Deeds, not words.
+311|6759|Greenwood, IN
My R.O.S.E. Online Review

  Well... I want to start by saying my review will be based on the older version of the client.  Which is just call R.O.S.E. Online.  The newest version of R.O.S.E. is called Evolution which was developed by Triggersoft after the original company closed its doors on R.O.S.E.  The difference between the clients is just the interface and some settings.  Otherwise the game is the same from both.  Same story, creatures, planets, and so forth.  Triggersoft, which is in charge of the North American version of R.O.S.E. have made the game free to people if they run their own servers and use the old version of the R.O.S.E. client.  So that being said...

  There are lots of free server out there with their own rules and items.  The one I choose to use is call Arua R.o.S.E.  This one is really nice at being there are 5 servers to choose from.  One server for classic settings, 2 servers for 8x the normal experience points, and 2 more with 30x the experience points.  Other wise they have the same items, NPCs, quests, and places.  I've tried all 3 servers and found that the 30x experience points is by far the funniest.  Not so much because its easier because even though it is 30x it still takes a while to level up.  It is quicker but it also gives you a chance to really customize your character without spending days and nights over months getting there.

-=[ Classes ]=-

Lets talk about classes.  I'm not going to go into great detail about these because there is a lot to tell.  I'll just give a basic just...

Each class of character has 2 subclasses.  With each subclass comes more powerful skills and attacks you can use towards PVP and quests.  Currently the max level you can achieve is level 210.  At this point you should be able to travel to the first 4 planets in the system.


[-=Muse=-] Muses use magic to attack enemies or heal/enchant fellow players. Muses use intelligence as their main stat. Muses use magic staffs or wands, the latter usually with a support tool. When Muses reach level 100, they can choose a second job: Mage or Cleric.
Mages are powerful spell casters who cast spells such as Meteorite Flow, Icy Hailstorm or Staff Stun. They are often used in parties as damage specialists. They can do a tremendous amount of damage when buffed. Mages do not only add points in Intelligence, but also in Strength so as to gain more attack power, defense, HP, and weight limit. Mage only use staff for close fighting.
Clerics are the supportive branch of Muses. Clerics focus on making their healing spells and enchantments[buffs] stronger and mostly dependent on parties to level, but if needed they can summon monster to attack like an Elemental or a phantom sword, or can alternatively use summoning capsules. They are also the most versatile class in the whole game, some players put their stat points solely on intelligence, others may choose to put on some Strength in order to hold a shield, or some Sensibility to gain more attack power and to inflict more critical hits.

Soldiers are melee/ranged fighters, who focus on offense or defense. Soldiers use strength as their main stat. They party with other classes and provoke enemies to form a mob of monsters for higher and faster exp gain. Soldiers use one-handed or two-handed swords, blunt weapons, spears, axes, and shields. Their second job form is either Knight or Champion.
Knights are the defensive branch of Soldiers. Knights usually use one-handed weapons and shields and use area of effect skills, relying on their high defense to do it safely.
Champions are the offensive branch of Soldiers. Champions usually use two-handed weapons such as axes, spears and two-handed swords. Champions excel at destroying single enemies such as bosses, but cannot effectively take damage from (or "tank") multiple enemies at once. They are strong but another downside is they are not trained well in PVP.

Dealers are the money-making class of ROSE. They typically use guns or launchers in combat, which use bullets and canon balls, because of that dealers could be rather expensive to level. Dealers are also skilled in crafting items. The dealers main stat is their concentration, mixed with sensibility. They can later change classes to become either an artisan (crafting) or bourgeois (money maker).
Artisans are the item making branch of Dealers. Artisans can craft equipment, carts and castle gears, and cut gems. Because most Artisans prefer to use as many crafting skills as possible instead of fighting skills, they often focus on speed to accommodate their high chance to inflict critical hits, which deal three times the normal attack damage. Artisans are most commonly seen using guns.
Bourgeois's are the money making branch of ROSE. Bourgeois, or commonly referred to as Bourgs, are all about finding items and dealing damage. Bourgs are also known for their strong mercenary summons, which cost money to use. Bourgs have gun skills which are especially suited for PvP or launcher skills which are especially suited for PvM. Bourgs deal high damage to single enemies and have the greatest distance of fire, they are commonly used to gather materials to make zulie.

Hawkers are fast characters, and wear light armor . They base themselves on dexterity, which is their main stat that supports damage and dodging. Hawkers use katars, dual weapons or bows. They can also hide, boost up their critical and dodge rate, and throw poison knives at their enemies. At level 100, hawkers can become scouts or raider.
Hawkers who prefer using bows advance to the Scout job, effectively allowing the Hawker access to the Scout skill tree which consists of skills that are involved in the projection of arrows. One skill that is unique to the Scout is the ability to conjure a Hawk summon, which aids the Scout in the game by attacking the character's highlighted hostile target. The ability of this hawk is highly controversial. Scouts are also given active skills that increase their attack range, as well as dealing additional damage or ailments; all of these supports are of less effect than those of a cleric."The Strongest in Range"
Hawkers who prefer knuckles or dual weapons advance to the Raider job, which allows them to access skills which mainly inflict damage. There is one skill unique to this job, stealth, which allows them to become neutral, so no player nor any monster can kill them.

I used Wikipedia for the descriptions of the classes.

My chosen class of character is Hawker.  This guy can move fast.  By design he is hard to hit and has medium armor.  He is currently is level 89(As of review.) and I am currently working on becoming a 2nd job Raider.  These guys are very fast and very powerfull once you get past level 100.

-=[ Attributes ]=-

You have strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Concentration, Charm, and Sense.  Those determine how powerfull you character depending on which class you choose. Muse you need Intelligence and Sense. Soldier you need Strength and Concentration. Dealer you need concentration and Charm.  Hawker you need Strength and Dexterity.  You can also increase all with all classes but you should spend most of your points on those 2 attributes.

-=[ Items ]=-

Item time!  Well let see... there are sooooo many different types of items.  If you a dealer you will be able to create new items that can't be bought from NPCs.  Such as the Scream mask from the movie "Scream".  Yes this is correct its in the game. lol  Also there are rare items as well.  You can find rarer items with the "Charm" attribute.  You got your weapons, armor, skill books, scrolls, jewelry, and much more.  They all got be traded in R.O.S.E.'s economy.  The economy is based of off the currency Zulie.  You also have personal shops were people can sell items they have found or made.

Some Screenshots...
ScreenShots 1
ScreenShots 2
ScreenShots 3
ScreenShots 4

[ Wikipedia Entry ]

My final Score... 7/10
Good Points
- Free
- Lots Of Quests
- Player Vs. Player
- Low System Requirements
Bad Points
- 4 year old game
- No Widesceen Support(Manually Set)
- Hates AMD CPUs(Random Slow Downs)
- Glitchy

Now this is just a review and a basic description, not a guide!  There are many detailed guides out there. I gave it a I would have given it a 5/10 if it was not free.

- Naturn
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6119|London, England

No replies? thats harsh, this is a MMO hating community. I'm thinking about trying ROSE, not sure yet
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6593|Brisbane, Australia

Mutantsteak wrote:

No replies? thats harsh, this is a MMO hating community. I'm thinking about trying ROSE, not sure yet
It is, every MMO thread is avoided by most people.

Nice review Naturn
+718|6675|Austin, Texas
Would a standard laptop be able to run it without many issues? Wouldn't mind a free something to do while not able to use my PC.
High Angle Hell
+182|6348|Schofield Barracks

Mutantsteak wrote:

No replies? thats harsh, this is a MMO hating community. I'm thinking about trying ROSE, not sure yet
well it is a forum about a fps game.
+718|6675|Austin, Texas

MadKatter wrote:

Would a standard laptop be able to run it without many issues? Wouldn't mind a free something to do while not able to use my PC.
Had to register... at first it asked for a verification of age, sent me to a non-existant page... okay fine, I find away around it. Wants me to enter address... phone number, seriously? Whatever, put in crap info. Verification, okay, whatever. Finally get to the download page.

Tried to download from their site, got tired of 10kb/s. Got it from another site at 600kb/s, no problems. Installed fine... game guard now whines about 114 error. Search says it's due to antivirus, but I can't find where to allow access.

Shouldn't be a pain in the ass to start up your game. You can't really complain about free, but TBFH it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6759|Greenwood, IN
Well which version did you download?  The Evolution client or the original version?

Evolution = Paid
Original = Free
+718|6675|Austin, Texas

Naturn wrote:

Well which version did you download?  The Evolution client or the original version?

Evolution = Paid
Original = Free
Evolution site says it's free.

[Notice] ROSE online is going Free to Play!

Rose Online has been a part of the Gravity family suite of game titles for several years now. We are going to update ROSE's subscription model to attract more users than ever before.

On July 29 we will be turning the servers over to Free to Play where all accounts in good standing may log in.
/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿

MadKatter wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

Would a standard laptop be able to run it without many issues? Wouldn't mind a free something to do while not able to use my PC.
Had to register... at first it asked for a verification of age, sent me to a non-existant page... okay fine, I find away around it. Wants me to enter address... phone number, seriously? Whatever, put in crap info. Verification, okay, whatever. Finally get to the download page.

Tried to download from their site, got tired of 10kb/s. Got it from another site at 600kb/s, no problems. Installed fine... game guard now whines about 114 error. Search says it's due to antivirus, but I can't find where to allow access.

Shouldn't be a pain in the ass to start up your game. You can't really complain about free, but TBFH it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.
I think that's the error I got too. If you have AVG disable your resident shield...that worked for me. It apparently deletes one of the gameguard files, so you'll have to reinstall. Just make sure it's disabled if you do.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6759|Greenwood, IN
Ok... wow thats news to me.  I guess it just went free!  It was $15 a month.
+718|6675|Austin, Texas

Goven wrote:

I think that's the error I got too. If you have AVG disable your resident shield...that worked for me. It apparently deletes one of the gameguard files, so you'll have to reinstall. Just make sure it's disabled if you do.
Killed all processes from the user, reinstall, no dice. Bloody computer is an ex-company machine that may have to be returned at one point so I can't go messing around with the accounts. They're all tied neatly to the company server... the one I log into isn't an admin, it whines about that when I install, but click "OK" and it has no other issues.

I think the problem might be McAfee, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what part of it would delete this file or block access.

/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
Yea it went free like a week or so ago. I was going to post something here but never got around to it lol. I don't know about McAfee I just nosed around on the internets and looked at what other people that had AVG did and went from there. I'm not sure exactly, because it's been awhile, but I think I tried just closing AVG and ending all the processes and that didn't work, so I rebooted and just disabled resident shield and it worked fine after that. So if McAfee has anything similar to that try it out.

Last edited by Goven (2008-08-05 20:52:13)

+718|6675|Austin, Texas
Will try. It's a bitch trying to do anything without being an admin.
+718|6675|Austin, Texas
Karma karma for anyone who figures out how to fix it. I've got McAfee up (can't really do anything about it) and windows firewall up (no reported issues for either), and I'm not an administrator on the computer. None of the above can be changed. Every single topic about the 114 seems to be about AVG, but I don't even have AVG. I don't have anything other than McAfee AFAIK.

Deeds, not words.
+311|6759|Greenwood, IN
R.O.S.E. Evolution Free > Arua R.O.S.E. Free
+718|6675|Austin, Texas

MadKatter wrote:

Karma karma for anyone who figures out how to fix it. I've got McAfee up (can't really do anything about it) and windows firewall up (no reported issues for either), and I'm not an administrator on the computer. None of the above can be changed. Every single topic about the 114 seems to be about AVG, but I don't even have AVG. I don't have anything other than McAfee AFAIK.

Please halp! I'll try in on my desktop... but.
fuck it

Naturn wrote:

R.O.S.E. Evolution Free > Arua R.O.S.E. Free
I actually prefer Classic. I don't like the mechanics of Evo.
never heard taht game before.
is it like WoW ?
+718|6675|Austin, Texas
It's pretty cartoon/anime-ish. The starting "monsters" are kind of lol, but it seems to be pretty decent for a free game.

Edit: It's pissy about my dual core AMDs... that's the last straw. Delete.

Last edited by MadKatter (2008-08-06 09:15:39)

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