Pretty good, unlike your abilities to be convincing or non-transparent in your contrived fail-routine.Macbeth wrote:
Uzique wrote:
Oh hai guiz my evenin was cool and just in case u didnt get the intellectual dick-wagging in my username, i'll grace you with you actual detailsAussieReaper wrote:
Oh how I lol'd!
i met liek some random girls outside subway and told them about kafka'z the trial and also recommended them some albert camus, i told them to read it in french tho cause lol frankly the emezing prose is totaly lost in the eng transliterasion
do you guys respect me or think im clver yet? or do i need to drink more and fap myself whilst quietly weeping?
Pretty good Uzique.
Seriously what are you trying to prove with that name and the constant references, you annoy the fuck out of me because you're probably just doing the fucking play in high-school or some shit. Nobody sees it as a remotely intelligent thing to reference or namedrop- it's goddamn elementary Shakespeare for fuck's sake.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.