I LL'd
Hahaha, god I love the writers at Onion.
Onion has just exploded in the last few years, I remember when it was just a parody newspaper blog site.
Still, why would you EVER add one of your parents as a Facebook friend? Closest family members I have are cousins. I'd trust my sister too but she doesn't use Facebook.
Still, why would you EVER add one of your parents as a Facebook friend? Closest family members I have are cousins. I'd trust my sister too but she doesn't use Facebook.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
It's a difficult line to trod.Ty wrote:
Onion has just exploded in the last few years, I remember when it was just a parody newspaper blog site.
Still, why would you EVER add one of your parents as a Facebook friend? Closest family members I have are cousins. I'd trust my sister too but she doesn't use Facebook.
I have a cousin and an uncle (the cool uncle). Then soon you get grandparents, next thing you know your mom is checking your status. I don't think I can be "friends" with parents or grandparents though.
Also, we have onion news stands all over campus. Tis free iirc.
My sister and I have come to the conclusion that our mom should have limited access to facebook. It's sometimes.. ..disturbing.Ty wrote:
Onion has just exploded in the last few years, I remember when it was just a parody newspaper blog site.
Still, why would you EVER add one of your parents as a Facebook friend? Closest family members I have are cousins. I'd trust my sister too but she doesn't use Facebook.
I need around tree fiddy.
Thankfully my Mum is a computer-phobe and hates the idea of Facebook. My sister just doesn't like it because she doesn't like the idea of her work friends finding out what she does on days off. My grandparents are too old to get into the Internet lifestyle although all four of them are still alive and kicking - not many 22 year-olds can say that they still have all four.
But it's kind of a mind-job at times, my youngest cousin who was always the sweet, innocent flower of the family - well turns out she's just like the rest of us. Oh well.
But it's kind of a mind-job at times, my youngest cousin who was always the sweet, innocent flower of the family - well turns out she's just like the rest of us. Oh well.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I've got siblings on facebook, not a big deal. I've even befriended two of my aunts on facebook...
Spoiler (highlight to read):
but they're partiers and know how it is in college and won't tell my parents
Spoiler (highlight to read):
but they're partiers and know how it is in college and won't tell my parents
Ah fuck I hate that. My mom added me, and since I still live with her its kinda not possible to just press the ignore button.
Just straight up and tell her, "Mum, I'm not comfortable having you as one of my friends on Facebook". If she has any sense she'll understand why.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
This is just the reason I don't use that devil's tool.
This is just the reason I don't use that devil's tool.
I didn't accept my mum's friend request. I have my sister and a cousin though.
I can imagine how many arguments that causes at peoples homes. "Son/daughter, why didn't you accept me, your loving, stalking mummy as your facebook friend?! Because..." Fight fight fight, bite bite bite...
I accepted my mom, but she has no clue how to use a computer beyond ms word and email so I'm safe.
I have my uncles, cousins and grandparents but refused my parents' request
simple solution... I have a FB page for my party friends and one for my family and more conservitive friends
Christbane wrote:
simple solution... Don't add your parents.
Amdi Peter wrote:
Christbane wrote:
simple solution... Don't add your parents.
Ultrafunkula wrote:
I can imagine how many arguments that causes at peoples homes. "Son/daughter, why didn't you accept me, your loving, stalking mummy as your facebook friend?! Because..." Fight fight fight, bite bite bite...

my grandmother has facebook... shes like 70
I used to play atari at her house back when it was the shit
I used to play atari at her house back when it was the shit
Last edited by Locoloki (2009-09-04 09:07:06)
Bwahahaha that was awesome!
Got brother and cousins on facebook. Its pretty hilarious though watching some of my friends get busted over facebook by their mums. Funny shit.
I want to punch that cunt in the face for some reason.
good shitGoven wrote:
I LL'd