Bored so here is my funny take on the 12yo server admin cread....
Kill me once, be warned
Kill me twice, be kicked
Come back and kill me once more, be banned
Mutiny my ass, kick your ass
Get mutinied, kick whole team
Kick vote me, kick you
Vote yes to kick me, kick you too
Talk smack about my buddies, welcome to kickersville
I am a 12yo server admin. I promise to uphold order in my server unless I am losing. Then I promise to switch teams so I can uphold order on the winning side. I promise to treat all players fairly unless they steal my jet/heli/boat/atv/tank/jeep/personal watercraft or aa vehicle, kill me, vote against me, or just look at me funny, then I will kick them. I furthermore promise to make sure all players are upholding the rules set forth (in my head) in order to have a fun/fair match unless I personally feel like breaking them to advantage myself.
Kill me once, be warned
Kill me twice, be kicked
Come back and kill me once more, be banned
Mutiny my ass, kick your ass
Get mutinied, kick whole team
Kick vote me, kick you
Vote yes to kick me, kick you too
Talk smack about my buddies, welcome to kickersville
I am a 12yo server admin. I promise to uphold order in my server unless I am losing. Then I promise to switch teams so I can uphold order on the winning side. I promise to treat all players fairly unless they steal my jet/heli/boat/atv/tank/jeep/personal watercraft or aa vehicle, kill me, vote against me, or just look at me funny, then I will kick them. I furthermore promise to make sure all players are upholding the rules set forth (in my head) in order to have a fun/fair match unless I personally feel like breaking them to advantage myself.