I had a girl over last night. We were just going to get high and hang out. Maybe watch some Seinfeld reruns.

She wanted to take a shower first. She had just come from the gym.

So I had to go buy some women's shampoo and hair conditioner before she came over.

Before she got into the shower, a guy friend of the family called her.

Her mom fell down the stairs and she needed to leave.

I believe her mom fell down the stairs. I heard the phone call. I don't believe the guy who called her is just a family friend. I saw her at McDonald's a few weeks ago. She was on the phone having some long conversation. We waved to each other and left.

I didn't bother her while she was on the phone. I saw the girl on Tinder and a different app, Hinge, recently. So I assume she is seeing other dudes too.
After she left I continued to text this Indonesian girl I was seeing back in February.

I broke up with her under bad terms. I wasn't getting any good matches on Tinder and I wanted something to write about on my blog. So I contacted her.

Her first response was "go fuck yourself."

I apologized for how I treated her. I told her I know I need to make it up to her. She asked if she could borrow $400.

So I sent her $400 and told her it was a gift. Don't worry about paying me back. She thanked me and we were talking for the rest of the night on the phone catching up with each other.

I admitted I had a girlfriend this time and told her some bullshit about how things aren't working out and I am not happy. And she didn't yell at me or hang up. She said we can hang out again and she will talk to me the next day.
This girl is really sketchy. She is hot too. Arguably the hottest girl who has shown up in any of my stories. But sketchy nonetheless. For example, she was still living with her boyfriend when we first went out on a date.

I didn't find out about this until months later when the guy had moved out. Since I had a girlfriend at the time I was ghosting this girl for weekends at a time to balance out time with my girlfriend.

The day I broke up with her I was lying in her bed after having sex and I heard her on the phone with a guy in another room. She told him she had a date with a young guy teacher and he is sexy. She told him that is "what you get for hiding your phone and looking at that white girl." She wanted me to hear this conversation to make me jealous.

I used it as an opportunity to break up with her to free up my schedule.

This girl is too hot to be single. She was apparently too hot to be single twice before. I have a feeling she needed $400 and asked her boyfriend or whatever dude is in her life and he said no or couldn't come up with it. So she asked me and I said yes. And now we are going to hang out again soon. And I really look forward to it since she was the best lay of all of the girls.
And this is why I am worried about getting AIDs.

These girls seem as sketchy as I am. And that is worrying since I am an incredibly sketchy dude.