any one who say the same? or any one who is happy whit their Unlock?
the Accuracy on the medic gun &¤%#¤.. the first one where better.
is it me or the gun that #"¤%&??
Less recoil, less power... more accuracy if you fire single shots.

You have to get used to it, learn where the shots go releative to the (funky) scope. Also make sure that you let it settle between shots, firing too quickly will just add more and more deviation to each shot.

Also if you playing USMC there is no reason not to use it. The medic unlock actually does more damge per round than the M16A2 rifle in the game. If you playing MEC or China the standard weapons have more damage though, so then it's a toss up between damage or accuracy.

Basically all unlock weapons have something positive about them as well as something negative. This is obviously done to keep the balance not making something overpowering. The medic unlock has it's uses though, no doubt about it.
Ok. thanks. do you know were i can see info of all guns. Damage and accuracy info.?? original and Unlocks..??
anyway what´s your favorite??

Last edited by [fastlane]snakeshit (2005-08-05 07:19:48)

i also took the medic gun as my first unlock and have have the same comments about it
It seems almost impossible to kill a guy with one clip using this gun.

For my second unlock i chose the M95 and it also didn't satisfy me. I prefer the SVD when i'm sniper because you can fire about 4 shots in the same amount the M95 fires 1 and is ready to fire it's second shot. Also ... the M95 is able to penetrate engine blocks, and i've seen pictures of people who got hit with this gun. They weren't able to stand up and run to the nearest medic like they do in BF2
Hehe.. wouldn´t like too see that pic..
The game is not about realism, the weapons might look the part but they don't behave anything like it. It's all about game balance and gameplay. Had you been able to get one shot kills by hitting anywhere it would absolutly overpower the sniper class. What you would have then is 32 snipers on each team and the whole game would be ruined. This way it requires skill to become proficient at sniping and when you do it can be very efficant, without everyone doing it.

The unlocked sniper rifle give you something that is not on the damage chart (see below) and that is penetration. The classes that have body armor get protection from shots to the torso. The unlocked sniper rifle goes right through it doing the full damage unlike the standard ones that only does half. It also does a lot more damage to vehicles, as well as shooting through the armored glass of helos, humvees etc.

As for your request to see weapon damages, click this:
I dont agree with you at all... I get tons of more kills compared to the assault rifle!
and the scope makes it possible for long range combat also wich can be vital if you need to clear enemies from a distance..
aa, thanks man. you know alot .
so it´s all about gameplay and balance. but i will think that this game is so mutch more than a game like CS. there the only thing that counts, is Fraggs. But in my dream BF2 is total realistic. and the teamplay is like, how realy were/is, in nam and ME.  Bl. bl bl... forget the last...ha

SeeJay... between two "swe" you are a greater player.. this is the B-scuad talking... not Cimlite but mee..
PS. whats your SPM??

Sorry man... see it now... my gafics... #%&%¤ upp.. it didn´t load your stats...

Last edited by [fastlane]snakeshit (2005-08-05 13:04:05)

just nothing
Dude, there's an edit button for a reason! You don't need to triple post

Posts edited.

Also, moved to General subforum.
lol I'm honored... I think!

My SPM is *drumrolls* check my signature down below.  It's under the Score.

But I have 2.39 spm 

*edit. noticed your dispute just now *doh*

Last edited by SeeJay (2005-08-05 13:10:38)

+42|7134|Waikato, Aotearoa
If you think the L85A1 is a disappointment, try the M95 (Barrets) .50cal sniper rifle. It takes 2 (or more) body shots to bring a man down, and cant damage vehicles/aircraft..... as i said B4, EA should check out desert combat on how the Barrets works.
DC had the mechanics and physics for the Barrets just about right.
If I could I would take back the M95 and swap it for either the L82A1 or G36C

yay Moses - some1 else who agrees with me

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2005-08-05 18:42:07)

+42|7134|Waikato, Aotearoa
Uhh Cimlite, It dont matter how much ur armour ur wearing, NOTHING can save u from a body hit with the Barrets
just nothing

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

If you think the L85A1 is a disappointment, try the M95 (Barrets) .50cal sniper rifle. It takes 2 (or more) body shots to bring a man down, and cant damage vehicles/aircraft..... as i said B4, EA should check out desert combat on how the Barrets works.
DC had the mechanics and physics for the Barrets just about right.
If I could I would take back the M95 and swap it for either the L82A1 or G36C

yay Moses - some1 else who agrees with me

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Uhh Cimlite, It dont matter how much ur armour ur wearing, NOTHING can save u from a body hit with the Barrets
Again, your talking real-life... something wich you basically have to completly forget if your ever to enjoy the game. Battlefield 2 is about balanced gameplay and not realism. It's like a hollywood action movie, it's fun to watch and looks sort of real but it's actually far from it in every possible way.

The rifle does have higher penetration in the game but it does not do one-shot-kills... this is simply to keep the sniper class balanced with the other ones. There would be nothing but snipers if it was not like this.

Games today does not come even remotly close to real-life in terms of immersion or graphics... so what does it really matter if a rifle hurts a little less, this or that rifle fires a slower/faster... or hell, even shock paddles can instantly heal any bullet wound to the head. It's a game, that's all I'm saying.
+42|7134|Waikato, Aotearoa

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

If you think the L85A1 is a disappointment, try the M95 (Barrets) .50cal sniper rifle. It takes 2 (or more) body shots to bring a man down, and cant damage vehicles/aircraft..... as i said B4, EA should check out desert combat on how the Barrets works.
DC had the mechanics and physics for the Barrets just about right.
If I could I would take back the M95 and swap it for either the L82A1 or G36C

yay Moses - some1 else who agrees with me
I meant the L85A1 Trigger. (It was prolly a typo)
just nothing

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

If you think the L85A1 is a disappointment, try the M95 (Barrets) .50cal sniper rifle. It takes 2 (or more) body shots to bring a man down, and cant damage vehicles/aircraft..... as i said B4, EA should check out desert combat on how the Barrets works.
DC had the mechanics and physics for the Barrets just about right.
If I could I would take back the M95 and swap it for either the L82A1 or G36C

yay Moses - some1 else who agrees with me
I meant the L85A1 Trigger. (It was prolly a typo)
Oh, I thought you had unlocked some mystery weapon by hacking the game
I like it.
Better accuracy when in single shot
and once you get used to the scope its great.
L85A1 is such a great gun. I liked it so much in the game that I bought a Airsoft version of it.  Its a great gun because you get the scope for ranged fighting, and you have the automatic part for up close.  Sure it doesnt have the power of the G3 but hey, It gets the job done.  Plus, on top of having a decent gun, you can also rack up points by healing and reviving after you kill people. and you can heal yourself, it doesn't get better.  Next gun to upgrade is the G36C because the M4 is a piece of shit in my opinion.  Someone charges you with any gun and your using a M4, odds are your gonna get shot in the ass...And die.  Yay for C4
-Strength Through Team Work-
just nothing

[A-51]-.Bond wrote:

L85A1 is such a great gun. I liked it so much in the game that I bought a Airsoft version of it.  Its a great gun because you get the scope for ranged fighting, and you have the automatic part for up close.  Sure it doesnt have the power of the G3 but hey, It gets the job done.  Plus, on top of having a decent gun, you can also rack up points by healing and reviving after you kill people. and you can heal yourself, it doesn't get better.  Next gun to upgrade is the G36C because the M4 is a piece of shit in my opinion.  Someone charges you with any gun and your using a M4, odds are your gonna get shot in the ass...And die.  Yay for C4
-Strength Through Team Work-
As long as you choose the medic kit with the intention of actually being a medic, and healing people. I've seen so many people that unlock the L85A1 because they want more kills.
+42|7134|Waikato, Aotearoa
Speaking of the G3, for Assault kit I would have liked the G3 as the basic rifle, and have the new OICW as
the unlock - now that would be cool :-)

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2005-08-05 21:03:29)

+1|7135|San Antonio, TX
Yea im not impressed with the medic gun. Its not all cracked up to be. I want to try out the Jack Hammer now that looks promising!
Jack Hammer??
The Jackhammer is the automatic shotgun with a grand 7 shots in the clip.. it'd be like swapping out a 1 shot kill weapon (the pump shotgun) for a 7 shot kill weapon.. wait you guys already did that switching your AK101/47 for that crap L85A1.. one 3-round burst to the head takes a man down.. one single shot ak101/47 pop to the head takes a man down.. or controlled burst with any f-ing damaging weapon.. if you need the medic unlock to up your accuracy in a video game.. you should just go try and google hacks that get by punkbuster.

the only unlock i've actually found useful is the DAO-12 (Anti-Tank unlock). Now that actually gives Anti-tanks the ability to take on infantry..... crazy

the Special Ops unlock (G36C) is also an overall upgrade from the Spec-op guns.. ya know they have all this right there in BFHQ right?
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7129|Cheshire, UK
Jackhammer os pretty poop IMO. The recoil makes it a rubbish auto wepon and it's damage sucks too.
L85A1 is a great gun.  You have to know how to use it, just like any other gun.  I personally don't like the Jackhammer, or the DAO.  However my friend loves the JackHammer and still havent found anyone who likes the DAO, does it actually work on tanks?  I like the L85A1 because I can smoke people who are hitting my base and my men, shoot em, and go to revive my troops.  If you think the L85 sucks, its probably because your using it for the wrong reason.  Its not meant to be a real damage weapon Melancholy, its meant to suppress for a short time.  Thats what Assault and Spec Ops people are for.  I do aggree that the Barrets should do more damage then it does.  Its a .50 cal sniper rifle for cryin out loud!  Check these awesome pictures of the L85 too.

http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/ga … 0/2004.htm

-Strength Through Team Work-

Last edited by [A-51]-.Bond (2005-08-06 09:14:02)

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