about survival of the fittest
Cool member

T3CHHGod wrote:

we wont even be able to toss c4 off a rooof onto a tank or over a wall where theres enemies

this is the stupidist thing ive seen yet
totally agree with you there!

that is going to take away some benefits of going spec ops. not to mention how unreaslitic it has become. if i have a packet of c4 with me, i could easily chuck it over a wall when jumping!

bad bad bad descision!
+0|7118|British Columbia

beeng wrote:

Hey; you don't have to look at it
I don't want to be beating the whole porn thing to death, but honestly thats one of the more retarded things I've seen on this board. I don't know about you but I find it a little difficult to not see something that takes up around half of my screen. Please enlighten me as to what purpose those sigs serve if you would be so kind. Or, better yet, try growing up.

uber73 wrote:

imho, bf2 is a particularly odd fps...
NO ONE says gg, or displays any degree of curtesey seen in many other games.
Yeah I've noticed that to. I used to play a lot of obscure Half Life mods with communities that you could probably count on your fingers and toes. We all got to know each other pretty well and half the fun was just chatting on the servers and forums. Coming to BF2 with its practically non-existent ingame sense of community and generally weak one on forums (the sigs and overall immaturity of a lot of people here would be an example)  has been a big shift. I think a nice feature would be an additional 15-30 seconds at the end of a round where players can still type to each other, you know exchanging "gg"s and whatnot. It might foster a little bit more teamspirit. Oh and I try to fire off the "gg"s if I notice that one team or the other is clearly going to win soon, but sometimes you don't get a chance.

uber73 wrote:

patches or no patches, bf2 aint going the right way. 
its also something of an enigma in gaming... the developers have made a game whereby there is bullet physics, spray innacuracies and such 'real' effects... implying that they want to make the game 'realism based', yet they allow clearly shitty practices of bunny hopping, diving etc etc... and now they wanna trim, ie making it an arcade shooter.. i think they ought to get their philosophy right in their heads before they start tweeking and arsing about with patches..

do we want realism or arcade?
i dont want some bastard offspring of both that choses the worst aspects of both.
Actually I have to disagree with you there. The whole Battle Field franchise has tended to be an excellent balance between realism and arcade shooters.  Its probably a big reason for their enduring popularity. If you want ultra realism or ultra arcade style the modding community generally does a good job of delivering (think Forgotten Hope for BF1942).

About the changes I actually don't have too much of a problem with divers or hoppers, of course I am a fan of the shotguns so pinpoint accuracy isn't always the biggest deal for me. The reduction of armour on choppers is long overdue and I'm awaiting the other changes with optimism.
i got my exp explosives, so i don't care about the C4 throw 'n' blow anymore. the only thing i still use it for is taking out armor. i bunnyhop, but never while firing. i just use it to get away from armor or numerous enemies or to get a better vantage point.

i wonder what they are going to do with the nade launchers? any speculations?

the only problem that i would like addressed in an upcoming patch would be the inconsistencies of the light machine gun. sometimes i can take down an enemy that is 20 yards away with 3 shots, while other times it takes me 10+ shots at extreme close range to kill anyone.

also adjustments must be made to headshot hitboxes pertaining to the M95. there have been so many occasions where i have not gotten headshots with the Barret, when i could have easily made the shots with the M24 (i always compensate for bullet drop and recoil depending on range).

i will adapt to the new patch.
'twice cooked beef!'
i think you guys are confused.

just because you can't jump and throw c4 or medpacks doesn't mean you can't still toss them over short walls or off a roof.

as for all this talk about realism, bf2 was never a realistic game. it's an action shooter. get that through your head. realistic games don't have instant vehicle enter/exiting and one shock cure all medics, or squad leaders with magical interdimensional spawn gates on them. the supposed 'old hands' are the ones who don't feel like they're restricted by how other people think they should play, and use what works to play to win. i.e. they will bunny hop and noob tube and dolphin dive if it wins the game.

realistic games aren't fun. see red orchestra for the slow, defensive, camping-prone example of a realistic game.
On a side note to you Sud; Your sig fill's upp my entire friggin screen, so you opinion is as valid as flies on shit. Even tho it is funny tongue
A large, amusing, inoffensive sig can't be compared to something that is considered offensive in most professional environments. I get the freedom to browse personal sites on my break and downtime, and don't want it threatened by some dork's ass shot. At least I'm able to deal with it by turning sig images off, but when people manually cut and paste this stuff into the body of their post to override that, it gets really annoying. "Please learn how to use the internet before posting on this site".

If they proceed with the jump code as planned, they're going to screw up a lot of weapons. Hand Grenades, for example. Ground bound hand grenades are going to be really tough to utilize well, considering they've barely got the throwing distance of a Karkand street when used on the ground. While C4 chucking is abusive (no reasonable way to get out of the AOE if you're in it), they could fix that simply by putting a 3 second countdown detonator on it. Guns can stand not to fire, and C4 can use a modification, but why are we nerfing stuff like hand grenades, medic bags, ammo bags (I've thrown many a bag up onto roofs for people, now I have to bloody well climb the ladder???). And don't get me started on what I think about taking balance requests from "franchaise directors" when it should be coming from the skilled members of the community.

DICE has devoted their attention to these phantom problems instead of focusing on what's really imporant - debugging the game.
Then DICE needs more staff. Where I code software, we are able to both fix bugs and add new content simultaneously (whoa!)

besides which, the game can stand to have a few more maps, wouldn't you agree? and don't say anything about SF, that's a trashy money grab which doesn't deserve to be mentioned.
I'd like to see some of the existing ones fixed and balanced first. While larger maps may appeal to clan and squad play, they are nothing but aerial showdowns in pub play.

jumping while throwing a grenade DOES NOT make it go significantly further. i tested this exhaustively. c4, however, is affected by jumping.
This is not correct. For a better test, participate in some of those nade free for alls at the start of a Karkand round on USMC. Note how any ground bound nade you throw will hit nothing, but the jumping ones will be killing MECs right from the get-go. That's what I'd call significant. Hell, I should know, I play an account that uses nothing but hand grenades, and my main has a whole whack of kills with em at a 4:1 ktd. Love the pick and flicks.

Yeah I've noticed that to. I used to play a lot of obscure Half Life mods with communities that you could probably count on your fingers and toes. We all got to know each other pretty well and half the fun was just chatting on the servers and forums. Coming to BF2 with its practically non-existent ingame sense of community and generally weak one on forums (the sigs and overall immaturity of a lot of people here would be an example)
One of the reasons for this is that BF2 is missing a major feature that almost all FPS games come standard with - a spectator mode. It puts a "play the game or gtfo" atmosphere that kind of dampens the opportunities for social niceties, and I sorely miss the ability to relax and watch a game. I mean, seriously, how hard is it to add 20 spectator slots with lowered data rates to a 64 player server? Or even 10? That's one of the things I hated about CS:S - the moment you'd go into spec mode just to watch a few rounds, some dick head admin would start with accusations that you're teamspeaking with whatever random guy is #1 in the round. Of course, none of them could offer anything beyond "stfu" when you ask them why they have spectator mode enabled if they don't intend it to be used. Typical.

the only problem that i would like addressed in an upcoming patch would be the inconsistencies of the light machine gun. sometimes i can take down an enemy that is 20 yards away with 3 shots, while other times it takes me 10+ shots at extreme close range to kill anyone.
I believe that to be part in parcel of a bigger problem detailed at http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=7998
+1|7034|79605, TX
ah bullshit. beengs, krappyappy's and insanemotherfuckers sigs are the best ones on here.

but anyways, i agree with beeng. we'll just wait and see what this patch holds for us and see what the deal is.

...but goddamn! people need to chill the hell out!

EDIT: one thing i disagree with it the jump/shoot/nade thing. instead of taking that away, do it like half life 2. the jump is more realistic, it's shorter, but you can still shoot. this helps keep bunnyhoppers close to the ground and you don't have to move the redicule from this extreme of the pad back down to the other. it's easy to keep a bead on somebody jumping in HL2. besides, who could jump something that comes up to their shoulders anyway?

Last edited by S4INT05 (2005-12-22 03:23:39)

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