Ethanol is probably not the solution because in many production scenarios the entire stalk of corn is used to produce the ethanol, which doesn't leave much to revitalize the soil. This sucks because food, which is more important than ethanol, would be sacrificed. For me, I will always vote Solar Energy or Fusion. For closest energy it would be Solar, I choose this because of the ridiculous amount of energy hitting the earth from the sun, trapping it is the problem though. Another choice is fusion, if it could be done. Imagine converting only 1 Kg of mass into pure energy, creating enough energy to power everything you would require for your entire life.
The most realistic to me still is Solar.
Another interesting Power source is wave energy. I saw a tv show on these where the wave energy was finally able to be captured on the influx and reversal of the water, using a bi-directional turbine blade. I suppose if the power plants were perfected, I could deal with some of the coastline being turned into wave energy plants. Not to bad of a deal, an endless energy source that is producing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.
AS for Nuclear, I would not condone this because of the obvious radioactive dangers. It does work, and works well, its just the danger that gives me the heeby jeebies. My close buddy is a nuclear engineer, and was telling me how he learned (originally) how they would redistribute the radioactive material back into mountain sized volumes of earth!
Hydrogen, Nope. The most effective way to produce enough hydrogen to power all of the cars in the USA is to build about 20 nuclear reactors to seperate hydrogen from seawater...once again a bad and expensive idea.
Last edited by liquix (2006-11-13 10:49:37)