This is something Sony really, really needed.. … -slim/1269 … -slim/1269
All I can hope is that it's not extremely stripped down.The Rumors Are Reality”…at least according to Kmart this morning, as the blue light-toting retailer’s website has been updated to confirm a “New, Exciting” SKU for the PlayStation 3. Listed at $299.99, the PS3 SLIM unit is slated for release on August 24, 2009, and has the following description:
PS3, SLIM High-Definition Blu-ray player for the best movie experience. Free PLAYSTATION Network membership. 120GB HDD for downloading games, music, videos, and photos. Includes DUAL SHOCK 3 controller. HDMI output for 1080p resolution.
That’s all we got for now…we’ll let you now when Sony officially confirms this rather exciting news.