-101-InvaderZim wrote:
Uhh Cimlite, It dont matter how much ur armour ur wearing, NOTHING can save u from a body hit with the Barrets
Again, your talking real-life... something wich you basically have to completly forget if your ever to enjoy the game. Battlefield 2 is about balanced gameplay and not realism. It's like a hollywood action movie, it's fun to watch and looks sort of real but it's actually far from it in every possible way.
The rifle does have higher penetration in the game but it does not do one-shot-kills... this is simply to keep the sniper class balanced with the other ones. There would be nothing but snipers if it was not like this.
Games today does not come even remotly close to real-life in terms of immersion or graphics... so what does it really matter if a rifle hurts a little less, this or that rifle fires a slower/faster... or hell, even shock paddles can instantly heal any bullet wound to the head. It's a game, that's all I'm saying.