Ty wrote:
Beduin wrote:
I didn't finish it yet. So boring... the same over and over again?
Although I'd agree that driving places and being assaulted by numerous people at checkpoints was a tad repeditive and really the only break from that were the few times the actual story came into play, I have to say that the missions themselves were varied and interesting, especially when compared to other games. Take Mass Effect for example; evey side-mission was the same fucking thing. Far Cry 2 had an array of different missions and I was impressed. Further points are earned by the fact that there are different ways to do the missions, (although each enemy having super-senses doesn't help you if you want to try going the stealthy route.)
It's kind of sad; if during development someone said "waitaminute, it's dull having to rive back to the same places over and over again, is there a way we can work around that to reduce the monotony?" INstead someone clearly just thought "whoopee, more playtime to boast about!"
Like I said; good but not great and had the potential to be so much better.
Far Cry 2 had side missions that practical where the same only different location.
Assassinations missions, they dont even bother to tell what the man has done or so. Just head to this place cap his ass and done.
Getting new weapons, Destroy this convoy on the other side of the map. Once done the weapons are unlocked for you.
The normal mission had some variation in them but they said themself you could go straight to the jackal and kill him, bullshit.
So this is not "whoope more playtime to bost about"?
Better than Mass Effect? At least Mass Effect had a story behind the mission apart from Far Cry 2.
5h of the game is basicly the entire game the rest 20-35h is the same stuff.