Meow :3 :3
ask David.P
Add "teek22" on your PS3 fools!
+133|6424|Bromley, London

I would say just intimidate the bullies and his older brother ( If i am reading correctly they are all younger than you.)
Just like grab them by their neck and shake them about a bit and be like U DO THAT AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU.

Or get your brother to stand up to them, worked for me twice to two different people, third time I did and got battered lol

Last edited by teek22 (2008-05-27 13:40:19)

A couple of things I've learned from years of hassle and fights...

1. Mind your own an ideal world this will keep you out of trouble but, as we all know, sadly this is not always the case.

2. If you get hassle from a group of people and think you might have to fight them pick out the biggest, strongest looking guy in the group (even if he's not the one dishing out the comments) and do as much damage as you can to him as quickly as you can. You'd be amazed at the psychological effect this will have on the little hangers-on as they see their 'big-gun' being taken on straight off the bat.

3. Train, lift weights and learn how to fight. Nothing helps more in a fight than actual training and fitness. If you're quite young weights might not be an option but martial arts and boxing techniques are always useful...and these days you can get decent instructional videos on YouTube and don't necessarily need lessons to get started. I built up incredible hand and foot speed by shadow boxing with weights on my wrists and ankles over the years...the regular guy on the street won't know what's hit him when confronted with someone who has been preparing for an aggressive situation.

4. Don't let things happen in a 'drip-drip' fashion...if you're getting trouble confront it immediately. Preferably confront people on a one to one basis, most bullies are very brave in group scenarios but dislike hassle on a one to one basis. My dad was great whenever I got hassle from someone at school, we would call to the person's house in the evening after school and sort it out on their'll find a lot of bullies pulling their horns in when they know you'll be landing on their doorstep giving them grief in the evening (it helped that my dad is built like a brick shithouse).

5. When in a fight be prepared to do what the other guy will not. If someone has went out of their way to start a fight with you and you have not actively sought to fight then they must face the consequences of their decisions...kick, punch, bite, fuck the 'rules'. I personally would never use a weapon though (unless my opponent has pulled one on me and I have got it off of them) and if I have someone beaten i.e on the ground or out for the count I usually stop it there, I don't enjoy beating someone more than is required.

6. And last but not least...mind your own business (if you're lucky points 2-5 will not be necessary).
Latter Alcoholic

Canadianloser wrote:

ask David.P
Either the kid doing the bullying or the older brother tried a silent call tonight. I just asked simply who was there the first 2 times... the Third time I screamed Who the fuck is this?... If you are the kid messing with my brother I'm going to kick the living shit out of you... Wanker... then hung up. They didn't ring back, so we will see how that pans out.

The kid is pretty small, and always has his friend with him (Good example is the kid bringing 5 of his friends to the door)

I have told my brother to just hit him as hard as he can manage. If his friend's jump in. Either aim for the throat and eyes etc. Or run like hell.
+447|6890|Seattle, Washington, USA

In this situation, I'd say your bro should probably just beat the bully if the bully really won't leave him alone. I don't think he should go the "psycho" route, he could regret the effects on his social life later. Your bro should just confront the bully. If the bully brings a bunch of friends that all gang up at once on him, go with him to keep the lackies off him or tell him to take his friends. Just make sure they only fight the bullies friends, you don't want anyone else fighting this fight for him or he'll just be messed with for sure when his buds aren't around.
Too legit to quit
+48|6157|Tampa, Florida
Could always tell a teacher or administrator of the school, but if your bro doesn't want to be considered a snitch pack a .44 in his lunch box and flash it the next time the kid tries to give him some shit.

In all seriousness fighting is the last thing you really want to do, but be prepared for it, slap box with your brother a little and give him some fighting confidence, if he really needs to use it at least he will have some of a chance.
Fight that the only way to solve shit like this. Go with your brother when he goes to fight but stay a good ways away so you can see and help if other kids jump in.

Canadianloser wrote:

ask David.P
Well that depends what he wants his brother to do to the bully.
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
tell him to put his dukes up
Over the line!
+70|6791|Mark it zero.
Just have him stand up for himself. Don't have him go start a fight, but just stand his ground.

I never had a problem with bullies when I was in school. I guess they just saw what I did in football and wrestling that they just wouldn't even bother trying with me. Plus I would have had the whole football/wrestling team on their ass
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6173|North Tonawanda, NY

Braddock wrote:

A couple of things I've learned from years of hassle and fights...

1. Mind your own an ideal world this will keep you out of trouble but, as we all know, sadly this is not always the case.

2. If you get hassle from a group of people and think you might have to fight them pick out the biggest, strongest looking guy in the group (even if he's not the one dishing out the comments) and do as much damage as you can to him as quickly as you can. You'd be amazed at the psychological effect this will have on the little hangers-on as they see their 'big-gun' being taken on straight off the bat.

3. Train, lift weights and learn how to fight. Nothing helps more in a fight than actual training and fitness. If you're quite young weights might not be an option but martial arts and boxing techniques are always useful...and these days you can get decent instructional videos on YouTube and don't necessarily need lessons to get started. I built up incredible hand and foot speed by shadow boxing with weights on my wrists and ankles over the years...the regular guy on the street won't know what's hit him when confronted with someone who has been preparing for an aggressive situation.

4. Don't let things happen in a 'drip-drip' fashion...if you're getting trouble confront it immediately. Preferably confront people on a one to one basis, most bullies are very brave in group scenarios but dislike hassle on a one to one basis. My dad was great whenever I got hassle from someone at school, we would call to the person's house in the evening after school and sort it out on their'll find a lot of bullies pulling their horns in when they know you'll be landing on their doorstep giving them grief in the evening (it helped that my dad is built like a brick shithouse).

5. When in a fight be prepared to do what the other guy will not. If someone has went out of their way to start a fight with you and you have not actively sought to fight then they must face the consequences of their decisions...kick, punch, bite, fuck the 'rules'. I personally would never use a weapon though (unless my opponent has pulled one on me and I have got it off of them) and if I have someone beaten i.e on the ground or out for the count I usually stop it there, I don't enjoy beating someone more than is required.

6. And last but not least...mind your own business (if you're lucky points 2-5 will not be necessary).
This is some good advice.

I was a shot putter in high school and I was always a big guy, so I rarely had any bullying problems.  I used to just mind my own business, and few people bothered to hassle me.  When they did, I stood my ground, told them to fuck off, and they always backed down.  Of course, I may have been in different situations -- I never left the school until at least 2-3 hours after school was dismissed so I never had to deal with them outside of school.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6809|Cambridge (UK)

Kamikaze17 wrote:

Just have him stand up for himself. Don't have him go start a fight, but just stand his ground.
This is the best advice in this whole thread.
Bullies are, on the whole, cowards - they pick fights they can win - if your brother shows them that they can not win, they will leave him alone.

Fighting bullies is pointless, it only escalates things.

He should show the bullies that he won't let them win, but without resorting to violence.
If forced to defend himself, he should do so, and ideally come out of it unharmed, but he should exercise restraint.

In short he needs to tell the bullies "don't fuck with me", whilst remaining above them.
Over the line!
+70|6791|Mark it zero.

Braddock wrote:

and if I have someone beaten i.e on the ground or out for the count I usually stop it there, I don't enjoy beating someone more than is required.
if possible try not to go past that point. if you start hitting them while they are one the ground then because of shitty laws, you can get in trouble yourself... even if you are defending yourself and trying to immobilize him so he can't get up and keep fighting.
+405|6506|A W S M F O X
I got bullied pretty bad in primary school because I was a pussy and let them. One day I snapped/hardened the fuck up and started beating up anyone who called me names and then I was popular for the rest of my school days.
+1,352|6536|N. Ireland

Braddock wrote:

5. When in a fight be prepared to do what the other guy will not. If someone has went out of their way to start a fight with you and you have not actively sought to fight then they must face the consequences of their decisions...kick, punch, bite, fuck the 'rules'. I personally would never use a weapon though (unless my opponent has pulled one on me and I have got it off of them) and if I have someone beaten i.e on the ground or out for the count I usually stop it there, I don't enjoy beating someone more than is required.
lol, my friend follows this rule and only this rule. I don't even know how he gets into all these fights! Anyway ... and I quote, "i don't fight clean. i boot them in the balls then a knee in the face, job done."
I've never been bullied but I know that if anyone ever fucked with my little brother they'd get in the face from none other than me. I know it's not cool to fight someone else's battle but if you want it stop asap Fusion, you go have a word with the little twat and threaten him.
+51|6497|Peoples Republic of Portland

HurricaИe wrote:

Tell him to give the bullies a Colombian necktie as a gift.

The psycho option works as well. When he gets confronted, just have him wait for the first shove. Then have him jump on the kid and start screaming in a primal, guttural manner. Pull at the kid's hair, bite him, claw at him, put dirt in the kid's mouth, whatever. Have your brother act more unstable than a shitty nuclear reaction. The bully will be scared shitless.

@liquix wtf do you mean 'go dirty'... there's no such thing as a "clean" street fight... if someone wants to fuck with you, don't hold back
Ya your right. However as kiddies, at least when I was a kid, we didn't nut shot or gut punch. The encounter was similar to a couple of chickens peckin' at each other until a teacher came or one person went down. I suppose these kids are not having a schoolyard fight

Teach your bro how to guard his face, and throw his elbows and knees. Help him out, that's what brothers are for mate.
Say wat!?

White-Fusion wrote:

Either the kid doing the bullying or the older brother tried a silent call tonight. I just asked simply who was there the first 2 times... the Third time I screamed Who the fuck is this?... If you are the kid messing with my brother I'm going to kick the living shit out of you... Wanker... then hung up. They didn't ring back, so we will see how that pans out.

The kid is pretty small, and always has his friend with him (Good example is the kid bringing 5 of his friends to the door)

I have told my brother to just hit him as hard as he can manage. If his friend's jump in. Either aim for the throat and eyes etc. Or run like hell.
The police can check the calls made to your house and from which numbers they are. If it continues take them to court for harassment, that would fucking teach em.

Nintendogamer wrote:

lol, would leave a nice skull imprint on their face.
or scar if you can hit hard enough.
just fuck the kid's sister, then post pics.

JK, but seriously, we want pics.

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

I've never been bullied but I know that if anyone ever fucked with my little brother they'd get in the face from none other than me. I know it's not cool to fight someone else's battle but if you want it stop asap Fusion, you go have a word with the little twat and threaten him.
If they can have the whole family round if he throws a school bag in a field...

Fuck knows what they will do if I threaten the kid. My brother is at school just now, and the calls happened again. So it's not the little kid. It's either the older brother or someone else entirely...
Northern numpty
+194|6490|Boulder, CO

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

I've never been bullied but I know that if anyone ever fucked with my little brother they'd get in the face from none other than me. I know it's not cool to fight someone else's battle but if you want it stop asap Fusion, you go have a word with the little twat and threaten him.
I generally don't fight people (weird considering i'm thought of as a scary psycho by all my friends) and i actually hate my little brother but god help me if somone bullied him then i would seriously screw them over whatever age they were (though if they were young then i wouldn't beat them that badly.

Tbh though it would be an incredibly unfair fight between me and someone in my lil brothers year seeing as he's 10 and i'm 17.

I think the idea of going along with your brother but staying out of sight of the bullies so you can watch and jump in if needed is a smart idea.

White-Fusion wrote:

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

I've never been bullied but I know that if anyone ever fucked with my little brother they'd get in the face from none other than me. I know it's not cool to fight someone else's battle but if you want it stop asap Fusion, you go have a word with the little twat and threaten him.
If they can have the whole family round if he throws a school bag in a field...

Fuck knows what they will do if I threaten the kid. My brother is at school just now, and the calls happened again. So it's not the little kid. It's either the older brother or someone else entirely...
Ok this is what you do. Tell you brother to find the bully during school hours, And observe his routine. Have him follow the bully around from a safe distance for a few days. When he becomes familiar enough with the bully's daily schedule and patterns. Go to the store and buy some laxatives, Powdered or Liquid either way as long as they are tasteless. Tell your brother to take the laxatives and put them in the bully's food or drink. Make your brother sure that noone was watching! Wait 30 minutes. By that time the bully's digestive tract should start to react to the laxatives fully, Sending him running off to the nearest bathroom. Rinse and Repeat. Or...

You could just lure the bully into a warehouse outside of town and... I'll just leave it at that.
A generally unremarkable member

White-Fusion wrote:

Either the kid doing the bullying or the older brother tried a silent call tonight. I just asked simply who was there the first 2 times... the Third time I screamed Who the fuck is this?... If you are the kid messing with my brother I'm going to kick the living shit out of you... Wanker... then hung up. They didn't ring back, so we will see how that pans out.

The kid is pretty small, and always has his friend with him (Good example is the kid bringing 5 of his friends to the door)

I have told my brother to just hit him as hard as he can manage. If his friend's jump in. Either aim for the throat and eyes etc. Or run like hell.
i say you kick that fuckers shit in, you stick with your family, whatever the cost
and judging by the pics of your 'guns' it would be easy

where i come from, he would be called "gay" by now

im not encourgaing anything, but i stick with my first point, id keep an eye on your bro and watch his 6

Last edited by henno13 (2008-05-28 08:51:44)

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