Just because I feel like posting the pics and here's as good a place as any:
My Engy unlock idea
My Engy unlock idea
Just because I feel like posting the pics and here's as good a place as any:
My Engy unlock idea
http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/Sp … ro0006.jpg
http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/Sp … rt0009.jpg
If scout comes then my favorite class would get overplayed and I hate that, I love being the only scout on a teamJenspm wrote:
Peter wrote:
It's gonna happen to everyone at some point though. For me it was when the Medic update was released.Mutantsteak wrote:
If scout comes then my favorite class would get overplayed and I hate that, I love being the only scout on a teamJenspm wrote:
Peter wrote:
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-06-30 06:49:45)
Can't wait.Vi3trice wrote:
heavy_award01: Look at me! Look at me!
heavy_award02: I am a hero!
heavy_award03: It really pays to be a giant!
heavy_award04: Hey everybody! Look at me!
heavy_award05: Yeah!
heavy_award06: Excellent!
heavy_award07: Excellent! It's really excellent!
heavy_award08: I am the most dangerous man of humanity!
heavy_award10: Cry, bunch of cowards! (Best I could do)
heavy_award11: Without me, the team is nothing!
heavy_award12: A medal? It's small!
heavy_award13: I won many medals!
heavy_award14: A new medal! It's good!
heavy_award15: I am a war hero!
heavy_award16: It's me the king of the team!
heavy_medicfollow01: Follow me doctor!
heavy_medicfollow02: We go together doctor!
heavy_medicfollow03: Over here doctor!
heavy_medicfollow04: Let's go together doctor!
heavy_medicfollow05: Follow me doctor! (Different tone)
heavy_medicfollow06: Come, doctor!
heavy_medicfollow07: Come with me, doctor!
heavy_meleedare01: Fight like a man!
heavy_meleedare02: Guns are for babies!
heavy_meleedare03: Fight me, coward!
heavy_meleedare04: Hit me, if you dare.
heavy_meleedare05: I will kill you with my bare hands!
heavy_meleedare06: Let's fight, little man.
heavy_meleedare07: En garde! (Yeah, that's weird)
heavy_meleedare08: Shh... Sasha is sleeping.
heavy_meleedare09: It's not fair to use a gun against a man so tiny.
heavy_meleedare10: What's good to waste bullets on a microbe?
heavy_meleedare11: Fight!
heavy_meleedare12: Come fight if you're a man!
heavy_meleedare13: I propose you a battle of man... (Can't understand the rest)
heavy_meleeing01: Boom!
heavy_meleeing02: *grunt*
heavy_meleeing03: Take that!
heavy_meleeing04: And that!
heavy_meleeing05: And that! (Different tone)
heavy_meleeing06: And also that!
heavy_meleeing07: Right!
heavy_meleeing08: Left!
heavy_special01: You have no more doctor!
heavy_special02: My doctor is still alive!
heavy_special03: Your doctor is dead!
heavy_special04: It's you that started it! *laugh*
heavy_special05: Where is your doctor, coward!
heavy_specialweapon01: My fists are made of steel!
heavy_specialweapon02: A new weapon!
heavy_specialweapon03: I got a new weapon!
heavy_specialweapon04: They will cry infront of my gigantic weapon!
heavy_specialweapon06: This weapon is oversized compared to my tiny enemies!
heavy_specialweapon07: I am heavy weapons guy, and this is my new weapon.
heavy_specialweapon08: This new weapon is good!
heavy_specialweapon09: Yes, I like this new weapon.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-06-30 07:53:50)
olis two fav classesSpidery_Yoda wrote:
Edit: Oh wow. yet another update :p.
Someone just found heaps of new Sniper speech too. Not been translated yet.
Unless the rockets move at higher speeds than the SG rockets, I don't see why anyone would use it.Acreta wrote:
Just because I feel like posting the pics and here's as good a place as any:
My Engy unlock idea
http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/Sp … ro0006.jpg
http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g2/Sp … rt0009.jpg
besides, the rocket sentry is coming i wonder what the wrench unlock would be like?
AxelHUN;7810152 wrote:
I'll try to do it, but I'm only half-russian so dont flame me for my bad transation and my poor english.
sniper_meleedare01.wav: Time for machete!
sniper_meleedare02.wav: Let's get started kid!
sniper_meleedare03.wav: Are you ready for the meeting?
sniper_meleedare04.wav: If you'd like I'll cut you another mouth!
sniper_meleedare05.wav: We'll see how much blood in you!
sniper_meleedare06.wav: Let's do it!
sniper_meleedare08.wav: Time for cutting(not sure, but have to do something with cutting)
sniper_meleedare09.wav: Chop! Chop! Chop!
sniper_meleedare10.wav: I'll cut you a mouth from ear to ear!
sniper_specialweapon01.wav: This is...beauty!
sniper_specialweapon02.wav: Look how beautiful this is!
sniper_specialweapon03.wav: Just glance at it!
sniper_specialweapon04.wav: Hahaha...new weapon...somebody won't be lucky!
sniper_specialweapon05.wav: I'm sure I will like it!
sniper_specialweapon06.wav: Now I have a real cool gun!
sniper_specialweapon07.wav: It seems this is a very helpful thing!
sniper_specialweapon08.wav: Hahaha...like in (maybe it's "for", for example the enemy got a headsot like...) the morning of Christmas!
sniper_specialweapon09.wav: Look at this beauty!
Thats all I can do for the translation...i know its far away from even the good but you can get at least what hes talking about.
So the melee will be some cutting thing...he says clearly 2 times. So guess whats that can be...
it will either be really weak with rapid fire or really strong with massive reload timeTy wrote:
It looks like according to the TF2 development blog that the Heavy is next and although the unlocks have in no way been finalised yet I did manage to dig up this tremendous looking weapon. Sasha's days are numbered.
http://www.fightingamphibians.com/tf2/s … 472065.jpg
I hope the latterXxRavenxX wrote:
it will either be really weak with rapid fire or really strong with massive reload timeTy wrote:
It looks like according to the TF2 development blog that the Heavy is next and although the unlocks have in no way been finalised yet I did manage to dig up this tremendous looking weapon. Sasha's days are numbered.
http://www.fightingamphibians.com/tf2/s … 472065.jpg
That is awesome. Remember the email I posted in the other thread? I think he's referring to that. It's made my day already .As Gabe mentioned in his lengthy response to an email recently, the next class pack will focus on the Heavy.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-02 03:47:12)
Obviously the latter. It's a cannon, whereas the old one was a chaingun which was meant for speed. This is probably meant to cater to the more precise heavy who would prefer longer range or more damage per bullet.Flaming_Maniac wrote:
I hope the latterXxRavenxX wrote:
it will either be really weak with rapid fire or really strong with massive reload timeTy wrote:
It looks like according to the TF2 development blog that the Heavy is next and although the unlocks have in no way been finalised yet I did manage to dig up this tremendous looking weapon. Sasha's days are numbered.
http://www.fightingamphibians.com/tf2/s … 472065.jpg
Last edited by _j5689_ (2008-07-02 18:02:24)
Not in the same server as me.Fat_Swinub wrote:
Pretty clever. Since the pyro updates hardly anyone is spy. Now that everyone will go heavy when the update rolls around, spies will get their chance again.
"Makin' Bacon" was my favourite achievement. Heavies had a hard time in pyro season.DefCon-17 wrote:
I'm going to whore Pyro when the Heavy comes out.