I live for the 306

Cbass wrote:

Aphex_D wrote:

Cbass wrote:

This is why 5 year olds shouldn't play Bf2, do we need to go back to pre-school and learn to share.

"gimme gimme it's mine i want it"    *cry*

I can't wait to see u guys in game, I'm gonna tk the fuck out of you and take your precious flying machine. Then tk you some more with it until you need your diaper changed.
This is why 5 year olds shouldnt Shouldn't use forums, Learn some grammar and spelling k?.. k

BF2s has its own spellchecker spell checker but if you cant figure how to use it, http://www.spellcheck.net/
Yes I'm aware of that, and btw i did use it and everything IS correct (besides the gimme parts) it might help you out though.

douche bag (Shower bag)
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6493|Cambridge, UK

I just looked at the stats of some of these TKers - I cant believe the number of TKs Kicks and Bans some of them have! and they dare talk about doing things for the team - nothing but selfish little kids.

What I hate is when your in a squad and the squad leader is in a heli and gets abusive about his chopper if you spawn on them! don't be squad leader or lock your squad! Once I even had a guy invite me to his squad then just bitch every time I spawned !

...but you know in general what they mean by 'noob' is anyone that isn't there friend (if they have any) - its just their copper (jet/tank) full stop

...and I've never had someone speak on voip or type a reason, only shoot or keep hitting "bail out" - they like to hide behind "its for the teams good" but its mostly just pure selfishness.

The only joy to be had is with attitude problems like these they will often get the shit kicked out of them in real-life till they grow up.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Awsome guide LOL
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6660|inside the recesses of your...

lynxlyran wrote:

How about you grow up and don't be an ASS to your TEAMMATE. It's not your chopper, if you can't handle a noob as your gunner, go ground pound. It's immature brats like you that ruin this game for others.
Right.  Noobs don't ruin the game.  It's the players who have a clue.  :-|

SargeV1.4 wrote:

lynxlyran wrote:

How about you grow up and don't be an ASS to your TEAMMATE. It's not your chopper, if you can't handle a noob as your gunner, go ground pound. It's immature brats like you that ruin this game for others.
lmao (that's at you, not with you.)
lmao trhats at you. Wish the old -1 karma was still there. Only people who should be using these methods are the people who are so bad at all other aspects of BF2 that they stick 2 1 aspect that they are remotely good at.

lynxlyran wrote:

How about you grow up and don't be an ASS to your TEAMMATE. It's not your chopper, if you can't handle a noob as your gunner, go ground pound. It's immature brats like you that ruin this game for others.
What he said.

Last edited by SgtSpoon (2006-09-27 09:47:18)

+630|6685|The Netherlands

usmarine2005 wrote:

GetOuttaMyChopper1 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

You want to play bingo?
ZOMFG ROFL LMAO !!11!!111!!1





  __       ____
   \ \      \      \
    \ \____\___\__
     \_LMAOplane __\
                \      \
                 \___ \
The easiest and best method, red zoning, and if you cant do that YOUR a nub

And I know its already been said.
Damn. . .you people can actually get into helis and planes on populated servers?  Everytime I try I have some asshat shoot at me with his M95. . .park a tank in front of the plane. . .put C4 on the heli. . .or some other such nonsense.  And they do it to everyone that tries to get in the air vehicles, even the guys that own in them and help us win the match.


I hope EA does something to fix this shit with 2142.  Maybe only let 1 person enter a specific section of the map at each time to get the plane or something.  Either that or server people could just turn FF off FFS!!!  It doesn't make the game any better having TKs on.  Just lets little children act like little fucking children.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6773|Germany, near Koblenz

KylieTastic wrote:

I just looked at the stats of some of these TKers - I cant believe the number of TKs Kicks and Bans some of them have! and they dare talk about doing things for the team - nothing but selfish little kids.

What I hate is when your in a squad and the squad leader is in a heli and gets abusive about his chopper if you spawn on them! don't be squad leader or lock your squad! Once I even had a guy invite me to his squad then just bitch every time I spawned !

...but you know in general what they mean by 'noob' is anyone that isn't there friend (if they have any) - its just their copper (jet/tank) full stop

...and I've never had someone speak on voip or type a reason, only shoot or keep hitting "bail out" - they like to hide behind "its for the teams good" but its mostly just pure selfishness.

The only joy to be had is with attitude problems like these they will often get the shit kicked out of them in real-life till they grow up.
Looking f.e. at the thread starter's stats it is obvious that he is in a desperate need of a place in chopper, because he sucks everywhere else (in addition a chopper k/d of 3.4 doesn't look very "pro").

Get me right, I'm not talking about me as beeing good, in fact he's much better with a helo as me. But him beeing just average at the game but a proved social noob brings another ejection method to my mind: Perm CD key ban! (fun for all other related)

If you want to have my position in any vehicle for you or your mate, just ask for it and I will leave!
lWar Pigl
+4|6665|South Coast, Massachusetts

First of all, stay in school so you can learn to spell!

Secondly, people like you are the real noobs. C'mon, you're gonna teamkill fellow players because they are not good gunners?  Sounds like a real good tactic. 

What a joke.  People like you make me laugh because you think you're so great!  Were you born with a joystick or mouse in you grubby little hands?  I don't think so!  You learned to be a chopper pilot/gunner by playing the game right?  So, give others a chance and if someone isn't up to par, give them some pointers/advice and if they still can't understand what to do, ask them to practice in a non-ranked server.  If that player refuses and you're getting very irritated because of it, go find another server.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6632|Your attic
There is a much easier method


Kick Player - High Ping

Not that I'm condoning that or anything, but it works
+183|6654|Newcastle UK
Uk members of top = fags
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|6787|Mexico City
Method 10:
flashbang his ass while hes at chopter, if hes at driver seat he will be dead by the enemy before getting his sight back, if hes the gunner, crash the chopper to an admin...
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6632|Your attic

TheMackumSlayer wrote:

Uk members of top = fags
Why do people feel the need to bash TOP at every possibility?

Get over yourselves, no-one cares anymore
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6726|United States of America

brett f wrote:

Teach the noob. Don't hate 'em.
That's the wisest thing I've read yet. The rare times I fly, I've taught at least 4 people how to use the TV missiles. Back in the bad old days, that was.
I dont know what you guys doin, but i dont waste my time to think about new ways to kill my teammates...
I just play. I think you should too. You wont be so badly annoyed if you just play.
+50|6487|Dragon Valley


People cant grasp the concept of an empty server or single player can thay?
Practicing in a single player sucks. Yes you should start there until you can circle a flag, pull a hover anywhere etc but you dont learn how to deal with a packed server with 5 enemies in AA across the map, good pilots on the other team, trying to line up ground targets. Its a whole different world online. We all need to practice somehow, I hate dicks like you who think you own the helicopter.
+50|6487|Dragon Valley

Cbass wrote:


People cant grasp the concept of an empty server or single player can thay?
We all get pissed off by noob gunners. But i actually HELP them out by giving pointers and tactics to get better. Most of the time it works and it feels good to bring a noob into his own. Sometimes i get someone who just doesn't have a clue, but ill ask them to let someone else gun and practice up in SP or unranked servers. Instead of killing them like an asshole, give them a chance. Im sure someone gave u a chance when u were a chopper noob.

And some things just can't be learned in single player or against other noobs. A bot isn't going to barrel roll his chopper to escape your tv missle. Combat skills need to be learned in battle, trial & error then adapt.
People especially have no excuse for being pissed a shitty gunner. Theres nowhere to practice but online. I can understand being pissed at a bad pilot, but theres no reason to get mad at a shitty gunner. You cant practice gunning in single player, even with bots in coop its pathetic (TRY and get a bot teammate to line up a helicopter, they fly past EVERY time wtf).

I agree with you, teach the noobs how to shoot. Even line them up and hover for a little extra time to make sure they have a clear shot. Any gunner is better then a pilot flying an attack chopper solo. And dont get me started on those assholes who cheat and switch seats mid flight (yeah, like you could do that in real life )

Last edited by turkeybacon (2006-09-27 14:24:46)

Noob Ejection Manuel?


He come from Barcelona!  He know nothing!  Of course he can't use your chopper!
Funny read but just let noobs have their fun to. Obviously you started out as a professsional.
+31|6590|Mjölby, Sweden

lynxlyran wrote:

How about you grow up and don't be an ASS to your TEAMMATE. It's not your chopper, if you can't handle a noob as your gunner, go ground pound. It's immature brats like you that ruin this game for others.
Stormin' through the party

sn00ze wrote:

lynxlyran wrote:

How about you grow up and don't be an ASS to your TEAMMATE. It's not your chopper, if you can't handle a noob as your gunner, go ground pound. It's immature brats like you that ruin this game for others.
Yea, WTF!

I was playing wake and some captain named Ian3111 got in the chopper with me.  He asked to fly, so kindly i let him be the pilot.  Then he took off the wrong way and spammed bail out a thousand times (after i let him fly) and then proceeded to take me to the edge of the map and kill me.  I am not a noob by any standards, but this guys was an asshole.

He then went back to the carrier and picked up his 3 star general buddy.  They didn't even do well.

+718|6562|Austin, Texas
Wow. To all of you jerks bashing him about this guide, take a step back, and go into the pilot's mind.

1. The number one thing I cannot stand is when people do NOT bail out of the chopper. For whatever reason at all. I want to fly with a mate- yet you're still in the seat. We have much more practice together, me and my mate, but you don't want to give up your seat. Redzoning helps the team, the pilot, and the buddy gunner. If you want to help the team, get a DPV and cap some flags.

If the pilot wants the gunner to bail, yet the gunner doesn't know TV missile exists. That's a VERY poor waste of a killing machine. There is no excuse not to know that right clicking enables the TV missile view. Solo-ing in that case is so much more effective

2. You get some immature jerk that tells you to bail out from the gunner's seat. No, why should I bail out if I'm flying? If you wanted the chopper that badly, TK me before it spawns. Take him out of your chopper.

3. The commander hops in the gunner's seat. No, command ffs not gun. This is a waste of the gunner's seat AND the commander's position.

4. The pilot either....
a) Can't take off
b) Can't land
c) Hovers at flags
d) Goes solo and sucks
e) Goes solo and you can do better

There are plenty of valid reasons to kill that little teammate inside of your chopper. If he sucks, and you aren't playing with a mate, then it's your loss. As long as my gunner knows that he can use (and guide) a TV missile, then I'm ok with flying him around.
fuck it
Why are you teaching nubs to TK when you should be making a "How not to be a chopper nub" guide?

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