liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6821|Canberra, AUS
@ idea of another Loose Change...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Power Lurker
+27|6813|Jacksonville, Florida

cryptofcolumbus wrote:

Do you believe the story the government agencies are telling us, or do you think there is a more sinister plot line below the surface just waiting for some internet sleuths with too much free time on their hands to uncover?  Was it a true structural failure, or was it helped along by a well placed pack of explosives?
Oh god, not you people again.

Fantasma Parastasie
..i thought the OP was a parody of loose change, making fun of conspiracy theorists by reciting their arguments for this incident with the bridge so as to make them look stupid.

GunSlinger OIF II
it had to have been
+51|6600|Peoples Republic of Portland
I think you should be thinking of the families who lost their own in the collapse first and foremost. Let the conspiracies rest in light of their losses.
Go Ducks.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

..i thought the OP was a parody of loose change, making fun of conspiracy theorists by reciting their arguments for this incident with the bridge so as to make them look stupid.

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6811|NT, like Mick Dundee

This thread is teh funniez.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The Lizzard

Schwarzelungen wrote:

i think a sinister plot would have involved the golden gate bridge or something else.
That's what they want you to think.
+81|6915|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
The truth is you will never know the truth.

Thats why half of conspiracy ideas exist because the people who made them didn't know the truth so they claim they think a certain set of events happend.

Do we know the truth about Roswell no an that happend nearly 60 years ago so even If this is a plot made by governments I don't think we will know the for a VERY LONG TIME (If atall).
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
99 Problems . . .

I know a little something about the state of our roadway infrastructure.

This is a crisis that most of the country is facing.  Roads were laid long before the current traffic flow and before double-tractor-trailers weighing over 80,000 pounds were around.

Pennsylvania has acknowledged this and Governor Rendell is scurrying to try and fund bridge repairs anyway he can, including Leasing parts of our infrastructure to foreign governments.  Don't ask about this one, it's a sore subject for me.

This problem has been building for decades with no quick solution.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6868|Sydney, Australia

T.Pike wrote:

This is a crisis that most of the country is facing.
Yet another possible use for the billions being pissed away in the middle east.

cryptofcolumbus wrote:

I must go work.  I am a Lead Activist for PETA.  I will discuss some of your ideas with a few of my brilliant coworkers while we also save innocent animals, and when I return in a few hours I will bring you my one and final theory.  It will probably be presented in a slide show with a crazy celebrity's voice over and vague facts and misinformation.   In the meantime, no one drive over any bridges.  It's not safe.
+3,611|6767|London, England
I thought this topic was locked by King_Downy (or something) on the pretence that it was the Bridge Monster (aggravated by Cdogmn) who caused all of this?
99 Problems . . .

mcminty wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

This is a crisis that most of the country is facing.
Yet another possible use for the billions being pissed away in the middle east.
O rly ?   

Another knee-jerk liberal reaction.

Did you read what I said?   This problem has been building over DECADES !

I know my employer is the oldest superhighway in America and we have been trying to find alternate funding for Bridge repair since the mid-80s.

Sorry, you can't blame this one on Dub !
Let the rough side drag

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

we're not really serious here, are we?
no doubt...

+1,352|6639|N. Ireland
Bridges actually expand and contract during the year. Some even contract and expand in excess of +/- one metre or more. They collapse - it happens! They need the upkeep (no pun intended).
99 Problems . . .

leetkyle wrote:

Bridges actually expand and contract during the year. Some even contract and expand in excess of +/- one metre or more. They collapse - it happens! They need the upkeep (no pun intended).
I remember the first time I ever actually stood on a bridge, the Twin Falls bridge in Philadelphia.

We had to transfer a patient from a broken down ambulance into ours.  I was scared shitless because I'm not crazy about heights to begin with.

When I stepped out of the rig & felt the bridge swaying I jumped back in.  My partner had to convince me it was normal to feel a bridge swaying.

/ end derail
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6586|Brisbane, Australia

+4|6272|Liverpool, Merseyside
OK im tired of this bullshit, the american government wouldn't need to stage another fake terrorist attack, they did that with 9/11 so they could have a fantastic excuse to go into iraq again, i don't know why in the 90's they pulled back after they had those bastards by the balls. so to the original question no no plotted terrorist attack, just a shitty old bridge that fell down due to a freak accident.  END OF NOW PLEASE!
Go Ducks.

Orrish wrote:

OK im tired of this bullshit, the american government wouldn't need to stage another fake terrorist attack, they did that with 9/11 so they could have a fantastic excuse to go into iraq again, i don't know why in the 90's they pulled back after they had those bastards by the balls. so to the original question no no plotted terrorist attack, just a shitty old bridge that fell down due to a freak accident.  END OF NOW PLEASE!
no but, you see...
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6821|Florida, United States

T.Pike wrote:

mcminty wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

This is a crisis that most of the country is facing.
Yet another possible use for the billions being pissed away in the middle east.
O rly ?   

Another knee-jerk liberal reaction.

Did you read what I said?   This problem has been building over DECADES !

I know my employer is the oldest superhighway in America and we have been trying to find alternate funding for Bridge repair since the mid-80s.

Sorry, you can't blame this one on Dub !
What Mcminty is trying to say is that the billions we've spent on a misguided war would have been better spent fixing our aging bridges.  He didn't say GWB was to blame for this.  Why are you so tense?
+18|6361|Eugene, OR
Having delved through the details of this event in my head for the past 24 hrs, I have come up with what I believe to be the best working theory of the cause of the Minn. Bridge Collapse.  It became evident to me very quickly that this collapse was triggered intentionally rather a mere accident as so many people desperately want us to believe.   After becoming confident in this fact, I needed to decide why this bridge was brought down.  What goal was the perp trying to achieve.  When it became evident that the Bush Regime (Monarchy) wasn't going to try and label this as terrorism right away for their political gain, I knew they were behind it.  There must have been a reason they didn't want people to know it was a terrorist attack.  THEN IT HIT ME!  They want us to think it wasn't a terrorist attack!!  But why?  What I discovered upon extreme self reflection was that it was clearly an attempt to distract the American people from a matter they are highly worried about.  Alberto Gonzalez.  Yeah anybody remember him?  Nobody cares about him much anymore, do they?  PRECISELY the goal of this dastardly mission.  Having said this, the people who committed this atrocity aren't exactly who you would expect (Cheney, Bush, Rove).  It was indeed the Minnesota Twins as Phetal laid out earlier in his theory.  It is evident to me that they have a vested interest in keeping Alberto Gonzalez in power.  Because he is so inept, AG Gonzalez has failed to enforce almost all immigration law.  Why don't the Twins want immigration laws in forced you ask?  Look no further than star pitcher Johan Santana, public enemy #1 if you ask me.  He is an illegal undocumented laborer from the nation of Venezuela.  The Twins want to keep him here so they can continue to make millions of dollars off of his less than minimum wage labor.  They clearly can't allow a qualified, or competent AG come to power, so they contracted the collapse of their bridge outside their stadium to Al Qaeda (for a very good price actually).  They flew their private jet to Pakistan to pick up the work crew and brought them back to Minnesota for their rendezvous with destiny.

Having discovered all this took a lot of energy out of me.  I have many more shocking truths I want to reveal to you guys here at BF2s, but I have to rest now.  I'll be back in a few days with my next attempt to uncover dastardly injustice in America.  Until then, thanks to all who helped uncover the truth.  We are profoundly grateful for your efforts.   Write to your congressmen and tell them to speak the truth about this event.  We need to let the world know what we've discovered here today.  Thanks again, COC

Havok wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

mcminty wrote:

Yet another possible use for the billions being pissed away in the middle east.
O rly ?   

Another knee-jerk liberal reaction.

Did you read what I said?   This problem has been building over DECADES !

I know my employer is the oldest superhighway in America and we have been trying to find alternate funding for Bridge repair since the mid-80s.

Sorry, you can't blame this one on Dub !
What Mcminty is trying to say is that the billions we've spent on a misguided war would have been better spent fixing our aging bridges.  He didn't say GWB was to blame for this.  Why are you so tense?
Except it takes oil for the cars that justify having a bridge in the first place.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6976|Denver colorado

+3,611|6767|London, England
Exactly. Bridge Monster. End of Story. Full stop. Period. He Nommed three times, the people are long gone, get over it.

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