Moderator Edit: There have been a few reports about this thread, but after reading through it, I've decided to keep it open, at least for the time being. I see no point in closing this thread when there are multiple threads talking about how terrible Islam is. I won't be the one to hold up a double standard by closing a thread arguing against what the majority of this forum believes in whilst maintaining other threads that bash religions and races. Although I agree, this thread is borderline, ATG did a good job of providing articles and statements that back up his ideas and beliefs. Anytime a subject like this comes up, of course it will have its opponents, but in the end, and as an unbiased mediator, I see no current issues with keeping this thread open.
Growing up, I always thought that our beef with Cuba was because of their communist socialist ties. The French were bad because they are a socialist country. 58000 young Americans died in Vietnam to stop the spread of socialism and communism.
Flash forward to today. Americas main gripe besides exploding Islamic jihadist is the border with Mexico.
Mexico has a enormous problem with poverty and large families. Part of Catholic dogma is an anti-birth control stance. So you have reckless family planning combined with a corrupt economy and what do you get?
12 million illegal aliens from Mexico in the United States.
Lets examine a few others issues with regards to the catholics, forgetting, of course crimes or allegations thereof prior to the 1980's.
Pope's New Book Criticizes Capitalism
The more illegal aliens are exported to America, the more the quality of life here is diminished, wages are repressed and law and order breaks down.
"You cannot claim to worship Jesus in the Tabernacle, if you do not pity Jesus in the slums.
But instead of teaching responsible family planning you advocate filling the slums with with these needy, largely illiterate people who then go forth to be fruitful and multiply. Teaching responsibility is charity.
If "Towards a Better Distribution of Land" has a failing, it is its emphasis on distribution at the expense of production (though it theorizes that "growth in agriculture leads to an expansion in the industrial service sectors, and hence to overall economic growth") - But land is an issue that lends itself to an overemphasis on distribution because, unlike labor and capital, there is only a fixed quantity of it available.
So, because there is a limited amount of land, it shouldn't be privately owned because that, of course wouldn't be equal now would it?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
In the Jesuit' America, Miguel Esperanza give the following figures: "Between September 1990 and the present moment (June 1992), the Shining Path has assassinated five pastoral agents, two religious women and three priests. The number may seem small, but politically and socially their deaths clearly signified an important new step in the violent career of the Shining Path." 17 Klaiber's writings refer to the same five.
The allegation here is that certain Catholic clergy and nuns have been killed in South America because they are helping foment radical socialist regimes and insurgencies.
We all shook our heads when the nuns were murdered in Peru, now it appears there is more to the story.
Oh, let's not forget the hundreds of millions in sex crimes settlements.
Last I checked, people who went around dorking little boys went to prison, they didn't write a check and get sent on to the next parish.
So in conclusion, the Catholic Church has become a cartoonish vision of evil, and a forceful proponent of socialism. I think it's time the entity be put on a list of vile organizations, like the Taliban.
Whatever good that it has done as been undone by recent scandles and political meddling.
Any condemnation of individual forum members who happen to be Catholic is not implied.
Growing up, I always thought that our beef with Cuba was because of their communist socialist ties. The French were bad because they are a socialist country. 58000 young Americans died in Vietnam to stop the spread of socialism and communism.
Flash forward to today. Americas main gripe besides exploding Islamic jihadist is the border with Mexico.
Mexico has a enormous problem with poverty and large families. Part of Catholic dogma is an anti-birth control stance. So you have reckless family planning combined with a corrupt economy and what do you get?
12 million illegal aliens from Mexico in the United States.
Lets examine a few others issues with regards to the catholics, forgetting, of course crimes or allegations thereof prior to the 1980's.
Pope's New Book Criticizes Capitalism
Well, excuse the fuck outta me. I guess owning my own home and making payments on my wifes car is wealth. I'm all for mexicans having a decent quality of life, I'd just prefer that they largely do it in Mexico."Confronted with the abuse of economic power, with the cruelty of capitalism that degrades man into merchandise, we have begun to see more clearly the dangers of wealth and we understand in a new way what Jesus intended in warning us about wealth."
The more illegal aliens are exported to America, the more the quality of life here is diminished, wages are repressed and law and order breaks down.
"You cannot claim to worship Jesus in the Tabernacle, if you do not pity Jesus in the slums.
But instead of teaching responsible family planning you advocate filling the slums with with these needy, largely illiterate people who then go forth to be fruitful and multiply. Teaching responsibility is charity.
If "Towards a Better Distribution of Land" has a failing, it is its emphasis on distribution at the expense of production (though it theorizes that "growth in agriculture leads to an expansion in the industrial service sectors, and hence to overall economic growth") - But land is an issue that lends itself to an overemphasis on distribution because, unlike labor and capital, there is only a fixed quantity of it available.
So, because there is a limited amount of land, it shouldn't be privately owned because that, of course wouldn't be equal now would it?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
In the Jesuit' America, Miguel Esperanza give the following figures: "Between September 1990 and the present moment (June 1992), the Shining Path has assassinated five pastoral agents, two religious women and three priests. The number may seem small, but politically and socially their deaths clearly signified an important new step in the violent career of the Shining Path." 17 Klaiber's writings refer to the same five.
The allegation here is that certain Catholic clergy and nuns have been killed in South America because they are helping foment radical socialist regimes and insurgencies.
We all shook our heads when the nuns were murdered in Peru, now it appears there is more to the story.
Oh, let's not forget the hundreds of millions in sex crimes settlements.
Last I checked, people who went around dorking little boys went to prison, they didn't write a check and get sent on to the next parish.
So in conclusion, the Catholic Church has become a cartoonish vision of evil, and a forceful proponent of socialism. I think it's time the entity be put on a list of vile organizations, like the Taliban.
Whatever good that it has done as been undone by recent scandles and political meddling.
Any condemnation of individual forum members who happen to be Catholic is not implied.