I hope its ok to post this thread in this section.
long story short,
I dont trust my GF, so I "bugged" her computer with a key logger, got her facebook and email info
I found a lot of stuff that made me mad so I printed all the "bad stuff" and changed her passwords.
The email is the one associated with her facebook.
I went to log in as her a few min ago and wasnt able to.
It looks like she regained control of both accounts.
My question is how could she have done that ?
I thought once I had control over the email that was associated with her facebook that she would not be able to get back in.
How is it possible other than if she bugged my computer which i know she didnt because she doesnt have access to my computer at work and she barely knows how to use the internet.
I expect to get flack for this whole thread but I would like an answer to my question if anyone knows.
Karma for any reply, even the ones that give me flack
long story short,
I dont trust my GF, so I "bugged" her computer with a key logger, got her facebook and email info
I found a lot of stuff that made me mad so I printed all the "bad stuff" and changed her passwords.
The email is the one associated with her facebook.
I went to log in as her a few min ago and wasnt able to.
It looks like she regained control of both accounts.
My question is how could she have done that ?
I thought once I had control over the email that was associated with her facebook that she would not be able to get back in.
How is it possible other than if she bugged my computer which i know she didnt because she doesnt have access to my computer at work and she barely knows how to use the internet.
I expect to get flack for this whole thread but I would like an answer to my question if anyone knows.
Karma for any reply, even the ones that give me flack