The X stands for
+1,812|6248|eXtreme to the maX
31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Pubic wrote:

Electric cars don't have to be pansy shopping carts...

They can be ugly without looking like shopping carts, apparently.

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
Some people tow and haul.  My company won't be giving us hybrid commuters any time soon.

Last edited by geNius (2008-04-23 09:43:51)

'Light 'em up!'

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
I don't like the idea of fitting into a car smaller than my bed.
+1,352|6635|N. Ireland


Now I'm guessing it was some dude who got hit and sued and bought a ferrari, or just a regular scumbag from this "affluent and we KNOW it" city who got a handicapped placard so he can park his baby wherever he wants.  Oh if I had an egg...but it's cool, he's getting a third of the mileage I get in my minivan! lol
First of all - disabled sign inside the car. Nothing wrong about that. Second of all, the experience of driving a Ferrari is, (and I can only assume with knowledge of others) far better than that of a minivan. People buy these cars with their hearts, not with their head. If you think it is fun to go and egg cars that are too "fancy" then frankly, I hope someone eggs your house. If given the choice of owning a minivan or a Ferrari? I sure hope you don't pick the minivan.

Back on to the topic of hand - that's quite. My mum's Mini One averages 30mpg at 30mph, 40mpg at 40mph and 50mpg at 50mph. 31.6 standard is very nice though - especially now at this 'fuel scare'.

Last edited by kylef (2008-04-23 10:14:48)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6587|The Land of Scott Walker

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
Larger families?
Damn, the family corvette gets 5/35
700horse ftl
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6669|Portland, OR USA
Currently, I have an 11 year old domestic that gets 34 miles to the gallon.  American cars can do it, but there are always those that will hunger for power which equals less efficiency traditionally.  31.6 mpg is at least a step toward some goal regardless of how small you feel the step is.  As has already been stated but I'll echo anyway - better fuel economy is not a solution.  Better fuel economy is a band-aid on a bullet hole at best.  The only solution lies in becoming independent from oil either foreign or domestic.  Whether that comes in electric, hydrogen or still another form matters not so long as it meets the criteria of range and quick/easy refueling.

There will always be a need for powerful vehicles to haul serious tonnage whether that is in the form of a personal boat, or a semi-truck.  Like it or not, we are on the cusp of another paradigm shift.  We became accustomed to cheap gas as a nation and built an infrastructure and lifestyle around it.  It may simply be that you can't afford that boat anymore because you can't afford the gas to fuel it or the vehicle with enough power to pull it.  We enjoy a ridiculously high standard of living when compared to just 50 years ago.
Wiki Contributor


On my lunchtime walk today (30 mins ago) I see this at the curb outside my building...
http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk10 … hef/f1.jpg

Now I'm guessing it was some dude who got hit and sued and bought a ferrari, or just a regular scumbag from this "affluent and we KNOW it" city who got a handicapped placard so he can park his baby wherever he wants.  Oh if I had an egg...but it's cool, he's getting a third of the mileage I get in my minivan! lol
Well would you go and buy a civic hybrid if you had the money this guy has? And maybe he didn't just Sue someone, maybe he earned the money, properly.

PuckMercury wrote:

Currently, I have an 11 year old domestic that gets 34 miles to the gallon.  American cars can do it, but there are always those that will hunger for power which equals less efficiency traditionally.  31.6 mpg is at least a step toward some goal regardless of how small you feel the step is.  As has already been stated but I'll echo anyway - better fuel economy is not a solution.  Better fuel economy is a band-aid on a bullet hole at best.  The only solution lies in becoming independent from oil either foreign or domestic.  Whether that comes in electric, hydrogen or still another form matters not so long as it meets the criteria of range and quick/easy refueling.

There will always be a need for powerful vehicles to haul serious tonnage whether that is in the form of a personal boat, or a semi-truck.  Like it or not, we are on the cusp of another paradigm shift.  We became accustomed to cheap gas as a nation and built an infrastructure and lifestyle around it.  It may simply be that you can't afford that boat anymore because you can't afford the gas to fuel it or the vehicle with enough power to pull it.  We enjoy a ridiculously high standard of living when compared to just 50 years ago.
Is it some sort of a geo?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6743|132 and Bush

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
People that drive around other groups of people as part of their occupation.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
People that drive around other groups of people as part of their occupation.
and who does that anymore
+3,936|6642|so randum
What's the company car structure like in the US&A?

For instance over here it's practically all diesel 5 door saloons (My dad just got his new BMW 330D, and hes had landies, vectras, audis etc before that), and you rarely see a petrol company car (until you start to get into higher wage brackets)
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Deeds, not words.
+311|6747|Greenwood, IN
I just watched "Who Killed The Electric Car" very good movie.  With todays batteries cars can go 300 miles before charging.  On top of that a while back a thread about a guy inventing a battery that last 10x longer than the longest lasting batteries today.  Imagine a car that can go 2000-3000 miles before charge!  Of course we can only hope though. 

Naturn wrote:

I just watched "Who Killed The Electric Car" very good movie.  With todays batteries cars can go 300 miles before charging.  On top of that a while back a thread about a guy inventing a battery that last 10x longer than the longest lasting batteries today.  Imagine a car that can go 2000-3000 miles before charge!  Of course we can only hope though. 
Isn't it though...it got me all worked up...I was ready to write a strongly worded letter...lol...but I didn't...so goes things with me.

Last edited by tuckergustav (2008-04-23 22:09:52)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6680|Long Island, New York

Naturn wrote:

I just watched "Who Killed The Electric Car" very good movie.  With todays batteries cars can go 300 miles before charging.  On top of that a while back a thread about a guy inventing a battery that last 10x longer than the longest lasting batteries today.  Imagine a car that can go 2000-3000 miles before charge!  Of course we can only hope though. 
And if you can buy an extra battery that can charge while you're using the other one, even better...

You could get an entire's day worth of driving down if you're going from say, Long Island to San Francisco for the one time cost of 3 batteries.

All I know is, should it go into production, I'm getting the Chevy Volt without a doubt.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-04-23 22:43:20)

Deeds, not words.
+311|6747|Greenwood, IN
I believe without a doubt that the pure electric car is the future of automobiles.
Germans did 911
+427|6823|Disaster Free Zone

Naturn wrote:

I believe without a doubt that the pure electric car is the future of automobiles.
I don't
Deeds, not words.
+311|6747|Greenwood, IN

DrunkFace wrote:

Naturn wrote:

I believe without a doubt that the pure electric car is the future of automobiles.
I don't
Any reason just curious?
+51|6596|Peoples Republic of Portland
good on Bush, 32 mpg is a good goal for 2015. Believe it or not, it is not difficult to achieve that goal...it wasn't difficult 20 years ago. The problem is marketability, and production costs (lithium anybody?.) Thankfully these can be overcome via new leadership. In America where demand of SUV's has slumped recently, there is are large opportunity for companies like Ford and Chrysler to produce high mileage vehicles that were developed several years ago that can achieve the new goal.

It's too bad that we were so eager to buy up stupid-ass vehicles with ludicrous gas mileage. The only thing American marketed SUV's are good at, is getting shitty mileage...And rolling on 26s like a f'n douche.

By 2015, I'd bet gas is 15 bucks a gallon. Place your best
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6743|132 and Bush

The#1Spot wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

31.6 MPG is a pathetic target. 50-60 MPG vehicles are on the market right now.
Why does anyone feel the need to own a humongous truck anyway?
eg http://www.edmunds.com/insideline/do/Dr … d=120687#8
People that drive around other groups of people as part of their occupation.
and who does that anymore
I do.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

liquix wrote:

good on Bush, 32 mpg is a good goal for 2015. Believe it or not, it is not difficult to achieve that goal...it wasn't difficult 20 years ago. The problem is marketability, and production costs (lithium anybody?.) Thankfully these can be overcome via new leadership. In America where demand of SUV's has slumped recently, there is are large opportunity for companies like Ford and Chrysler to produce high mileage vehicles that were developed several years ago that can achieve the new goal.

It's too bad that we were so eager to buy up stupid-ass vehicles with ludicrous gas mileage. The only thing American marketed SUV's are good at, is getting shitty mileage...And rolling on 26s like a f'n douche.

By 2015, I'd bet gas is 15 bucks a gallon. Place your best
If I recall, in the 70's, there were plenty of cars that got over 30 miles per gallon....so how come after almost 30 years we are at the same level and even less in most cases. Most cars built today are much lighter and supposed to be far more technically advanced than 30 years ago. I guess emission controls would be an excuse.

The problem is the technology is there, has been there and yet we still sit stagnant hanging around the ridiculous mileages most cars get. Car companies and oil companies are in no hurry to change anything and are finding more ways to keep oil in the equation than to remove it. Somebody here needs to start its own car company....lol.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

liquix wrote:

good on Bush, 32 mpg is a good goal for 2015. Believe it or not, it is not difficult to achieve that goal...it wasn't difficult 20 years ago. The problem is marketability, and production costs (lithium anybody?.) Thankfully these can be overcome via new leadership. In America where demand of SUV's has slumped recently, there is are large opportunity for companies like Ford and Chrysler to produce high mileage vehicles that were developed several years ago that can achieve the new goal.

It's too bad that we were so eager to buy up stupid-ass vehicles with ludicrous gas mileage. The only thing American marketed SUV's are good at, is getting shitty mileage...And rolling on 26s like a f'n douche.

By 2015, I'd bet gas is 15 bucks a gallon. Place your best
If I recall, in the 70's, there were plenty of cars that got over 30 miles per gallon....so how come after almost 30 years we are at the same level and even less in most cases. Most cars built today are much lighter and supposed to be far more technically advanced than 30 years ago. I guess emission controls would be an excuse.

The problem is the technology is there, has been there and yet we still sit stagnant hanging around the ridiculous mileages most cars get. Car companies and oil companies are in no hurry to change anything and are finding more ways to keep oil in the equation than to remove it. Somebody here needs to start its own car company....lol.
A guy named Tucker did that once...didn't work out so well for him, unfortunately.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6669|Portland, OR USA

The#1Spot wrote:

Is it some sort of a geo?
No, a Saturn actually.
The X stands for
+1,812|6248|eXtreme to the maX
People that drive around other groups of people as part of their occupation.
Larger families?
No need to panic, its a 'corporate average fuel economy' target.
So if the target is 30mpg, Ford can sell one F150 - which does say 10mpg  and two Focus' which do 40mpg. Overall they get 30mpg.
To meet the target Ford will need to discourage people from buying F150s and encourage them to buy Focuses (Focii?)
Look forward to expensive SUVs and small car packed with gizmos.

If I recall, in the 70's, there were plenty of cars that got over 30 miles per gallon....so how come after almost 30 years we are at the same level and even less in most cases. Most cars built today are much lighter and supposed to be far more technically advanced than 30 years ago. I guess emission controls would be an excuse.
Every gain in economy is swallowed by people demanding more power and hence bigger engines.
Personally I couldn't give a crap if my car does 0-100 in 4.whatever seconds, people who do are trying to compensate for something
US vehicles are low on technology, does it make sense to lug around a 5.0 litre V8 for the 5 seconds a week you spend overtaking a truck? Better to have 2.0l and a turbocharger.
'Emission controls' certainly have screwed us, we are all using 10-20% more fuel than needed all the time basically because catalytic converters make sense in California. Lean burn would have been a winner.

Cars are lighter and more efficient, but everyone's buying SUVs - go figure. Since thats the case they can STFU about gas prices.
Most cars are actually roomier and more useful than the average SUV which just looks big.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Most cars are actually roomier and more useful than the average SUV which just looks big.
You're right.  Also, a van actually has more room than a bus, but the bus looks bigger.

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