Cowboy from Hell

Poseidon wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Well, E3's this week, and I'm predicting a few things.

2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it) YES
3) Portal 2 announced YES
4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off YES
5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC YES
6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off YES
7) Far Cry 2 shown off YES
8) BioShock 2 announced YES
9) New Xbox 360 model NO
10) GTAIV DLC shown off YES

Any predictions of releases/announcements from you guys?
...Any reasoning behind your "no" answers?
I don't think Dice will announce any BF3 yet and Microsoft's biggest announcement for X360, besides the new games, will be the 3D avatars.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

God of War III please.
Cowboy from Hell

Poseidon wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Well with the price drop to the 20gig, I have a feeling a 60 gig (possibly with a Blu-Ray player) 360 will be coming out. It's been rumored for a long ass time.

Some people are speculating a new, slimmer PS3, so I'd wait until after E3 to buy yours, Kerry.
There's no way they can make that thing slimmer, so go buy yours Kerry.
As I said - there's rumors everywhere. It doesn't hurt to wait another week.
I guess he could wait, but they won't make it slimmer, it's impossible.
Cowboy from Hell

r'Eeee wrote:

God of War III please.
I suspect something is amiss
I would like some more info on Fallout 3, i´m afraid Bethseda have turned it into some oblivion clone.
Oh, more info on F1 '09 please!!
I predict/hope. Commander Keen to be remade for next gen(this gen). Or Ported to xbox live.

ONI 2 from bungie?

Alan Wake might get some showing off?

Doom 4 ? (More Wishful thinking).
Un Moderador

Prince of Persia to be shown off properly, EndWar and HAWX to make jaws drop and Fallout 3 to make heads twirl.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So are they going to give people who bought Crysis this godlike overhaul, or dangle Warhead in front of their noses like a wallet-taunting carrot? I could just imagine: "Yeah, we know the last game you bought from us runs like shit and that we should make amends...and we are! For only $39.99!"
They can't overhaul the current game engine with a patch, they can tweak it, but they're feeling is that now that everyone's built a nice rig and pirated their game, they'll buy the game this time around instead, because they have new money that previously was spent on their rigs.

Warhead does look cool, I didn't buy the original Crysis because I felt it was kinda pointless, but I'm very eager for Warhead, the auto-nade launcher and SMGs look kewl, as well as the two vehicles.

Most importantly, I like the idea of more open ended missions, and less linearity like the original Crysis.

My hopes for E3:

Rick Goodman comes out with his team, and they reveal what they're working on.
Relic comes out and reveals a new CoH game
THQ's Big Huge Games (Creators of Rise of Nations) reveal the RPG they have been working on
We see gameplay footage of Empire Total War--both Naval, Land, and Campaign
Battlefield 3 is released bolded for fucking emphasis
We see more Dragon Age footage
We see more Far Cry 2 footage

I guess OFP2 ingame footage would be nice.

Hrmm...I dunno what else.

Ensemble Studios reveals Age of Empires 4????

MS is attending, but I doubt ES is going to do anything but show off that retarded game of theirs.

Last edited by The_Mac (2008-07-12 07:58:27)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The_Mac wrote:

they're feeling is that now that everyone's built a nice rig and pirated their game, they'll buy the game this time around instead, because they have new money that previously was spent on their rigs.
rolfcopter lollerskates
Just going to go through your list before I add anything of my own

Poseidon wrote:

Well, E3's this week, and I'm predicting a few things.

I'm hoping so too. I also hope it blows everyone away instead of being "more of the same"

2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it)
I doubt it'll happen. Too soon. However if it does it'll be great to see these new ideas they mentioned. Better than the gravity/portal gun apparently

3) Portal 2 announced
I think its too soon for this as well. But i'd like to be proven wrong

4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off
Don't really care about these

5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC
Don't care about them either

6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off
Or them

7) Far Cry 2 shown off
Now this game is looking pretty nice so far. I think it's going to be a 360 purchase though if anything as my PC will only be able to run it on low if anything

8) BioShock 2 announced
Hmm. I loved the atmosphere of the first.  Hopefully the sequel will be able to live up to it

9) New Xbox 360 model
Well it's already pretty much been announced that a 60Gb one exists. But it would be nice if it also included more break-proof hardware.

10) GTAIV DLC shown off
I hadn't considered that until now. Hmm. I hope it is shown off now you mention it. I also hope its huge

Any predictions of releases/announcements from you guys?

Well my first prediction was the first thing you said. The only prediction I have in fact. The only rumoured game I can think of that hasn't been announced.

I'd like to see Mass Effect 2 as well.

Just remembered something else. Out of nowhere. I'd love it if EA announced a new SSX game. One that's as much like Tricky+3 as possible and nothing like the crap that was On Tour and Blur.

Next gen SSX in the style of Tricky+3 would be so awesome.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-12 14:38:19)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Acreta wrote:

halo wars or halo chronicles might be shown from bungie.

Bungie doesn't own the liecence to halo. A few members from bungie stayed on at MS to ensure halo wars wasn't fucked up but other than that bungie has very little involvement in halo anymore.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6118|London, England

=NHB=Shadow wrote:

A New Pokemon Game!!!
O SHI- I forgot, Platinum will definitely be shown.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6870|Riva, MD
2) HL2: Ep 3 announced (although Valve denied it...I still think they'll show some of it)
3) Portal 2 announced
4) Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 shown off
5) Bungie has a new title coming out for most likely PC
6) Tom Clancy's EndWar and HAWX shown off
7) Far Cry 2 shown off
8) BioShock 2 announced
9) New Xbox 360 model
10) GTAIV DLC shown off

1 More than likely
2 Probably not till next E3
3 Again, probably not til next E3
4 Don't really know or care, I don't have that much money to blow on a fuckin console game
5 Could be possible I guess
6 Don't know
7 Almost definitely
8 According to an article I read a couple months ago, BS 2 won't be ready for about another year and a half, probably longer for a game like that
9 Possible based on the speculation of the smaller XBox 540
10 Possible
+252|6857|Sextupling in Empire

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Volatile wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Crysis 2 demo has terrible fps. Oh wait, you want E3 predictions.
I just read an article the other day that said crytek had done an overhaul on their engine. It's supposed to run on high with good frames with just an 8800gt. *crosses fingers*

Bethesda will have Fallout 3 on display at E3. Hopefully we'll see some good gameplay from that title.
So are they going to give people who bought Crysis this godlike overhaul, or dangle Warhead in front of their noses like a wallet-taunting carrot? I could just imagine: "Yeah, we know the last game you bought from us runs like shit and that we should make amends...and we are! For only $39.99!"
There are no overhauls or patches planned for the near future for Crysis. So yeah, their finalized product is actually being released as Warhead, Crysis was the beta run, apparently.
Yes and no, to that, it's harder to overhaul an engine with a patch, than it is to actually re-release that engine in a new game.

I also wonder why people think Bungie would develop a game for the PC.
got any popo lolo intersting?

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Volatile wrote:

TheAussieReaper wrote:

Crysis 2 demo has terrible fps. Oh wait, you want E3 predictions.
I just read an article the other day that said crytek had done an overhaul on their engine. It's supposed to run on high with good frames with just an 8800gt. *crosses fingers*

Bethesda will have Fallout 3 on display at E3. Hopefully we'll see some good gameplay from that title.
So are they going to give people who bought Crysis this godlike overhaul, or dangle Warhead in front of their noses like a wallet-taunting carrot? I could just imagine: "Yeah, we know the last game you bought from us runs like shit and that we should make amends...and we are! For only $39.99!"
It is supposed to run well all-high on 8600GT, proven by a show-off on their test lab
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

So are they going to give people who bought Crysis this godlike overhaul, or dangle Warhead in front of their noses like a wallet-taunting carrot? I could just imagine: "Yeah, we know the last game you bought from us runs like shit and that we should make amends...and we are! For only $39.99!"
It's actually retailing at $29.99.

Sometimes being informed can help you avoid looking like an ass.

In any event, I find their position understandable and a little immature at the same time. "WAHH WAHH PEOPLE PIRATED CRYSIS!"

They blame poor sales on piracy when the reality is not many people bought the game because it wasn't up to the hype or standards.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

The_Mac wrote:

Yes and no, to that, it's harder to overhaul an engine with a patch, than it is to actually re-release that engine in a new game.

I also wonder why people think Bungie would develop a game for the PC.
They're definitely releasing a new game, but people are speculating it's for the PC since they've really only made console games.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6710|Brisbane, Aus

A better in game footage vid of C&C red alert 3, someone must say 'comrade' in it

BF3.  just to keep in line with other posts

Something from Valve, anything HL2/portal  (episode 3 may be a fair way off, but they did start showing footage for Ep2 a year before it came out, so there's gotta be a little clip there)

GTA4 download able content for sure

erm.... can't think of anything else I like that should be out there...... Cod5 maybe?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

The_Mac wrote:

I also wonder why people think Bungie would develop a game for the PC.
Because that's what they started with. Halo was intended to be a PC game too but MS stepped in.

Ffs why do people not know about Marathon? Myth? Even Oni ffs......
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6118|London, England

Flecco wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

I also wonder why people think Bungie would develop a game for the PC.
Because that's what they started with. Halo was intended to be a PC game too but MS stepped in.

Ffs why do people not know about Marathon? Myth? Even Oni ffs......
I was just going to post that
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Flecco wrote:

The_Mac wrote:

I also wonder why people think Bungie would develop a game for the PC.
Because that's what they started with. Halo was intended to be a PC game too but MS stepped in.

Ffs why do people not know about Marathon? Myth? Even Oni ffs......
Oni...I remember that. I knew about Marathon and Myth, but never played either.
say that 2 my face fucker not online

Flecco wrote:

Acreta wrote:

halo wars or halo chronicles might be shown from bungie.

Bungie doesn't own the liecence to halo. A few members from bungie stayed on at MS to ensure halo wars wasn't fucked up but other than that bungie has very little involvement in halo anymore.
well downhill goes the franchise.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

Acreta wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Acreta wrote:

halo wars or halo chronicles might be shown from bungie.

Bungie doesn't own the liecence to halo. A few members from bungie stayed on at MS to ensure halo wars wasn't fucked up but other than that bungie has very little involvement in halo anymore.
well downhill goes the franchise.
One of the guys who helped invent the whole concept for Halo stayed on with MS to help develop the Halo universe.

Oni rocked.

Myth is one of the only few real time tactical games. As opposed to rts. A bit like an awesome version of that Warhammer Mark of Chaos. I played the demo for about 3 months straight when I was 8. Not sure where I got it from. Well, I thought it was awesome. I was young though.

Marathon was where just about all of Halo's new ideas for fps came from. In particular the importance of grenades.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

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