they are going to ruin bf2 more then it already is
the game is fine right now except the littly bitches who cry about bunny hopping..
well everyone can buny hop so why dont they just stfu..
secondly on certian maps i would stand behind a fence and toss granades over or c4 over a brick wall and blow it
well that can very well be done in real life and usually is
so why cant we jump and toss nades now we wont even be able to toss them far now
we wont even be able to toss c4 off a rooof onto a tank or over a wall where theres enemies
this is the stupidist thing ive seen yet
oh and the choppers having less missles?
well thats a crock of shit
im so glad my last EA game i purchased was madden 98 for PS
Last edited by T3CHHGod (2005-12-21 16:30:23)