lowing wrote:
JoshP wrote:
lowing wrote:
Ok I have a question.
I have 2 laptops with Vista on them. I bought 2 copies of BF2 complete collection. After installing, the PC's can not log into the same server at the same time. Only one PC at a time can log into the server. The error message is "CD Key invalid". Anyone have any ideas?
They are on a wireless router if that matters
sounds like you used the same CD key on both
use one cd key on one pc and the other cd key on the other PC and you shouldn't have any problems
If you did do that, and you have the error, then maybe it's some funky shit with you having the same IP, but then that would mean that only one person from Qatar could play bf2 at once, so i doubt that
Appreciate the help,
If that happened wouldn't I get error messages just from having the wrong CD in the PC? Or would it play anyway?
Actually if you used both keys at the same time the account you are using to log into the server with would disconnect the other account from the server.
E.g. I have two computers running bf2 with the same CD key and while one of the computers is being used to play bf2 on a server I attempt to login into that(or any other) bf2 it will disconnect the computer/account that was being used first from the server.
Your problem seems to be that you entered the CD key wrong.
Re-entering your CD key on both computers(via the registry files) should help fix your problem.
Click Start.
Go to Run.
Type regedit and hit OK button.
Click on plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Click on plus sign next to SOFTWARE.
Double click on Electronic Arts folder.
Double click on EA Games folder.
Double click on Battlefield 2 folder.
Double click on ergc folder.
Data displayed will probably have x9392 only.
Right click on it and select Modify.
Type in x9392 and then your CD key.
note: don’t include hyphens.
Example: x9392(your Battlefield 2 CD key here
http://reviews.ebay.com/How-to-change-y … LISTINGS:5