+127|6951|WPB, FL. USA

Superslim wrote:

BF 2, every time a new patch came out  :0
+56|6662|Calgary, Canada

SamTheMan:D wrote:

stef10 wrote:

FEAR at 2am.
yeah i tried once
+515|6948|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
The Hidden mod for HL2.

Hidden Source

Last edited by james@alienware (2008-02-10 11:21:52)

Battlefield 2142
The first Aliens V Predator. When you start the game as a marine and all you have is that movement scanner and suddenly hearing it ping on you but as the area is so dark you have can't see where the aliens are coming from. Good atmosphere in that one.
Prince of Persia.

The first time I got to the skeleton that suddenly stood up and pointed at me with a sword I nearly wet my pants.

This version:
The other kid
OH GOD!!! the memories r coming back!!!! that ugly as shit hamster!!!! those ugly ass people!!!

Origional Half Life when I was like 5 years old it scared the pants off of me!

Machine_Madness wrote:

Crawling though vents on HL1 and those face huggers jump at you. Even when you brace yourself for it, you still jump!
I always hated that bit
Phorum Phantom
Zelda: OOT down in the well.


belldawg wrote:

This ones different to everyone else's answer

When i was a kid i was playing legend of zelda ocarina of time on my n64, and i was in this dungeon thingy
and this freakin zombie jumped on my head and started biting me.... i was 9 lol
I didnt play that game for a while.
Me too. Gave me nightmares.

Last edited by Paco_the_Insane (2008-02-10 16:30:29)

The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6966|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Res Evil on the Wii (only Res Evil game Ive had a go at)

but the most Ive ever jumped on many occasions - BF2.

Your running round Kark (eg) and unknown to you, you are lit up like a Christmas tree on their UAV.  You run around a corner or into a building and BAM, dead, the guy was waiting for you.  I'm often heard on TS screaming "FFs - Don't do that, I jumped a mile".
+947|6804|Gold Coast

bennisboy wrote:

Ah shit I jus remembered one of the pant-shitting moments from STALKER due to A-life. I was in Wild territory, heading back from switching of the antenna in one of the labs. Then I hear the breathing of a bloodsucker and notice its getting closer, I spin round and start running backwards looking for it, then I realised there was actually 2. Heard a strange squeaking sound, spin round and see a huge mutated rate, killed it with the shotgun, which seem to make a huge swarm of them run out of nowhere, and another bllodsucker from behind them. So theres me sprinting away from a huge group of mutants tryin to kill me, while dropping some heavy objects and using energy drinks to keep sprinting. After a while i managed to climb a ladder and escape. I didnt describe it very well, but it was one of the game moments that have made me most scared.
Ooohhhh those motherfuckers. When I first saw it, I shat myself, and sprayed all mah ammo at the mofocker. Sprinted backward the way I came, and went back, looking, ready.
And I remember the part you're talking about.... is there a purple backpack spot in the tower or something? I remember blood suckers around there. I could hear them from a distance away, but I didnt know they were so close :\
I nailed those suckers (no pun intended)
noice                                                                                                        https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/awsmsanta.png
+21|6877|NC, USA, Earth, Milky Way
You're supposed to bomb the "like like" in Zelda: ocarina of time.  I thought fighting Bongo Bongo in the village was terrifying than the well.  That MOFO took me 20 tries before I figured out how to kill him.

Majora's mask was more depressing than scary.  I hated the water temple; that took forever to complete.

Windwaker was awesome, I just sailed the seas for hours digging for buried treasure.  It felt like Morrowind on a boat.  Hint hint, Bethesda!

The original Zelda was scary because I first played the game with the name "zelda"; not knowing what I had done.  When I found ghosts and wizards in level 2...I thought either I suck or I missed getting every secret item from level 1...lol.

Zelda 2 was more stupid than scary.  That game was impossible to beat; nothing like jumping over chasms with invisible bats and monsters that respawned as the screen scrolled.  I eventually beat it thanks to Emulators with "SAVE STATES!"


Saying all that, OOT was the best, and scariest, though not on a Doom 3 level.  Still the shadow temple had its invisible spinning razor statues, dead hands, the boat ride into oblivion, and Bongo the bastard etc.
Resident evil 2 for the gamecube?

I shat bricks when i got attacked by the first zombie and never played it again xD
Should have ducked
+394|6780|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Doom 3 for x box at 3am. Also Stalker with the Horror mod in the dark with the volume way up. All those damn sounds gave me the chills!

With Stalker I got into the habit of fragging every room I was going into just like I was back in the Marines.

Last edited by SgtHeihn (2008-02-11 07:22:56)

16 more years
+877|6818|South Florida

bennisboy wrote:

Resi never really scarerd me.
Oh playing Stalker with headphones on in the dark, the tension and atmosphere in that game is killer.
Hmmm, oh Ravensholme bit in HL, n thats bout it
Yeah! That shit was scary, the adrenaline rush you get when those things are crawling up the pipes and jumping at you.

But for the first scary game i played, i would have to say probly Nightmare Creatures for PS1, or Doom 1 for the PC.
15 more years! 15 more years!
---hates you
+1,137|7049|Hell, p.o box 666

Resident Evil
Doom 3 (well for the first hour or so)
Dun wori, it's K.
+76|6715|California, US
Probably Condemned ...or Doom 3 (Doom may have made me jump more but Condemned is probably SCARIER)

Last edited by Monkeyman911 (2008-02-11 07:35:22)

+69|7001|th3 unkn0wn

stkhoplite wrote:

Resident evil 2 for the gamecube?

I shat bricks when i got attacked by the first zombie and never played it again xD
Lol, how old were u then?
Wolfenstein 3D when I was about 4 years old. Each time a blue guy jumped and shouted from behind a corner, I did too XD
+124|6715|My room

mitch212k_2 wrote:

Bioshock was sometimes a bit ... word.
Mr. Bubble ftw?

The part where you first see him (I think) he skewers a guy and pins him to a wall, with blood spurting out of his every orifice...ugh

The original Half Life came out when I was like 7, 8?

Um yeah, blowing up people and seeing their various viscera spread all over the floor wasn't pretty, either

The tentacle monster (pit fiend thing) was total own, though...poor scientist

Edit: whoops, forgot Ravensholm

Last edited by T1g3r217 (2008-02-11 10:14:42)


{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

Resident evil 2 for the gamecube?

I shat bricks when i got attacked by the first zombie and never played it again xD
Lol, how old were u then?
about 9 xD
+69|7001|th3 unkn0wn

kptk92 wrote:

Battlefield 2142
How's BF 2142 scary???
Doom 3


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