+50|6598|Dragon Valley
I hate you all. Its unfair to have this rule. 2 examples

attack choppers duel off at the beginning of the round. Lets say US wins the fight. If they fly to the base and blow it before it takes off "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1". Lets say MEC wins first dogfight. Then the fuckers circle the tv station and blow it up 19 times. FUCKING BULLSHIT.

same deal to a lesser extent. US armor spawns at uncap. MEC armor spawns at back flag (I forget name). US takes the back flag, MEC is fucked, you might as well quit because now they own all the armor and have blown your assets. If you go to US side to steal their armor "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1"

Fuck off and stop making up your own rules admins. Pussies.
shut up noob
Typical white person.
+389|6913|San Antonio, Texas
Un-Caps have base defenses for a reason.
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
The People’s Champion
+59|6593|A drop house
Over the line!
+70|6901|Mark it zero.
lol i agree. if you dont like to die on the battlefield in a fuckin war game, go play something else. there should be no safe places. god damn.....
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Un-Caps have base defenses for a reason.
THANK YOU. Yes baseraping can get excessive at times, and yes its annoying spawning and dying in 10 seconds, but STFU and deal with it. You have a solid defensive position in most bases with TOWS or ESSEX guns or stingers or whatever else you need. I just think these rules are unfair and I'm starting to prefer either servers that dont care (3%) or maps like Mashtuur where there are no uncaps. Or at least maps that both have an uncap. Those no baserape rules on 1 sided maps where only 1 team gets an uncap are complete bullshit.

turkeybacon wrote:

I hate you all. Its unfair to have this rule. 2 examples Unfair as in the team which actually has skill/teamwork wins 99% of the time?

attack choppers duel off at the beginning of the round. Lets say US wins the fight. If they fly to the base and blow it before it takes off "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1". Lets say MEC wins first dogfight. Then the fuckers circle the tv station and blow it up 19 times. FUCKING BULLSHIT. If no one spawns on the TV station roof, then there's no one to camp, and the Havok is just killing time.

same deal to a lesser extent. US armor spawns at uncap. MEC armor spawns at back flag (I forget name). US takes the back flag, MEC is fucked, you might as well quit because now they own all the armor and have blown your assets. If you go to US side to steal their armor "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1" Oh noes, USMC didn't grenade spam, throw claymores, and revive for 30 straight minutes in front of the Hotel and the MEC are screwed, what shall we do? Perhaps use the armor and defend Factory/Gatehouse instead of doing the same thing as 30/32 of the US team?

Fuck off and stop making up your own rules admins. Pussies. Fail. That's what they're there for, hmm? Oh, and saying "pussies" isn't the best way to show your maturity, or lack thereof.
+98|6618|Life in a vacuum sucks

SGT.Slayero wrote:

shut up noob

Just join servers without rules and gay admins?
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

Dauntless wrote:

Just join servers without rules and gay admins?
they're a dying breed...
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

k30dxedle wrote:

turkeybacon wrote:

I hate you all. Its unfair to have this rule. 2 examples Unfair as in the team which actually has skill/teamwork wins 99% of the time?

attack choppers duel off at the beginning of the round. Lets say US wins the fight. If they fly to the base and blow it before it takes off "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1". Lets say MEC wins first dogfight. Then the fuckers circle the tv station and blow it up 19 times. FUCKING BULLSHIT. If no one spawns on the TV station roof, then there's no one to camp, and the Havok is just killing time.

same deal to a lesser extent. US armor spawns at uncap. MEC armor spawns at back flag (I forget name). US takes the back flag, MEC is fucked, you might as well quit because now they own all the armor and have blown your assets. If you go to US side to steal their armor "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1" Oh noes, USMC didn't grenade spam, throw claymores, and revive for 30 straight minutes in front of the Hotel and the MEC are screwed, what shall we do? Perhaps use the armor and defend Factory/Gatehouse instead of doing the same thing as 30/32 of the US team?

Fuck off and stop making up your own rules admins. Pussies. Fail. That's what they're there for, hmm? Oh, and saying "pussies" isn't the best way to show your maturity, or lack thereof.
So basically if you lose the first chopper battle, leave your chopper on the roof and let MEC rape your infantry eh? Nice tactic...switch the roles, turn off the baseraping rule and think how ridiculous your argument sounds. "If USMC win the chopper battle just dont spawn near the chopper and you wont get killed". Uh no shit, but you also wont have a chopper.

Second scenario: MEC is doing a perfect defensive job off the bat on Karkand. So perfect US cant even touch a flag. A logical team would further push their lines forward and start attacking the uncap base. But this brings tears to the eyes of soft BF2 players so admins kick and everyone feels jolly inside. Heres an idea: when this happens, start working like a team and figure out why you cant get past. If MEC tank starts rolling in to "baserape" use your goddamn TOW installation and spawn AT'ers.

Wow you called me immature on the internet. *tear*
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

Hello.  My name is killer21 and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping. 

turkeybacon wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

Just join servers without rules and gay admins?
they're a dying breed...
Dying, but not dead.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6791|Montreal, Qc, Canada
umm.. STOP PLAYING ??????
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

Andoura wrote:

umm.. STOP PLAYING ??????
why the fuck would i do that? I'm the one playing by the rules, not you little statpadders that dont like to die in your precious little safe zone.
bad touch

Baserape is fun, everytime i do it.

Why? So i can come onto BF2s and see the person i just raped whine about it.

true stories
Dark Lord of the Shock Paddles
+1|6734|THE ALAMO
baseraping is fun unless your team is getting raped
BaseRaping is being on the offensive, SO, if you are getting base raped, DEFEND YOURSELF, if you are getting spawn camped by a tank, become anti-tank, dont spawn being a sniper, shut the fuck up and do something about you getting base raped
Join our server at  Base rapeing is allowed.  Bullshit is not allowed.  Teamkilling = instant permanent ban if found intentional.  Forcing tk's = permanent ban.  Disprespecting people = permant ban

No kicks just bans.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6584|Washington State, USA
get over it, there is always going to be baserapers
i have sexual fantasies about base rape, its just that much fun.  just got done playing about 6 rounds of insomnia 24/7 dalian....on china we had two apcs under the carrier where the boats spawn, one of the drivers was my squad leader.  We also had both our choppers strafing the deck while our j10s kept the essex guns down and dropped bombs.  I was camping the long rail thingy that has ladders up to the main deck, occasionallly climbing the ladder and then jumping back down to lure noobs into my ak.  I think the best score on the other team was 15, probably from revives.It really doesnt get much better than that.
Over the line!
+70|6901|Mark it zero.

svd_twitch wrote:

i have sexual fantasies about base rape, its just that much fun.  just got done playing about 6 rounds of insomnia 24/7 dalian....on china we had two apcs under the carrier where the boats spawn, one of the drivers was my squad leader.  We also had both our choppers strafing the deck while our j10s kept the essex guns down and dropped bombs.  I was camping the long rail thingy that has ladders up to the main deck, occasionallly climbing the ladder and then jumping back down to lure noobs into my ak.  I think the best score on the other team was 15, probably from revives.It really doesnt get much better than that.
rofl i love when the rounds end up like that
I've been playing BF since 1942 beta, awesome series. But the "rules" are a bit pathetic on alot of servers. I understand servers have to work with the public a bit to keep there servers running, but some rules they have are radiculous.

When they realize they can't or they "chose" not to adapt, they complain and make rules. In 1942 if a tank was in your base you did something about it. In Bf2 you cry to the admins and instead of going AT to kill the "camper", you get him kicked. Your unable to out "skill" the enemy, so you twist the game to work for you. And wheather or not you think camping in a main base is skillfull or not. Its the skill that you do not possess to kill the enemy. And by saying "how can you?", "its impossible", "unfair", "blah blah blah", your pretty much saying that YOU are unable to kill the enemy, and YOU need some "assistance". Its like a "handy cap". Your not good enough, so you set rules the "computer" has to follow. But when its all out war.. You know level 10, you get your ass kicked.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.. yea.. you assholes remodled.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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