Whenever I go invisible I wait a few seconds, bolt out, and promptly die. I know I've seen people on my own side going invisible and kind of smokey, can the other team see that? How long should I wait from going invisible before venturing out? Sometimes you can see a bit of distortion around the invisible spy, I think it's when that is wearing off.
The smoke is from whenever you change classes the spy is kind of wrapped in smoke, and yes the other team can see it.
About a second or two should be fine.
Whenever someone shoots an invisible spy you get that distortion effect, so basically once they shoot you once you're screwed because they can see where you are now. When the invisibility meter hits zero you just re-appear as normal, there isn't a different effect.
About a second or two should be fine.
Whenever someone shoots an invisible spy you get that distortion effect, so basically once they shoot you once you're screwed because they can see where you are now. When the invisibility meter hits zero you just re-appear as normal, there isn't a different effect.
Oh, right, the smoke is for changing, I forgot. So then how long after changing can I go out and not be smokey?
I don't play spy much because I don't do well. I'll be invisible and try to get by an enemy and they just start blasting at me like they know I am there.
I don't play spy much because I don't do well. I'll be invisible and try to get by an enemy and they just start blasting at me like they know I am there.
Random bit of Spy advice: Do not use teleporters.
You will leave a coloured trail everywhere for a while (even when cloaking + disguised) and you will be killed instantly.
I think the Spy is the hardest class to play as by far. Everybody is wise to spies now.
You will leave a coloured trail everywhere for a while (even when cloaking + disguised) and you will be killed instantly.
I think the Spy is the hardest class to play as by far. Everybody is wise to spies now.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-02-28 06:05:13)
I'm pretty sure that when you change, as soon as your character symbol is normal again you look normal. Like when you go invisible your little icon flashes a bit and then goes transparent, that's when you're fine. When you're changing the spy silhouette pops up on your screen, and then I think once it goes back down and shows what class you're mimicking, you're fine.
Cool, I will remember all this next time I play. I wanna knife some bitches up.
Look in the bottom left corner. When it says currently disguising as x you are smokey.
Then it says you are now disguised as x you are disguised.
Then it says you are now disguised as x you are disguised.
Re: How do you use the spy well?
Don't rush after the first 'easy' kill you see, try to spend more time acting convincing and less time simply zerging any old person that is vulnerable. Sadly, in most servers with competent and experienced players, being a spy is hard. People impulse-shoot (engineers especially with their paranoia) anyone that comes near... so you've got to develop the element of surprise as well. No simply strolling up to a sentry in disguise!
Don't rush after the first 'easy' kill you see, try to spend more time acting convincing and less time simply zerging any old person that is vulnerable. Sadly, in most servers with competent and experienced players, being a spy is hard. People impulse-shoot (engineers especially with their paranoia) anyone that comes near... so you've got to develop the element of surprise as well. No simply strolling up to a sentry in disguise!
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Hit the nail on the head,Peter wrote:
Look in the bottom left corner. When it says currently disguising as x you are smokey.
Then it says you are now disguised as x you are disguised.
Watch this video helped me alot.
Last edited by wah1188 (2008-02-28 15:50:28)
GL, it's one of the hardest classes to learn. And add me on Steam, now that I have my computer running again I might try and get my skillz back: haffeysucks.cablecopulate wrote:
Cool, I will remember all this next time I play. I wanna knife some bitches up.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Oh fuckhaffeysucks wrote:
GL, it's one of the hardest classes to learn. And add me on Steam, now that I have my computer running again I might try and get my skillz back: haffeysucks.cablecopulate wrote:
Cool, I will remember all this next time I play. I wanna knife some bitches up.
If I'm not on your team, that is!kptk92 wrote:
Oh fuckhaffeysucks wrote:
GL, it's one of the hardest classes to learn. And add me on Steam, now that I have my computer running again I might try and get my skillz back: haffeysucks.cablecopulate wrote:
Cool, I will remember all this next time I play. I wanna knife some bitches up.
I bet you missed me, I missed you three too. And Surgeons.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Only disguise as Engineer, Sniper or Demoman they tend to stay behind the front lines. The one of the three you should choose is whichever one has the most people on the other team playing it. This is because when you cloak you take the name of one of the players on the enemy team so it will be less likely that people realize you are a spy.
Demo and sniper are better options than engineer though.DoctaStrangelove wrote:
Only disguise as Engineer, Sniper or Demoman they tend to stay behind the front lines. The one of the three you should choose is whichever one has the most people on the other team playing it. This is because when you cloak you take the name of one of the players on the enemy team so it will be less likely that people realize you are a spy.

ahemhaffeysucks wrote:
If I'm not on your team, that is!kptk92 wrote:
Oh fuckhaffeysucks wrote:
GL, it's one of the hardest classes to learn. And add me on Steam, now that I have my computer running again I might try and get my skillz back: haffeysucks.
[lots of space]
I bet you missed me, I missed you three too. And Surgeons.
Depends on the situation. If you're going into a sentry saturated area, an engineer would blend well. Also keep in mind when you disguise as demoman you run at a velocity of 280 (to match demoman) rather than the full 300 or sniper, engineer, spy and pyro.NooBesT wrote:
Demo and sniper are better options than engineer though.
You were part of the threePeter wrote:
ahemhaffeysucks wrote:
If I'm not on your team, that is!kptk92 wrote:
Oh fuck
[lots of space]
I bet you missed me, I missed you three too. And Surgeons.
Just be aware of what the enemy is thinking. Be aware that teleport/disguising makes you smokey/glittery for a while and make sure you know you've been disguised/teleported long enough for there to be no telling signs. Use the "team" disguise too, you can disguise yourself as one of YOUR team, say a medic or a soldier. A team will be a lot less wary if they see an enemy Soldier run past their lines than a Spy or an obviously disguised friendly as they'll just leave the Soldier for somene else to take out rather than yelling to their team about a Spy or running after you themselves.
Scouts are fast. Spies do not get this speed benefit when they are disguised, a slow Scout is a dead giveaway in all senses of the word.
Another bad choice is The Heavy, he's slow and big and a Heavy who is not firing and hanging back is always suspicious. Also if you cloak while disguised your size will mean people are more likely to bang into you.
Use other classes depending on the situation. If you're going after Engineers or Sentries it'd probably be best to not disguise yourself as an Engineer as you run the chance of running into the bloke who's name you've stolen and Engineers are bored generally waiting for their sentries to kill people so they WILL notice.
If you're going after Snipers for instance on 2Fort you can disguise as one of them though. Chances are they've got ther eye-socket glued to their scopes so won't notice your name AND you have the benefit of being disguised appropriatly for where you are. On 2Fort there's also an easy exit straight off the balcony.
One of the best disguises is Medic. Medics don't fire often so you're not suspicious by not firing much, they hang out near the back which is where you'll be. This depends on how close attention the enemy has of course and there are so giveaway signs but Medic is a good bet.
NEVER run in front of the enemy resupply place. The fact that it doesn't open for you is another dead giveaway.
Use invisibility wisely. There are a few places where people will ALWAYS be looking for Spies disguised as friendlies to come through and a friendly charging through an obvious entrance is immediatly a target. It's best to use invisibility to get through those bottlenecks, find a place to de-cloak and continue on your way.
Lastly, if you suck at being a Spy or you're having a bad run, be a Spycatcher. Spies are very easy to kill when you're making it your principle task to watch out for them. Your team will thank you for it.
Scouts are fast. Spies do not get this speed benefit when they are disguised, a slow Scout is a dead giveaway in all senses of the word.
Another bad choice is The Heavy, he's slow and big and a Heavy who is not firing and hanging back is always suspicious. Also if you cloak while disguised your size will mean people are more likely to bang into you.
Use other classes depending on the situation. If you're going after Engineers or Sentries it'd probably be best to not disguise yourself as an Engineer as you run the chance of running into the bloke who's name you've stolen and Engineers are bored generally waiting for their sentries to kill people so they WILL notice.
If you're going after Snipers for instance on 2Fort you can disguise as one of them though. Chances are they've got ther eye-socket glued to their scopes so won't notice your name AND you have the benefit of being disguised appropriatly for where you are. On 2Fort there's also an easy exit straight off the balcony.
One of the best disguises is Medic. Medics don't fire often so you're not suspicious by not firing much, they hang out near the back which is where you'll be. This depends on how close attention the enemy has of course and there are so giveaway signs but Medic is a good bet.
NEVER run in front of the enemy resupply place. The fact that it doesn't open for you is another dead giveaway.
Use invisibility wisely. There are a few places where people will ALWAYS be looking for Spies disguised as friendlies to come through and a friendly charging through an obvious entrance is immediatly a target. It's best to use invisibility to get through those bottlenecks, find a place to de-cloak and continue on your way.
Lastly, if you suck at being a Spy or you're having a bad run, be a Spycatcher. Spies are very easy to kill when you're making it your principle task to watch out for them. Your team will thank you for it.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
A couple of my notes:
If you're going to disguise as an engineer, it's pretty damn obvious you're a spy if you're running around all over the place.
Disguising as a pyro, demoman, or (seriously) a spy work pretty well for me.
If you're going to disguise as an engineer, it's pretty damn obvious you're a spy if you're running around all over the place.
Disguising as a pyro, demoman, or (seriously) a spy work pretty well for me.
Bad classes:
Scout - you run slowly, dead giveaway
Medic - Medics are always healing their teammates, so it's painfully obvious when you aren't
Spy - Friendly spies will almost always have a mask on showing that they are disguised as something, so it's pretty obvious when you see a friendly spy that isn't disguised as anything.
Engineers - used a lot, can still be okay if you're running into a group of enemy engies. They know one of them is a spy, but it's hard to tell which one when they're trying to keep their stuff alive too.
Basically any purely offensive classes are the best, with the usual exception of heavies, since they're so slow. There are some instances when there are a lot of heavies on each time that I've found it to be effective though.
Scout - you run slowly, dead giveaway
Medic - Medics are always healing their teammates, so it's painfully obvious when you aren't
Spy - Friendly spies will almost always have a mask on showing that they are disguised as something, so it's pretty obvious when you see a friendly spy that isn't disguised as anything.
Engineers - used a lot, can still be okay if you're running into a group of enemy engies. They know one of them is a spy, but it's hard to tell which one when they're trying to keep their stuff alive too.
Basically any purely offensive classes are the best, with the usual exception of heavies, since they're so slow. There are some instances when there are a lot of heavies on each time that I've found it to be effective though.
duh, the three is kp, you, and sam.kptk92 wrote:
You were part of the threePeter wrote:
ahemhaffeysucks wrote:
If I'm not on your team, that is!
I bet you missed me, I missed you three too. And Surgeons.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
If you want to sap a sentry, and there's a ton of people there, just hang around the dispenser like your healing yourself, and wait for the crowd to go away, once the crowd is gone, sap the sentry, either backstab the engineer or revolve him, then revolve the sentry as it gets sapped, the sapping process then goes quicker.
If there's double sentrys, get behind one so your covered from the other sentry, kill the engy, sap before it turns around, revolve. if there's no where else to find cover and disguise, then cloak. then repeat process.
If the enemy is shooting you, FIGHT BACK! use your revolver to kill the enemy.
Also medics, the spy is actually a great class to uber on, since they have all the materials for sentry sapping. You uber, spy saps, spy kills engie, then the sentry dies.
Also, don't disguise while your cloaked.
Final note:
Avoid bumping into enemies at all times, take the longer route too if you want to avoid the bumpage. .
If there's double sentrys, get behind one so your covered from the other sentry, kill the engy, sap before it turns around, revolve. if there's no where else to find cover and disguise, then cloak. then repeat process.
If the enemy is shooting you, FIGHT BACK! use your revolver to kill the enemy.
Also medics, the spy is actually a great class to uber on, since they have all the materials for sentry sapping. You uber, spy saps, spy kills engie, then the sentry dies.
Also, don't disguise while your cloaked.
Final note:
Avoid bumping into enemies at all times, take the longer route too if you want to avoid the bumpage. .
Last edited by No/Yes (2008-02-28 17:19:21)
One of the most underestimated tools of the spy is the revolver. With the right kind of aim, it's a sort of semi-auto sniper rifle. I can't count how many times I've stood undisguised and visible in a tunnel popping soldiers, hwg's, demomen and pyros who try to run through. It's really effective at drawing the unwary into engineer ambushes.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-02-28 17:21:25)
Medics with their gun out not firing or healing is really obvious.Ty wrote:
One of the best disguises is Medic. Medics don't fire often so you're not suspicious by not firing much, they hang out near the back which is where you'll be. This depends on how close attention the enemy has of course and there are so giveaway signs but Medic is a good bet.
Not to mention a spy doesn't have the ubercharge % that medics do.