Uzique wrote:
Flaming_Maniac wrote:
Uzique wrote:
'Intellect', not 'intelligence'. The fuck is wrong with you? I am saying that intellect is a huge driving factor behind the quality of debate, not the poster's intelligence or quantified 'cleverness'.
Shakespeare is considered witty? Yeah, Sonnet 14, so witty.
I can figure out the parallels between Shakespeare and writing styles on this Forum? Sorry, I don't see many people speaking in Elizabethan prose or positing their debates in metred iambs, so I'll have to decline to agree with your whacko statements.
Using intellect you can argue about the superior type of dog food. It is not the most important part at all.
Oh yeah, Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, he was dumb as a rock.
Despite being written in the vernacular, many people consider Shakespeare to practically be written in a foreign language. It might be incredibly interesting to someone who can easily understand it, but if someone has to work to hard just to understand what he is saying all amusement is lost.
I said you're clearly not familiar with his
entire folio, because Shakespeare is not instantly regarded as a 'witty' figure, he is a genius dramatist and poet, not Mark Twain. I never said he was "dumb"- there's a difference between wit and intelligence - quit being purposefully retarded. Besides if you wanted to namedrop some plays in the defense of your argument, you could have chosen more wisely:
As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Merchant of Venice et al and the other Comedies/Problem Plays are infinitely more 'witty' and thought-provoking than
Hamlet. Written in the vernacular? No. Considered written in a foreign language? No. Try Chaucer or some of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles (e.g. The Battle of Maldon) if you want to see English resembling a foreign language. Comparing well-written, modern prose to antiquated and outmoded poetic language is just an absurd argument.
Nice try though.
So he writes some serious things and is no longer witty? He is very well known for his wordplay.
Wait, so Taming of the Shrew isn't a comedy? Interesting you attack my knowledge of his works and don't spot a comedy when you see any case, Hamlet still has lots of wordplay that would be considered witty.
Yes, it was written in the vernacular. He was a
playwright for the masses remember?
The point about Shakespeare is that not everyone wants to read something that takes effort to convey what can be expressed as a simple idea. It can be excessive and unnecessary to discussion.
You are really proving my point here, both with this redirection from my original point (you put words in deez's mouth and insulted him for it) and in your replies to Pug. You can use your intellect as much as you want in these pointless digressions, you might even prove yourself the victor in some cases. The problem is no one cares when you are arguing about something so asinine as how brilliant Shakespeare is. Substance is
vital to interesting debate, of which intellect is of little consequence.
Perhaps this why people feel DAST has degraded. People over-analyzing posts looking for stupid "gotcha" moments. People trying to "win" in any manner they can, regardless of where the debate is. People should be in dissension to further understanding, not for some archaic need for dominance.