ok so i'm on camp Gibraltar and i'm playing as pac so we have the uncap base. it's 16 men to them and 8 men to us. somehow i manage to sneak behind them all and start running past the first flag through the train wrecks to the second one. while i'm running out of no where i hear a car engine i turn around and my own stupid ass teammate runs me over at full speed (i didn't punish, don't ask why) so when i spawn in at the uncap again i find myself getting spawn camped by a walker, 4 support guys and 4 sentry guns. none of our team can spawn in without getting shot to fuck so i start yelling telling them to get the fuck out of the uncap and play the game fair (as they already have an advantage of 8 guys) and that they were a bunch of assholes for doing it. now this is the ironic part, i get kicked. didn't break any of those roe rule things like the other team were but yet i still get kicked.

the point of this post is that what the fuck is the point in the swear kick. it's a 16+ game if some jerks are crying coz someone used the word fuck and ass once in a while then they shouldn't be playing a war game with people getting shot to death, ran over and blown up.
so fuck off swear kick coz it's just a piece of crap

rant over
+106|6555|UMass Amherst
Yeah, it sucks, but always watch your language.  I've gotten kicked quite a few times when stupid stuff like this happens and I shoot my mouth off even once.  Bottom line: ya have to deal with it, and learn when to keep it to yourself.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
If you can't control yourself then you deserve it. Respect other people.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6810|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Ive been kicked a few times by punkbuster for swearing. I dont like it but as said, its something youve got to put up with. But most of the time i dont and go off on one

Last edited by scottomus0 (2006-11-16 10:33:14)


MuseSeeker wrote:

If you can't control yourself then you deserve it. Respect other people.
+1,128|6815|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Godhatch wrote:

something along the lines of:
It's the almighty admins swinging their mighty *flacid* cock of power at you.

HOW DARE YOU SWEAR IN MY SERVER! (my 5 year old son heard you and now he's crying)

Its a word, get over it.

Last edited by MDKThePriest (2006-11-16 10:39:02)

Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6859|Hell's prison
I been kicked for saying idiot, noob, and sausage.
+106|6555|UMass Amherst

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

I been kicked for saying idiot, noob, and sausage.
That sir, is just plain rediculous.  Kicking people saying the word 'noob'?  I got kicked off a server once for saying 'retarded' when it is a perfectly legitimate word (at the time, was pointing out how retardedly overpowered jets were, BF2).  Someone kick those punkbuster people in the ass, next thing you know they'll make 'pwned' a bannable word.
+123|6637| Heaven
"pwned" you disgust me with this foul and awful language, i need a lie down after reading that.
+45|6916|Toronto, Canada
As long as they don't ban "potatowned" I'll be fine.

AHHH!!! did someone say P_ _ _ _?! Oh noes! /world-life-jesus christ
+106|6555|UMass Amherst

commissargizz wrote:

"pwned" you disgust me with this foul and awful language, i need a lie down after reading that.
Take a valium, it seems you need one.  lol, jk I jest...I usually spell it owned, the proper way...just seeing if everyones' awake.
+7|6889|MoVal, Southern California
I think you should only be kicked if the cussing is directed toward someone or some people. For instance, calling someone a fuckin moron is disrespectful, and i wouldn't be surprised if the admin would warn or kick you. But i hate how you can get autokicked from PB for stuff like that... i got kicked for saying "GAY"  lolz.

hey magius, you got kicked for saying sausage? lol, maybe the admin is vegan, or perhaps  he is homophobic and the word, "sausage" to him reminds him of another man's phallic organ.
+1,128|6815|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

a_fraudulent_miracle wrote:

I think you should only be kicked if the cussing is directed toward someone or some people. For instance, calling someone a fuckin moron is disrespectful, and i wouldn't be surprised if the admin would warn or kick you. But i hate how you can get autokicked from PB for stuff like that... i got kicked for saying "GAY"  lolz.

hey magius, you got kicked for saying sausage? lol, maybe the admin is vegan, or perhaps  he is homophobic and the word, "sausage" to him reminds him of another man's phallic organ.
i take what you just said as an offense.
Over the line!
+70|6922|Mark it zero.

Godhatch wrote:

a war game with people getting shot to death, ran over and blown up.
yes it is a war game, and to win the enemy needs to kill you. even if that is in your uncap the second you spawn. its all perfectly fair so quit bitching.
bad touch

swearing is good stuff.

Back from the Dead.
The way I see it Godhatch, you have four options in this situation.

1) The route you took, swearing untill you were booted. (This was your own doing, so don't blame others)
2) Spawn at another point.
3) If #2 isn't possible, play on.
4) Disconnect from the server.
+28|6909|Houston, TX

MDKThePriest wrote:

It's the almighty admins swinging their mighty *flacid* cock of power at you.

HOW DARE YOU SWEAR IN MY SERVER! (my 5 year old son heard you and now he's crying)

Its a word, get over it.
It's a word, get over it? Seems that can work both ways huh? To say "fuck" in the heat of a battle is one thing. To stop, think, and type it is another. It loses it's meaning and makes the sender look like a child. Why do people kick for profanity? Maybe because the game is rated teen and, not everyone is a 15 year old pimple farm that feels like a rebel every time they say a curse word.

Don't get me wrong. I curse like a sailor but, I don't type it. It's pointless. All it will do is make people not want to listen to you. I mean come on. Do you really need to take the time to type it just so you look like a tool. I mean, "It's a word, get over it."

P.S. The game is rated T for Teen. I think EA should have a preset they can enforce but, the admins should be able to make their own list for the filter. Getting kicked for saying, "Noob" and, "wtf" is kinda lame.

Last edited by staticblue (2006-11-16 18:25:31)

BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6605|Washington State, USA
well i was on a Christian server and got banned for saying WTF...BANNED
+86|6708|Edmonton Alberta
i got banned from saying my "team is full of noobs that cant cap a flag if they even tried" and the clan's server that i was on banned me....ha and i was on their team

Last edited by straz_mataz (2006-11-16 19:25:02)

Back from the Dead.
If you seriously need to insert in a swear word in the global chat of an online video game, you deserve to be kicked.

My $0.02
fuck it
Join a server thats lets you swear or don't type swears.
i was playing a server the other night on a titan, and i was TKd 3 times by a guy who wanted the attack halo all to him self, wen i say to him self, i mean didnt want a gunner.. i was waiting for the halo so i could scoot over to the silo on the far side fast, i didnt punish him once, but wrote " FFS YOU FUCKTARD YOUR OBVIOUSLY SHIT, AS THIS IS THE 3RD TIME IVE SEEN YOU WAITING FOR THE HALO... KICKED BANNED... i didnt move from the titan as i was engineer... if servers dont want swearing in them why cant they make a simple filter for the game so you dont get ******* word like **** and **** in them,,,, not sure how GAY would stand tho lol
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I enjoy swearing as much as the next guy, but a few days ago I got kicked for saying "wassup fellas". Turns out wASSup contains ASS so you get kicked. Then I came back and got banned for saying "noob language filter", cause apparently you can't say "noob" on some servers. Fucking piece of shit language filters.

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