+4|7029|Toronto, On

PCShooterNoob wrote:

genius_man16 wrote:

the only time i mind raping uncaps is on Karkand, but other than that, if you only have 1 flag... deal with it

why can't you just sneak away and cap a back flag for your team? 99.99% of the time, when your getting spawn raped, the whole enemy team is there doing it, so you'll have free rein to take a different flag (gotta watch for the commander though...
Exactly...just walk away.  It's an uncappable base, so it's not like you have to stay and make sure they don't take the flag.  Walk away...and be a squad leader if possible so that others can follow your example.  When you suddenly take a spawn point, their team has to split up, and the disarray usually leads to a good chance to make a comeback.
Try walking away/Try sneaking away... Ha! Any good raper knows all the flag spawn points and where to put bombs/bullets to ensure kills before the target even moves. But feel free to try it some time as my jet machinegun fire perforates you on spawn.

Everyone's got an opinion on this and i'm sure everyone's got reasons to back their POV up. Personally I think it's a cheap tactic. I will never start the raping but I will always return the favor... it's all about karma. You get what you give.

My reason is this: Being raped is not fun and so you're really just ruining the game for the other person. I don't appreciate it and so I know that those on the receiving end of my raping would feel the same. What's the point in playing a game that's not fun?

I've given up complaining about it; I'll just ask the offending person once to stop by pointing out the above. Sometimes people listen, sometimes their own teamates will tell them to stop so they can actually get some points too, but most often times the person is just some arrogant 8 yr old twat who just giggles maniacally as they wank off to their own whoring.

Point is: If you don't like being raped, change servers and find a server that encourages a more fun environment. That's what I always do.

Plisken wrote:

PCShooterNoob wrote:

I don't really have too much of a problem with base raping.  It's annoying yeah, but you could always just spawn somewhere ELSE, and if it's your only flag, well, your team deserves it for sucking so hard.  Can't expect the other team to sit back and wait for your assault, can you?
Not many people realise this, but on wake it can nearly be impossible to get to the island if there is a Z-10 and 2 j-10's  circling around the arty island and carrier, it takes em 20 seconds to get there and the tanks from the south or north bases take out any one who gets from the arty island to the beach's.
I think I've said on every post so far that this can be avoided by NOT playing Wake Island.  It's a completely unbalanced level...that's no secret.  And yet this is the second time you've brought up "OMG  wak iland!"  We know, dude.  We get it.  Wake Island sucks.  Don't play it.  Problem solved.  Half the people on this thread...hell, in this forum, would be much happier if they were more proactive instead of, or in addition to, pissing and moaning.  Don't like Baseraping?  Get your team together and stop it, or find a new server.  Admins suck?  New server.  Don't like all the glitches with the new patch?  Uninstall the game, and only patch up to a version of the game you actually liked.  I've actually written a number of cordial e-Mails to EA since patch 1.22.  Honestly, folks...I'm all for venting your problems, but be constructive about it as well, don't just scream on people in a forum because you're too lazy or mentally ill equipped to solve your own problems.
+164|7063|Normal, IL
Well, I put all of my arguments into one coherent post and even added some hard evidence that you require.... and you ignore it. Proof further that people who rape will make any excuse to keep doing it, including ignoring perfectly valid points. I really dont care, I never believed you would ever stop it. Like I said, I leave servers that encourage it and kick for it on my own, so clearly we will never play together. I just hope that you will actually read my post one day. Maybe see that I have some valid points there about the design EA intended for the game. Until then, continue abusing the system, you'll never reap any benefit for it from me though, nor will you see me abusing any aspect of this game, ever. good day.

Last edited by comet241 (18 years, 7 months ago)

+186|6857|The real world
Ive wanted to post this a while ago, but everyone would negative karma me then, so here a movie how it should be done:
+515|6953|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
That is unbelievably lame.

Don't you feel.........bad?  Guilty?

Last edited by james@alienware (18 years, 7 months ago)

+186|6857|The real world

james@alienware wrote:

That is unbelievable lame.

Don't you feel.........bad?  Guilty?
No, if there is an admin in there, we do the same thing but then just in a other way.

Hover 500 metres infront of the carrier, no range for the essex gun, black hawk takes off with 6 retarted people in them, 50 metres from the carrier, boom, plane takes off in a straight line anyway, boom, attack heli, same thing, boats are cannon fodder to..

It was on gulf, the team had 3 flags for starters, they manage to NOT cap a single flag, and lose 3 fucking flags, u desserve to get raped then imo
Spawn on the lower level of the carrier and then go for a swim.  Most of the time the chopper and tanks will ignore you because your so small and hard to hit while swimming to the island.  Also, don't go to where the enemy is, try to flank them.

If you have a halfway compotent team, you less likely to get baseraped for a protracted period of time. 

Wake lends it self to baseraping because everyone wants a flying vehicle and very few people understand that taking flags is the way to win that map.  Also.  Using both Essex guns can help cut down on the baseraping.

The same thing can happen on Dalian Plant and Gulf of Oman if one side gets forced back to it's uncap. 

Good Commanders and Intelligent Teamwork can help prevent getting baseraped.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (18 years, 7 months ago)

+8|7013|UK(stats says usa by mistake)
I have no problem with it, I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. I’ve also had it done to me and I expect it will happen again. If you really cant get the enemy out of your base you deserve to lose. Countless times I’ve seen myself as the only AT guy fighting off the armour.

One thing that does annoy me is the ‘range’ of options that can cover; I’ve been kicked for killing people as I was destroying assets. I’ve even been kicked for finishing off an enemy jet I’d been dog fighting for two minutes as it ran for the carrier…

Really it will always equal out in your stats, it’s not too hard to find servers whose admins will kick you for it, and conversely it’s not to hard to find servers that will allow it. I’m willing to follow server rules if the admins will enforce it, but believe me when the admin on the other side bombs my uncap 3 times then threatens me for shooting him down in sight of the carrier I will rape him to hell and back.
+101|6974|Southern California

comet241 wrote:

EA has designed certain maps with uncappable flags. These are bases where only one side can spawn…. Period. Outside of the odd asset here and there, there is no particular need for an enemy to go there other than to catch people just as they are spawning, and at their weakest (this is where I link my earlier comments as it being a “weak strategy”, hitting people when they are at their weakest). To which you reply: isn’t that the whole point of warfare???
Comet m8, I like your attitude about sportsmanlike conduct we need alot more of that. We can choose which level of difficulty we play on by joining servers with rules we like. Having both levels of rules makes a good gaming comunity.

You assertion why strategic raiding is a weakness by kicking the enemy when he is down! We are here to win!!! Its Logical Fallacy m8, your points do not support your conclusion either because something was left out or because you believe everyone agrees with your assumptions, I am not sure which. And its no big deal we just keep refining our points until we can connect the dots 

You dismiss the Main Raid by assuming there is little or no reason to do it.  Actually there is every reason to do it at the right time during the battle and none of them are because of character flaws (unless, I agree with you here, they are breaking written rules of that particular server). Attacking an enemy base regardless of it's capturability, blinds the enemy if you lay waste to the UAV/SAT, reduce enemy firepower by spiking arty and changes force balance if you capture empty enemy armor and use it against them. Even more you create a second flank forcing the enemy to answer your initiative, to dance to your tune. A team allowing the enemy to effectivley control their logistics base has lost the game, its that simple

This kind of BF2 battle is levels above the iron sights of Counter Strike and it is battle that EA/Dice intended to be there demonstrated by design. Since we aren't allowed to mod the ranked maps we must use the scenarios provided with BF2 as is and not invent our own scenario. 

comet241 wrote:

Going back to my point, EA designed the game with certain maps having uncappable flags. These flags were not meant for the enemy to really be there.
Had BF2 intended for uncaps to be off limits they would have put the No/Go border over it killing any enemy who stays more than 15 seconds. The non-cap only means it can't be captured it doens't mean "Don't go here".

If you look at all the maps with the posted BF2 scenarios in mind you see that the choice of when uncaps are used and when they are not makes sense, Assault scenarios have one uncap, Conquest no uncaps, etc..  Caps and tickets are all calculated in the game balance design accordingly. Depending on the skills of the team it may or may not be a weakness to hit them at their home base. It is there because the scenario design used it based on the mission. So you see the game was not meant to be 50/50 in every situation! Sometimes you start at a disadvantage!!!

Example: KARKAND, USMC, one UNCAP no flags no neutrals on map. Mission: Assault the Factory - go read the scenario description.  The MEC, strategically, have a few options they may use. Lets go thru the process that every single MEC commander always uses to decide how he will defeat the imperialist infidel marines at Karkand.

MEC Commanders estimate of the situation:

"USMC is expected to attack in force to attempt to sieze our main base and strategic assets in Karkand. Force size is equal to our available forces but initial advantage is to the USMC because Southern Karkand is at risk due to proximity of USMC base and greater distance to our own armor base. Visibility is limited to increased reliance on UAV/SAT imagery is key to our forces agility."

Possible Courses of Action (COA)-
1. Linear Defense forward generally South of the Hotel at the narrow point of the map
Strengths-        Weaknesses-
2. Delay in Sector mainland urban area with mutually supporting strong points
Strengths-        Weaknesses-
3. Deliberate Defense on the riverline to protect assets and limit enemy avenues of attack
Strengths-        Weaknesses-
4. Counter-Attack the USMC Assembly Area before they attack to strategically pre-empt US action
Strengths-        Weaknesses-

OK i'll stop here. You get the idea.

COA 4 is dicey because if MEC assaults to pre-empt USMCs assault immediately they have no armor for a minute or two. USMC can have respawned 2-3 times by then. USMC strong points at the arty firebases reinforced by armor are formidable if only infantry is attacking.

Now on many servers the COA 1 is the defacto plan because a) it takes no extra planning at first, b) the potential for heavy infantry melee around the Hotel will draw all non-armor spawners. It is the least tactically sound of the COAs I listed, especially if the map is strategically open (no spawn fences). This plan is easily outflankd by USMC massing forces on one area and making end runs over the heights on both flanks and rolling to the Factory which is their objective.

Yes this is a Game but its a Wargame and lends itself nicely to the application of the Arts and Sciences of War.

Good Luck and Have Fun

Last edited by OpsChief (18 years, 7 months ago)

+164|7063|Normal, IL
Ok, I’m going to try and address these in the order I read them….

I was saying that it isn’t fair to kick the enemy while they’re down (as much as it is a real strategy in real life….) because of my reasoning that EA never intended for it to happen in the first place, and I support that with the other evidence…. Kicking somebody while they are down isn’t the part that I am against, it is doing it outside of the original intentions of the game that I am against.

I didn’t mean to seem like I was dismissing the main raids. Raiding the main to take out commander assets is important, very much so. It is the so-called main raids that include a couple jets, helos, and tanks that I was against….

In regards to the uncap situation, specifically at karkand, it does indeed get dicey…… charging ahead with a few infantry to slow down the advancing Americans while your armor is brought forward is indeed a strategy, a good one at that. It is when the mec bring a tank and two apcs forward, with a box, and everyone engi sitting in a circle in the middle of the American main that it becomes hard-core main raping.

This goes back to my original statement that if EA thought there were going to be more people there, they would have included more defenses at the mains. This is where you counter: well, because there aren’t many defenses, they obviously didn’t mean to keep too many people out. And then this is where I say: they (EA) never foresaw hard core main raping as rampant as it can be now. Much like dolphin diving. They never intended it, but it happened, and they changed it. However, changing whole maps or rules like no enemy in certain areas is messing with a little more than just being able to jump and shoot at the same time. Plus, you can’t change where enemy armies can be because they need access to the commander assets. I just feel EA never foresaw a couple jets, helo’s and tanks would be all sitting there shooting away.

It’s a complicated situation, and one that EA never really foresaw, I believe. BF2142 will hopefully change a few rules in that area…
Ambitious but Rubbish

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

1. What makes 'baseraping' different from fighting at a cappable flag?

2. 'baseraping' is fun becaues n00b smurfs complain

3. Grab a gun and deal with the 'baserapers', wait.... what was your team doing to get into this position in the first place????
Hey it must be alright to base rape because vengence says so and I mean he never does anything wrong.

Hell you must be realy good at it to have killed Antic_Mitch (56), Majorcrabs (41), SpoiledLiLBrat (40), must have been nice for you to have them stand there in main while you killed them.
+101|6974|Southern California
Comet, cool but I will restate these:

Had BF2 intended for uncaps to be off limits they would have put the No/Go border over it killing any enemy who stays more than 15 seconds. The non-cap only means it can't be captured it doens't mean "Don't go here".

I have yet to see anywhere that EA never intended overwhelming teamwork to win a battle!

If the enemy wants your base and masses forces to take it, rape it, repaint it, whatever and gives us a stress headache, maybe we want to stop them or lose the battle, We better Try Harder Soldier!!   I hate being pwned at my main especially when I'm commander but I just adapt, improvise and overcome (hopefully) the adversity with better teamwork. And launch my own raid to show them two, yes TWO, can play at that game.

The thing EA/Dice failed to do is to educate people on what was expected in the BF2 game before they got their asses handed to them on a scorched hubcap.  The idea of the COAs above was to show how teamwork and command planning can outmanuever any raping or camping thrown at you.

When you play any of or all four levels of warfare in Bf2 it is a damn great wargame. But to find out what BF2 intended is to remove all the fences and unlearn the expectations and habits they created. Bf2 is more than a shooter.

Plisken wrote:

Most people who rape un-capturables (like arty island on wake etc) are point whores and can't accept that it's only a game and think that by having alot of points is gonna make them 1337,
eg. I've seen 2 j-10's bomb that island even after they lost all their spawn points until they were attacked by a f15
The USMC Arty Island on Wake and the one on Dalian Plant are strategic points.  They have value to both sides.  If the Chineese can get there and hold that point, they can deny the USMC the ability to use a strategic and tactical asset called Artillery. 

On Wake Island there is a Stinger missle there that can then be used against the USMC aircraft instead of the Chineese Aircraft. 

On Dalian Plant the USMC Arty Island is a little harder to defend as there is no spawn point there.  However it is just as strategically and tactically valuable as the USMC Arty Island on Wake. 

Deny the USMC their Arty and they have a tougher time staying or capturing flags on the main land part of the map. 

Dragon Valley is probably the worst map for the USMC to be kicked off.  If they are unable to stay on the mainland they not only lose their arty, they lose their UAV and Sat denying the USMC Commander anything to help the team.

On a side note the J10 is overmatched against the F-35 but that's a different thread.

If you can force the USMC back into the carrier and keep them there you are pretty much assured a win.

If you can get the strategic bses and take them from the Chinese or MEC, Airfied on Wake, Intake on Kubra, Factory on Karkand, Refinery on Dragon Valley and keep them for a protracted period of time then the USMC is pretty much assured of a win.

I have lost count of the times I have swam from the North Village to the South Base and back capping those flags so the Chinese have more than one base just to prolong the game hopiing the Chineese can wear down the tickets so we can win.  The flip side is because I do things like that I know what to look for and try to prevent them from doing that.  ex, telling the Cobra pilot there's a swimmer going to the arty island from the north end or south end.  etc.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (18 years, 7 months ago)


comet241 wrote:

Well, I put all of my arguments into one coherent post and even added some hard evidence that you require.... and you ignore it. Proof further that people who rape will make any excuse to keep doing it, including ignoring perfectly valid points. I really dont care, I never believed you would ever stop it. Like I said, I leave servers that encourage it and kick for it on my own, so clearly we will never play together. I just hope that you will actually read my post one day. Maybe see that I have some valid points there about the design EA intended for the game. Until then, continue abusing the system, you'll never reap any benefit for it from me though, nor will you see me abusing any aspect of this game, ever. good day.
I agree with Comet here. I think that the idea that EA games never intended for mains to be raped in the way that they are, and the evidence that he puts forward, shows he is right.

Where is pcshooternoob with his wry little comments now???? A good point is made and he backs out like a wimp. at least concede the point. Well, I for one take his silence to be just that. I agree, and main raping shouldn't be done because it never was intended to be done.
+101|6974|Southern California

theoneandonly wrote:

comet241 wrote:

Well, I put all of my arguments into one coherent post and even added some hard evidence that you require.... and you ignore it. Proof further that people who rape will make any excuse to keep doing it, including ignoring perfectly valid points. I really dont care, I never believed you would ever stop it. Like I said, I leave servers that encourage it and kick for it on my own, so clearly we will never play together. I just hope that you will actually read my post one day. Maybe see that I have some valid points there about the design EA intended for the game. Until then, continue abusing the system, you'll never reap any benefit for it from me though, nor will you see me abusing any aspect of this game, ever. good day.
I agree with Comet here. I think that the idea that EA games never intended for mains to be raped in the way that they are, and the evidence that he puts forward, shows he is right.

Where is pcshooternoob with his wry little comments now???? A good point is made and he backs out like a wimp. at least concede the point. Well, I for one take his silence to be just that. I agree, and main raping shouldn't be done because it never was intended to be done.
No sir,
the evidence and logic he put forth did not prove his point. He argues sportsmanship and chivalry which is good but it becomes logical fallacy when you try to use that to explain rules that didn't exist until a couple months after BF2 came out.  It's OK to agree with him but at least know that the no-rape and no-camp rules are post-design mods. If EA/Dice intended it they would have beed easy to code the zones no/go to the other team.

The BF2 community needs servers that cater to beginner thru expert levels of play. Removing the spawncamping and baseraping rules helps newer players get individual skills before they are faced with the combined arms non-linear unfenced BF2.

theoneandonly wrote:

Where is pcshooternoob with his wry little comments now???? A good point is made and he backs out like a wimp. at least concede the point. Well, I for one take his silence to be just that. I agree, and main raping shouldn't be done because it never was intended to be done.
First, thanks to OpsChief for fielding things, for the most to where I've  Reading the posts.  Just not responding to comet.  I'll post why...again...since most people here seem to need things posted 80 times before they acknowledge them.  It's almost like you're illiterate.

I said..."I'm not going to argue with immature liars anymore, so when you can start actually taking my quotes and countering them like an intelligent person, then we'll talk, until then, I'm done dealing with you. "

And comet's response was..."I do not know where I have lied, as you claim, about what you have said, and thereby ignoring any comments I have made about the actual issue, but I will do my best here and try not to quote you too much because apparently it’s all just a lie anywho..."

When in the very same POST...I had gone out of my way to point OUT lies.  And in the one before that.  Really, probably in every response I've made to him, I'd pointed out a lie he made.  Comet has since made some decent, clear arguments since then, but I'm still not going to respond, because he showed that complete denial of responsibility, thus still not making him worth my time.  OpsChief is counterarguing everything just fine, so I'm not going to waste my time.  I'd appreciate if my name wouldn't be tossed about and slandered, plzkthx.
+101|6974|Southern California
Shooter when you say "lies" you meant inconsistancies? or mistakes? omissions? I think the word "lies" can be easily misunderstood m8   I don't see where he was intentionally trying to mislead us for malicious purposes, but then hey, maybe I missed something too! lol we have a few long posts in here.
A few?  Try a ton.  I mostly mean intentional misrepresentation of things I myself have said, and more than a few mistakes and inconsistancies.  The major ones I've mostly reviewed in previous posts...not that I expect anyone to actually go back and read them.
+101|6974|Southern California
lol kk
Unfortunately Noob, you have many , many inconsistancies and misrepresentations in your posts also.  Are they lies, who knows, I doubt it.  Your just trying to make your case for main raping. Sorry but I don't buy your bill of goods. 
Should I quote them.  NO.  It's not worth spending the time reading the replies. 
I'm not a main raper and never will be.  I earn all my points fair and square.
Apparently you are a main raper and always will be.
There is nothing wrong with raiding/raping the main uncap of an enemy provided you and your team understand there is a point when it loses it value to do so. 

All to many times teams and players get focused on rainding the main uncap that they lose sight of the bigger picture of winning the round. 

In one of my earlier posts I used an example of Kubra Dam for 2 rounds. 

To those of you think raiding/raping an uncap is wrong because it is unsportsman like you may be correct from that point of view. 

To those that think raiding/raping an uncap repeatedly is ok then you also correct from that point of view.

The difference is knowing when it is ok and when it is pointless to do so.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Round and Round the argument goes, where it stops nobody Knows.

OGGBlueGoose wrote:

Unfortunately Noob, you have many , many inconsistancies and misrepresentations in your posts also.  Are they lies, who knows, I doubt it.  Your just trying to make your case for main raping. Sorry but I don't buy your bill of goods. 
Should I quote them.  NO.  It's not worth spending the time reading the replies. 
I'm not a main raper and never will be.  I earn all my points fair and square.
Apparently you are a main raper and always will be.
Because why present evidence when you can pop off at the mouth with no backing?  Anyway, I know you're not "buying" it, and that's fine.  if you're under the impression that it is an unsportsman like thing to do, I doubt there's much that's going to change that belief, and I personally don't care to.  All I'm saying is not to push what you believe on others.  More to the point...don't push what YOU believe OTHERS believe.  Confusing, I know.  basically, what I'm saying is that you, and everyone who shares your opinion has absolutely ZERO right to tell others WHY we baserape.  You can say it's just to point whore or a weak strategy all you want, but that's an opinion and your personal belief.  And that's fine, all you have to do ispresent it respectably.  And acknowledge that there are a number of reasons for raiding enemy uncaps that are based in actual fact, not just personal preference.  It does net you more vehicles while depriving the enemy of them, it does help to quell enemy counterattack, it does destroy commander assets, and it does kick the hell out of the enemy's tickets.  It also has can be easily overrun with coordination by your team(If anyone brings up Wake Island again...I swear to God.), it does usually draw a whole team in and leave other bases undefended, and if it's done before all other flags are taken, gives the enemy a great opportunity to spawn elsewhere and lay on the pressure, dividing the forces of their opponent.  These things are fact.  We've all seen them happen.  We've all been a part of it in one way or another.  Your personal dogma, however, is just that.  Personal.  Insulting or judging others for it, especially regarding anything outside of the game, but really ANY other aspect of how they play, is nothing short of ignorant.
Do you stop scoring points just because your team is up by 10 over the other team in football or baseball or basketball?  I don't think so.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (18 years, 7 months ago)

If it walks like a main raper, and quacks like a main raper, it is a main raper

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