
DocZ wrote:

how in pete's sake are they gonna enforce those unreasonable rules like repairing in back of BH..?  If they want to do that, they should also forbid medics, engi's and support to grab any vehicle, because they automaticaly repair, resupply or heal nearby units....  Where do you draw the line????
i think what they are trying to avoid is self repairing from inside the blackhawk. you cant do that in other vehicles, right? that should have been part of the patch.

they might as well prevent the repair/heal of nearby units. you should not be able to repair exterior damage from inside. and likewise, you cant heal someone standing outside the vehicle you are using if you are a medic. and if someone dies, the medic should be able to drag their bodies to a safe location before trying to revive them with the defibrillator.
I in ways agree with the rule;

"§ Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking"

This is a way to get easy points (someone re-suppy in heli driver gettng points), but, there was no support guy, can you still throw C4 out?

bigelectricat wrote:

i think what they are trying to avoid is self repairing from inside the blackhawk. you cant do that in other vehicles, right? that should have been part of the patch.
You can do it inside the Blackhawk, MI-8, Humvee and Vodnik.

bigelectricat wrote:

they might as well prevent the repair/heal of nearby units. you should not be able to repair exterior damage from inside. and likewise, you cant heal someone standing outside the vehicle you are using if you are a medic. and if someone dies, the medic should be able to drag their bodies to a safe location before trying to revive them with the defibrillator.
Seems like these scenarios are issues that should be addressed with a patch, not a set of rules.
you guys have about summed it up pretty well.  i too think the worst "rules" here is how they define spawncamping and how they prohibit repairing a blackhawk while inside of it.  could you imagine that?  your opponent's team's only base left is an uncappable one and you and your teammates HAVE to let them catch another base.  ridiculous!  would make for a hilarious site though.  as for the blackhawk thing...i don't even know where to start complaining about that.  not only would i be restating what most of you said, but any reasonable person could think of a number of reasons to complain about that when it comes to this game.
I cnat slpel!!!

bigelectricat wrote:

they might as well prevent the repair/heal of nearby units. you should not be able to repair exterior damage from inside. and likewise, you cant heal someone standing outside the vehicle you are using if you are a medic. and if someone dies, the medic should be able to drag their bodies to a safe location before trying to revive them with the defibrillator.
Oh no! What you are suggesting would have to change the game too much...
You can't heal someone on the outside? then you shouldn't be able to administer treatment to APC passengers while driving. And after that - no engy can repair a plane with just a wrench... Stone bridge??!!! with a wrench?

Good ideas, but for a different game...

dan500 wrote:

I in ways agree with the rule;

"§ Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking"

This is a way to get easy points (someone re-suppy in heli driver gettng points), but, there was no support guy, can you still throw C4 out?
Easy points? Easy points is being in the gunner position and raking in 15 kills a minute. Is that stat padding too based on the merit that it is easy? Hell, if I went the entire round resupplying people in a blackhawk throwing crap out the side, I'd be lucky to get 35 points total from resupplies. However, if I was in the gunner position, I could easily get 200+ points killing enemies.
+9|7015|North Kackalaka
What is a high points sever- my clan jsut changed our 32 man sever to run 64 man maps.  We had grown board with the 32 man versions.  We call it a high points sever, is this wht they mean, what if we clalled it a big points sever or a good points sever.   Please be a little more specific.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX

IndianScout wrote:

The new ROE is up Authored by EA and US and are official ... … .php?t=251

§1.8 Players may not use or exploit game mechanisms to artificially boost their score ("stats padding") and Server administrators may not knowingly allow or encourage this activity on their servers.

This would include but not limited to:

    * § Knife-Pistol-Revive
    * § Knife-Pistol only Servers
    * § Knife only Servers
    * § High Points Servers
    * § Infantry only Servers
    * § No Artillery or Armour Servers

§1.8 Players may not use or exploit game mechanisms to artificially boost their score ("stats padding") and Server administrators may not knowingly allow or encourage this activity on their servers.

This would include but not limited to:

    * § Knife-Pistol-Revive
    * § Knife-Pistol only Servers
    * § Knife only Servers
    * § High Points Servers
    * § Infantry only Servers
    * § No Artillery or Armour Servers
    * § Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking
    * § Turning boats upside down and repairing
    * § Glitching inside buildings.
    * § Modifying game files for vehicles and weapons.
    * § Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.
    * § Turning boats upside down and repairing
    * § Glitching inside buildings.
    * § Modifying game files for vehicles and weapons.
    * § Items not included in this list would be up to EA & DICE to interpret.

This is getting personal to me for the first time.  I'm an engineer more than 50% of my time in theater. 
"* § Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking"
If I'm understanding what I'm reading, I "could" be violating the ROE for repairing the BH in flight?
Please tell me I'm wrong. 

I was just on a ranked server last night that went to Mashtur City, and was an engineer in a squad that had 3 squad mates in it, with 2-3 other Marines in the BH. Yes I was an engineer, repairing while in-flight, getting kill assists, and I ended the round with 8 repair points. This is what I call TEAMWORK.

C4 Chucking: I have done this with less than spectacular results, but this is an offensive tactic. How is this a violation of the ROE? Any kit can shoot his pistol/ main weapon, plus toss grenades if equipped, out of the jump seats, so why now the limitation?

Please CLARIFY these ROE.
+101|6989|Southern California
First I am guessing the initial post is bogus, but if not then:

Rules for people are the wrong way to handle this...program it.

Make all in-flight repairs 1/2 the rate of ground repairs -
(there are fewer things you can do inflight anyway right? result: jets/helos would have to land or make 2-3 passes to get repaired/refitted making them less dominating)

Make chucking C4 explosives out of a flying static electricity generator hazardous to your health -
(any throwing of armed explosives can be hazardous anywhere - misfires or predetonations do occur when you take chances with that stuff).

Resupplying people in a helo between LZs is what you should do -
(nuff said)

Don't stop people from using their imaginations just 'educate' them when they break the laws of physics and common sense.
I'm in the middle of rewording the Blackhawk ruling..

this is what the rule applies too..

this doesnt apply to regular game play,

but how many times have you seen a blackhawk over the water somewhere or in the corner of a map and the guy is throwing mines or C4 out the window as fast as he can, while he is getting resupplied,'

if you player can come up with better wording for this rule, I am all ears...

+1|7094|Melbourne, Australia
Is it just me or does the line read

    * § Blackhawking for the sole purpose of getting resupply, repair or explosive badges (stat-padding)

and not

    * § Engineers repairing the Blackhawk and giving supplies while C4 Chunking

ok nevermind i see why now from the above post

Last edited by FunKz (2006-02-08 14:12:45)

+572|6972|BC, Canada

Friluftshund wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

dont ever try to tell me the rules for playing a game i payed for........
not using hacks and cheats are all well and good, but i'll use what ever kit i want in a vehicle,and ill do what i want with a vehicle...
You arn't paying to play on ranked servers... EA doesn't give a damn what you do in singleplayer, but it it defined as a privilige to play on a ranked server - so therefore they have the right to set the rules which all must follow.
whatever.... im not going to stat pad or use hacks... but ill play the game how i see fit. if they want to wipe my stats thats fine.. i'd rather have fun playing with a 0 points profile. than no fun with a 100000000 points profile.
What are high points servers ?
+572|6972|BC, Canada

IndianScout wrote:

I'm in the middle of rewording the Blackhawk ruling..

this is what the rule applies too..

this doesnt apply to regular game play,

but how many times have you seen a blackhawk over the water somewhere or in the corner of a map and the guy is throwing mines or C4 out the window as fast as he can, while he is getting resupplied,'

if you player can come up with better wording for this rule, I am all ears...

what the guy below this post wrote is much better. they way you wrote it it sounds like you cant do bombing runs....
by the way i dont see why you cant use suicide cars.. ive never done it myself, but why not.

OpsChief wrote:

First I am guessing the initial post is bogus, but if not then:

Rules for people are the wrong way to handle this...program it.

Make all in-flight repairs 1/2 the rate of ground repairs -
(there are fewer things you can do inflight anyway right? result: jets/helos would have to land or make 2-3 passes to get repaired/refitted making them less dominating)

Make chucking C4 explosives out of a flying static electricity generator hazardous to your health -
(any throwing of armed explosives can be hazardous anywhere - misfires or predetonations do occur when you take chances with that stuff).

Resupplying people in a helo between LZs is what you should do -
(nuff said)

Don't stop people from using their imaginations just 'educate' them when they break the laws of physics and common sense.
Great Idea's OPSChief. I would have to pretty much agree with them.  Also, didn't they EA state that in the patch the choppers and jets would be easier to take down, basically lowering their hit points/armor rating?  Will be interesting to see if that puts more engineers on the BH or less considering easier to take down.
+101|6989|Southern California

IndianScout wrote:

I'm in the middle of rewording the Blackhawk ruling..

this is what the rule applies too..

this doesnt apply to regular game play,

but how many times have you seen a blackhawk over the water somewhere or in the corner of a map and the guy is throwing mines or C4 out the window as fast as he can, while he is getting resupplied,'

if you player can come up with better wording for this rule, I am all ears...


Use the Phrase  "not in contact" or "non-combat" area or radius, or maybe  "distance from action"

it would be great if they could just code it to detect distance from combat and frequency of munitions deployment/repair/resupply and just not give any points when it happens....

Some ethically-challenged people have figured out that they can appear godly by having a high score and not fighting to get it...the game should somehow force them to fight and not reward them when they remain out of range of action while generating resupply/repair points.  Sadly rules are meaningless to these people....
ok wording has changed to

§ Using Vehicles removed from battlefield for purposes of artificially inflating points

that sounds alot better
+23|7156|Pembroke Pines, FL.
Nice work on the wording IndianScout.  Sounds much better.
Surely it should be patched out? Not told off? Confusarisation :s
+3|7016|Essen - Germany
Just wondering, so please don't take offense in it, IndianScout:

You used terms that were coined by the community (I think) like "Blackhawk Whoring" "Flag Hopping" (those sound like community made terms ) and I am not sure about "spawncamping" (heard it first in BF1942, my first online FPS). So why was the term "Jihad Jeeping" not used in brackets as explanation for "Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles"? Has this to do with political correctness? Or does EA prohibit the offical use of that term in the ROE?

I don't *need* that term in there, I am just asking out of curiousity

See ya,
Wtf you cant do the car bombing anymore ? thats a piss take.

Could someone possibly answer my question, what are high points servers ? If it could get my wiped unknowingly i'd really like to make sure i dont join one.
Un Moderador

hahahahahah yes!!!!!!!!! moongamers servers are completely gutted, as they do not allow to bomb uncappable flags...........yay base raping!!!!!!!! more points for me!!!!!!!!!!! those rules rock. nice on EA. (by the way, first ever complement given to them by me)

IndianScout wrote:

§ Using Vehicles removed from battlefield for purposes of artificially inflating points
+1 Much better. Could still use some refining, I think, but much better. I see the use you're trying to identify now. Previously it sound like it was just "no repairing blackhawks!" which was not the intent.

vonSteuben wrote:

Just wondering, so please don't take offense in it, IndianScout:

You used terms that were coined by the community (I think) like "Blackhawk Whoring" "Flag Hopping" (those sound like community made terms ) and I am not sure about "spawncamping" (heard it first in BF1942, my first online FPS). So why was the term "Jihad Jeeping" not used in brackets as explanation for "Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles"? Has this to do with political correctness? Or does EA prohibit the offical use of that term in the ROE?

I don't *need* that term in there, I am just asking out of curiousity

See ya,
EA allows "Jihad Jeeping" though (so if EA did address it, I'm sure they'd try to be politically correct).  If I remember correctly from those new ROE, it said if NON EA ranked servers prohibited "Jihad Jeeping," then it could be enforced by the server's admins.

Oh IndianScout, nice word choice for the revision.  lol.  You should be a lawyer.

Last edited by Mike_J (2006-02-08 14:49:39)

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