This is fucking , watch from 5:28 and on.
This is fucking , watch from 5:28 and on.
Ramsey is a twat and a lot of this shit is theatrics, but that was pretty funny.
"I aint no bitch"
"I'm not no bitch!"
Fuck as I type this it's getting better!
To be continued?
"I aint no bitch"
"I'm not no bitch!"
Fuck as I type this it's getting better!
To be continued?

heh nice.. what are they jumping the shark?
that kids off his rocker
that kids off his rocker
I could see Ramsey going outside and beating the shit out of him
nah i doubt itGooners wrote:
I could see Ramsey going outside and beating the shit out of him
the other dude is a former Marine, Ramsay is a former soccerplayer....mmkay
this isnt the first time this has happened for Ramsay …
oh snap, shit is about to get crazy!
His flipping out was completely unfounded. It's like that was his plan from the get go. Ramsey just asked him a question and he was too dumb to answer it straight.
I can't beleive I watched that. Talk about stupid dramatic music and all that other shit they throw in to try and increase the drama. If anything it would've been more dramatic if they just left it alone and tried to keep it real. No stupid music or camera angles.
I wanna go off into a rant/opinion here about background music. Cos it goes for lots of things, when you cut out the soundtrack and stop using stupid camera angles. Things start to seem and feel more real, which adds to the tension and realism.
That's why these days the first thing I do when playing videogames is turn off the music or put it real low. Instead just have the sound effects and voices doing the job.
Oh yeah and good for him for swearing at Ramsey, the guy is a cunt.
I wanna go off into a rant/opinion here about background music. Cos it goes for lots of things, when you cut out the soundtrack and stop using stupid camera angles. Things start to seem and feel more real, which adds to the tension and realism.
That's why these days the first thing I do when playing videogames is turn off the music or put it real low. Instead just have the sound effects and voices doing the job.
Oh yeah and good for him for swearing at Ramsey, the guy is a cunt.
Last edited by Mekstizzle (15 years, 7 months ago)
That looked like it was scripted.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
This show is a guilty pleasure for me. It's so shitty, very set-up and exaggerated (i.e. not even close to "reality"), but I just can't get enough of Ramsay yelling at people. I would watch the first half of Full Metal Jacket over and over, but at least with Hell's Kitchen it's different people getting yelled at.
LMFAO, not only at the clip, but anyone notice how they say the girl team but theres a bloke in there as well. Or maybe just a big dike plumber ?
I'd bet that it was.DeathUnlimited wrote:
That looked like it was scripted.
Regardless, unlike most reality TV, it was actually entertaining.
Actually, my cousin's babysitter from when he was little won season 2. I think that was the only season I ever watched.
Last edited by Poseidon (15 years, 7 months ago)
To be continued?
Double Negatives
Wow, there is more dramatic music in one single part of the episode than Band of Brothers and Black Hawk Down put together.
FFS its jsut fuckign cooking, fucking man up jezus christ.
FFS its jsut fuckign cooking, fucking man up jezus christ.

I wanna know what happens!!!
I just started HK when it premiered and saw those two episodes. However, I predict Ramsay will cut out his heart, sear it in a pan, and serve it to him with a nice garnish.
Insert "No shit sherlock!" pic here.DesertFox- wrote:
I just started HK when it premiered and saw those two episodes. However, I predict Ramsay will cut out his heart, sear it in a pan, and serve it to him with a nice garnish.